#Us6506148 B2 Patent:
Nervous System
መቼም የነዚ ሰይጣኖች ድብቅ አላማ አይለቀንም።
አስቡት እስቲ የሆነ ሰው የሚሰማቹን ስሜት ሲቆጣጠረው 😱😱 እገምታለሁ ምን እንደሚሰማችሁ ይህ manipulation system ""us6506148 b2"" ይሰኛል ሁል ጊዜ ቴሌቪዥን ስታበሩ ወይም computer on ስታደርጉ nervous systemን controlled ይሆናል ይህ ፓተንት #Us6506148 b2 ነው ያው ምንም ሲሰሩ መጀመሪያ ፓተንት ይሰጡታል የዚህ ፓተንት ስሙ ደሞ Us6506148 b2 ይሰኛል)።
እንዲ ማድረግ የጀመሩት 2001 European calander ነው ይህንንም የፈለሰፈው ሰው እንደሚታመነው Hendricus G.loss ይባላል
አብዛኛዎቻችን እንደምናቀው ቲቪ ላይ ምናያቸው ኮንተንቶች የተፈጠሩት ውሳኔኦቻችንን ለማስቀየር ለምሳሌ እቃ ስንገበያይ እና የመሳሰሉት።
ሳይንስ እንደሚነግረን human nervous system የሚያገለግለው መልዕክቶችን ለመያዝ እና ወደሰውነታችን ለማስተላለፍ እና ሴንሶቻችንን ለመቆጣጠር ነው።
እና ደሞ neuroሳይንቲስቶች. እንደሚነግሩን nervous system ደሞ ሙሉ በሙሉ በ brain ቁጥትር ስር ነው እና ምን ካላቹኝ.
Brain ደግሞ electric field የሚያመርት complex bioelectric organ ነው
ለዚ ነው binaural beat በማዳመጣ የአይምሮአችንን መስመር ማደስ የምንችለው
እንዴት ነው ሚሰራው ካላቹኝ
∆ አይምሮአችን ደካማ በሆነ electromagnetic fields ይነሳሳል ለ 1/2hz ወይም 2.4hz በቀረበ ድግግሞሽ(frequency)
በphysiological effects የሰዎችን የስሜት አስተጋብኦ ለማነሳሳት ይጠቅማል። አብዛኞቹ computer monitor እና ቲቪ tubes እንደዚህ አይነት ምስል በሚያሳዩበት ጊዜ በቂ electromagnetic fields ይለቀቃሉ ከላይ የተጠቀሰውን መነሳሳት ለመፍጠር ማለት ነው።
ስለዚህ በቀላሉ nervous systemአፋችንን ይቆጣጠሩታል ማለት ነው።
#is it
Real or Just
The patent
was filed by one #Hendricus G. Lossv (perceived to
be a fictitious person as no information about who
he really is can be traced).
Is it Worth Any Attention?
We already know that the content displayed on TV
or even on the internet is created in such a way as
to influence decisions, such as when making a
purchase or standing behind certain beliefs.
The mind control subject has been a topic of
discussion for a long time.
Although initially
considered a conspiracy theory, its reality has been
observed in the content displayed by mainstream
But how about manipulation through the nervous
Science teaches us that the work of the nervous
system is to carry messages throughout the body
and control your senses. The nervous system,
according to neuroscientists, is controlled by the
Now, the brain is said to be a complex bioelectric
organ that produces electric fields.
Scientists also claim to control brain
functions with a technique that uses powerful
electromagnetic radiation. This technique, known a
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), can jam
or excite particular brain circuits.
Think of how you are not allowed to use cell phone
in some areas of a hospital or in an airplane (wher
some only allow use in airplane mode). This is so
that the electromagnetic transmission of the phone
does not interfere with critical electrical devices.
So if a brain is a bioelectrical organ, is there a
possibility of manipulating it?
How it Happens, According to 6506148 B2 Patent
Here is a short excerpt from the patent abstract:
#“Physiological effects have been observed in a
human subject in response to stimulation of the skin
with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed wit
certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to
excite a sensory resonance. Many computer
monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed
images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of
sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation.
⬇️It is, therefore, possible to manipulate the nervous
system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on
a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter,
the image pulsing may be embedded in the program
material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video
stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal.
The image displayed on a computer monitor may be
pulsed effectively by a simple computer program.
For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields
capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby
subjects may be generated even as the displayed
images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.”
The US Patent 6506148 B2 is a confirmation of the
possibility to manipulate the nervous system. The
patent includes 14 claims including how video can
be used to manipulate the nervous system.
Is it just a conspiracy theory? No well !!!!😳😳😳
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