【夜貓加油站】深宵支援熱線Late Night Helpline Support夜麻麻瞓唔著,想搵人傾兩句?
等我哋陪你傾下講下,Hong Kong Aid推出「夜貓加油站」,為大家打打氣!
Services Time 服務時間:9pm~2am
Contact 聯絡方法:020 8432 3286
如對於呢個熱線計劃有任何查詢,亦可以 tg 我哋
@HongKongAidCan't sleep at night and want to talk with someone?
Feeling lost and upset and want to air your grievance?
Feeling stressed and want to discuss with the others?
Got difficulties but do not know where to reach out?
Let’s share your ups and downs with us. Late Night Helpline operated by HKAid would like to cheer you night owls up late at night!
It is never easy to adapt to a new environment in the UK. Restart your mindset, live a good life and fight for more in the future. We are here, and you are never alone. Let’s share your difficulties and worries with us. No worries, we are with you. We are supporting each other. Let’s look for hope together with perseverance.