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Welcome to the Principality of Hometermia
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Aryan Invasion of India: Myth or Reality?

DNA evidence has shed new light on the origins of the Indian people, the Hindu religion and the Sanskrit language. Pastoralists of the Andronovo culture from the Bronze age steppe invaded India from the North West and brought Indo-European languages to the Indian subcontinent. These pastoralists were ethnically white people, and they mixed with Indians to create the modern genetic diversity of India. This theory has been developed over 200 years, and has often been attacked as a colonial fable or even as Nazi propaganda, but now genetic science has vindicated the Victorian scholars who said the roots of the Aryans lay in the Corded Ware culture of Europe.

Aryan Invasion of India: Myth or Reality?
DNA evidence has shed new light on the origins of the Indian people, the Hindu religion and the Sanskrit language. Pastoralists of the Andronovo culture from...

They have always feared the independence and strength of White People, which is why they have sought to shut it down with their shitty Abrahamic religions and their wars of aggression every chance they got.

"What exactly is this 'Hometermia' this channel is named after?"

With requests asking about the origin of the name and lore behind it I, Johnathan (Co-Creator and Admin of this channel) will explain:

In the first century of EAX in the Northern Territories of Euthornia neighboring the Kingdom of Kröftmark in the west and The Grand Dutchy of Kryžiuss in the East lied the numerous Proklaskz, ruled by Dukes of many Houses of Nobles and Merchants warring off with one another for power in the region, power of might and trade. These Dutchies have remained divided and un-united as none of them have had the power to keep all the territories united under a single crown. That changes in 12EAX...

In 12EAX Hȅnrii Mocski, next for the Crown of the Dutchy of Kródż had a dream in where an Angel sent by Somn (God of Dreams) blessed Hȅnrii and told him of his prophecy to unite the lands of the Ponaks (Ethnic Group) into a realm of his own divine. Months later he became the Duke of Kródż and started his campaign in uniting the lands under his rule; with the help of many other Crowns of Proklaskz from Gregorsor of Lorz and Petr of Strelzak, as well as a favor granted by Elysios, The Elder King. It took Hȅnrii 15 years to take control most of the lands in the region and had done so at the age of 32. By the time he had turned 35 in the year 32EAX Hȅnrii had Crown himself King of all plonaks in his new Kingdom, the Kingdom of Hometermia named after Termas, Brother to Inferna Goddess of Fire and Keeper of the Pheonix Order.

When Hȅnrii passed away in 62EAX at the age of 65 the Crown was passed down to his 20 year old son and heir to the thrown Jacub. Jacub had many problems facing the kingdom his father left behind, such as how to manage the autonomy the subjects of the realm, the rights of non-Ponak and religious minorities such as the Mystarians or Muxa or even how they were to handle the hordes of Orc marching throughout Euthornia in their conquests.

With reforms to the rather despotic autocracy his father ruled before him Jacub had now placed himself and the nation under a Principality as one of his first major actions taken under his administration. He had decided to expel most of the Muxa from the realm as he had his suspicions of them creating secret societies behind his back, as well as suggesting they were behind many of the outbreaks of diseases spreading across the land. Jacub later went on a Campaign with his legions of Huskars along with other Euthornian Kings, Lords and Tribes in the war against the Orcish hordes led by Murzol the Terror lasting from 71-89EAX. From there on he ruled his realm with the focuses on Military Strength and as the Stronghold for the Followers of the Pheonix Order.

Hometermia has a land mass of 730,000 sq mi
A population numbering around 38-40 Million (95% Ponaks, smaller populations of Lithors, Cekzres and Deuschts)
Is predominantly followers of the Pheonix Order of The Celestium (Faith of the Celestials)
Is one of the Strongest nations in Euthornia, including winning a battle against the Titanians, and one of their professional fighters Vikor Żela in being the first human in defeating a Shinelzi in hand to hand combat.
The First Monarch and Founder of the nation, Hȅnrii Mocski, also goes by the names as Hȅnrii the First, Hȅnrii of the Ponaks and most popularly 'The Most Grand Ponak'.

The beauty of white women is unparalleled. The diversity of natural hair and eye color alone reinforces this. The world continues to become increasingly dangerous for beautiful white women. Where non-whites from cultures that rape and murder white women daily now walk among us and demand equity and tolerance for their vile cultures and religions, all the while subverting and trying to destroy ours. Worst of all? Many of our own or rather, our enemies within, not only accept it as fate but also contribute to it.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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