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In 2013 the US Supreme Court ruled that DNA, occurring naturally, could not be patented. However, they noted that DNA manipulated in a lab could be patented. Specifically, the type known as Complementary DNA (cDNA), a synthetic produced from the molecule that serves as the instructions for making proteins, or mRNA. It's certainly no coincidence that these new covid shots being pushed serve this very function.
In other words, there is now patented synthetic cDNA irreversibly swimming inside of untold numbers of people. cDNA owned by corporations, which gives them grounds to claim ownership over wherever their gene therapy property exists. This puts them in a potential position to justify forced compliance upon those who carry their legally owned property.
Those who take the covid mRNA shot literally become the property of the corporation.
Really think about this before you justify yourself into getting that shot. 🔗
In other words, there is now patented synthetic cDNA irreversibly swimming inside of untold numbers of people. cDNA owned by corporations, which gives them grounds to claim ownership over wherever their gene therapy property exists. This puts them in a potential position to justify forced compliance upon those who carry their legally owned property.
Those who take the covid mRNA shot literally become the property of the corporation.
Really think about this before you justify yourself into getting that shot. 🔗