sugarplum fairy

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

unpleasant and disagreeable woman

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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my life is not a race, I am now 19, and before I know it I will be 30. maybe i will never be rich, maybe i will never write a book like i always wanted, maybe I’ll never travel to the places i always wanted to travel to. when i die there would be thousands of things i could’ve experienced but didn’t, there would be many people I could’ve met and loved but didn’t, death is not the finish line because when i die, there would be endless possibilities left for me, for those like me.death and life are not opposites and I’m not living my life like I’m dying. my life is not a list i need to finish in 20 years, 30 years, 100 years, it is an open field which I’ll plant flowers in. when i die i will never be replaced because no one would be exactly like me, no one would live life like i did.i will always live through someone, through something.

I left a part of myself in literature class in high school and I’m never getting it back

“gay men are not misogynists” have you ever seen light yagami

Men fear women, even as they work to make women fear men, because, on the most basic level, male dominance is an illusion. For patriarchy to work, men have to control literally every facet of sex and family life– who has sex, with whom, and when and whether they get pregnant, who owns the child, and who care for it– and given the unruly nature of sex and birth, this control is perpetually slipping out of their grasp. Patriarchy is inherently unsustainable: It is not possible to control another human being at every moment of every day. It is not possible to control what (or who) women want. It is not possible to own a resource that is located inside someone else's body, which sex and reproduction always are. And if women realied how fragile male control is, everything might change.

So, by constructing this patriarchy, men make monsters: the twisted, slimy, devouring, mutating, massively powerful images of female desire and sexuality and motherhood that take place outside of patriarchy. Monsters are the children that aren't supposed to exist, the feral desires we've fought to repress and forget, the outsiders waiting at the edge of our social world to confront us, the primeval, female body, that gives and takes life without permission. Men's dread of this power has given rise to countless, bluntly anatomical nightmares: corrupting uteruses poisonous blood, women who have slimy, serpentine tails instead of vaginas, or snakelike, elastic jaws that swallow men whole, or "castrated" women whose bodies are open wounds. A monster is a supposed-to-be-subjugated body that has become threatening and voracious– a woman who is, in the most basic sense, out of (men's) control.
from Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers by Jude Ellison Sady Doyle

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i know its a good book when men are crying and throwing up in the good read’s review section and women just gave it 5 stars without any explanation

i miss my dad he has no one to talk shit about authors with anymore

you could absolutely fuck everything up if you had a death note it took police 51 years to find the zodiac killer you think they’re gonna find you

not only I can’t finish my tbr in this lifetime I can’t finish it if i lived 10 lifetimes

gnc women are literally so hot

You can’t educate men out of benefiting from institutional sexism

I love my wifey dan repost

تنها استفاده اى كه از تنها زندگى كردن ميكنم اينه كه نصفه شب يهو اهنگ با صداى بلند ميزارم 😭

take me back

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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