Hedge Witchery and School, UK

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Wild home schooling, growing things in mole mud, barrow crawling, bread and broth making with the fairies in Albion.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Great story for bed time tonight! @LuckDragon9 - thank you for the share!

Found another small farm shop nearby, the kids had a look at their animals whilst I bought a tonne of meat, potatoes, local honey and locally made soap! It seems one of the only ways that smaller farmers can fend off the agri-business (as opposed to agriculture) onslaught is to sell directly to the customer, as the supermarket also abuse the farmers, many of which make a loss each year instead of profit. We are quickly reducing our visits to sainsburys and tesco etc, even things like laundry detergent can be solved via castille soap and soda crystal concoctions or an eco-egg. This is literally the one thing where the "consumer" does have the power. We need the supermarkets to make a loss, this "pandemic" has been amazing for them, along with all other big business.

Avalonian Duke 🐝⚡️ dan repost
This last week I have moved all of my food shopping to a local farm shop. It’s more expensive but this has made me think on what I actually need, cutting out crap that I’d buy cheap in supermarkets. Also highlighting the importance of using everything and avoiding waste. My money now supports local people and I know where what I consume is coming from. My meat is no longer wrapped in plastics and my milk is raw.
I have stopped using shower gels that are filled with all sorts of chemicals and sold in plastic bottles and now use only bar soap, made locally and from natural ingredients.
I have made preparations to start growing some of my own food, by no means anywhere near being self-sufficient but developing skills and knowledge I know will be needed in the future.
And I have also helped 2 friends start making survival bags, everything you might need in worse case scenarios to keep in your car at all times.

We must always make an effort to improve our skills and knowledge, think hard on who we support and where our money is going, and help others make progress too.

Learning some basic survival skills today. The littlest was climbing up very steep incline on her hands and feet too!

THE OLD WAYS dan repost
Ritual dancer by Lucien Frits Ohl (1904-1976)

Hi 👋

An excerpt from 'Real England' by Paul Kingsnorth, explaining the criminal behaviour of big businesses like Tesco and how they have local authorities over a barrel. As far as you are able, stop funding these thugs who destroy our local businesses and plague us with their hideous warehouse structures.

Made an impromptu ham and potato soup tonight and it was gorgeous, so I'll share. Even the kids ate it.

Potatoes, carrots and Leeks cooked for a bit in a pan with butter. When tender add (bone) broth and herbs (bay, parsley, thyme, spring onions, salt and pepper). I then added about a tbsp of liver, a medicinal amount that can go well disguised in the soup, add a bit of milk, cook on low for a bit longer, then remove Bay leaf and blend. Return to hob and add chopped Cook gammon and a tbsp of cream. Serve with some shredded cheese and/or bread and butter. 👌👌

My son's salt dough snails 😍

All found dumped in the local area, cost nothing but the nails! Using leaf mulch and wool for bedding!

Avalonian Duke 🐝⚡️ dan repost

Protect yourself and your family, do research on the things you buy.
There is always a safe alternative to many dangerous products.
Don't touch receipts from shops, they're coated in BPA.
Stop buying plastic, switch to steel, glass or paper alternatives.
Get a reverse osmosis water filtration system for your home, only buy cookware made from cast iron and stainless steel (No plastic or non stick/teflon), buy clothes made from cotton/linen instead of polyester/acrylic, buy organic fruit and veg and meat from local farms, avoid tinned food as much as possible, invest in an air filtration system and clear dust in your home.
Most importantly, tell as many people as possible.

Morning activities

HeimdallR's Home dan repost
Herne's Oak from "The Merry Wives of Windsor" by George Cruikshank

Having a read about how to remove heavy metals from the body and apparently fermented foods and milk thistle are top of the list. I'm on it. The heavy metals are from vaccines, namely Mercury.

You know you're raising 'em right when your son is playing with a giant snake who he said is so big he's in space, so I told him about Jormungandr and he's so excited he came up with the myth 😄

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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