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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Traditional Britain Group dan repost
Highly sinister but expected. The overwhelming majority of teachers are generally reported as having hard Left views. They want to ensure pupils leave schools with their own values, not "far-Right" opinions, even when these socialistic views will destroy these children's futures.

The End Times dan repost

Also make sure that this doesn't get forgotten, when the Swine Flu pandemic in Britain was admitted to be a hoax to sell vaccines and the media had to admit this and backtrack on all the lies they had previously pushed. The blame was put solely onto the pharmaceutical industry who had oversold its severity to the government , who were, of course, innocent and merely working on bad advice.

It's not like there was any kind of conspiracy between the pharmaceutical and medical industry, governments, media, technological development and the entire political system here...


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
"The council of Europe will launch a probe into pharmaceutical companies accused of manipulating swine-flu data. This follows a claim from a renowned German scientist that vaccine companies pressured the World Health Organisation into declaring a swine-flu pandemic, seeking to increase profits."

"It was supposed to be a pandemic, but it's so far nothing more than a serious cold. And it's left a lasting headache as a debate rages over whether pharmaceutical companies deliberately misled governments over the seriousness of swine-flu to make them stockpile vaccines."

Sidestepping the obvious plot holes here, such as governments being 'misled' by the pharmaceutical companies and being innocent, and words such as 'seriousness' which retain the core narrative that, even if harmless, these unique strains still exist - we have a lot to unpack here.

The 'Swine-flu' and 'Bird-flu' pandemics were dress rehearsals for 'Covid-19,' to gauge how the public would react to a scripted pandemic.

Antonio 1848 dan repost
The gesundheits health passes were real but it’s still completely pea brained to present that as proof of Democrats being Nazis.

There were very real, very lethal epidemics in Europe at that time and long before as you probably know. Diseases like cholera, tuberculosis, typhus and all the rest were rampant. The German Empire mandated a vaccine against smallpox in 1874 which lasted until the 70s. The only interruptions of this mandate were a brief time toward the end of Weimar Republic and the entire Third Reich period.

By the time Hitler and the Nazis took over the country in 1933, disgruntlement with compulsory vaccines had been building for a while. This anti-vax sentiment was especially inflamed by a 1930 incident in which more than 70 children died thanks to a tuberculosis vaccine (the Lübeck disaster). As a result, the Weimar government suspended compulsory vaccination. When Hitler and the NSDAP took over in 1933, they actually kept the relaxed Weimar vaccination policy in place. They weren’t entirely opposed to vaccines nor were they entirely pro-vaccine. There were differences in opinion in the party as well as the public. Julius Streicher was a prominent vaccine skeptic.

In 1935 Hitler’s health ministry added a conscience clause to the vaccination law, writing that it was “better if unnecessary restlessness was avoided in the implementation of laws.” Forced vaccination against the will of kids and parents alike, which had caused outrage throughout the Weimar years, stopped happening from then on. By 1936, Germans no longer had to prove they’d gotten a smallpox vaccine to attend secondary school.

The NSDAP health pass was real, but it wasn’t some crazy tyrannical act of government overreach like Covid green passes, or homicidal population control measures like the present day vax mandates are. It was just a way of documenting health status to avoid further spread of real diseases that people actually got sick and died from in massive numbers. We’re not talking about some government manufactured case of the sniffles like Covid which is presented as the deadliest thing ever only to justify worldwide Jewish big Pharma inoculation.

To point to the German health pass and compare it to today’s post-scamdemic technocratic financial elite policies is dishonest and stupid. It’s the definition of false equivalence. Conservative plebs who share that picture only do so because they’re getting their cues from controlled opposition pundits online. It’s easy to show someone a picture and give them a quick one liner to parrot. “Oh look a picture of a Nazis drinking water. Know who else drinks water? Obama and Hillary! Look at this picture, they even hold the glass the same way, I see no difference!”

Libtards laugh as rightwingers try to circumvent their mandates while accepting what is ultimately a liberal, Jewish premise: the evil Nazi authoritarianism narrative. Conservatives aren’t fighting on their feet because the liberal premise has them pinned. They’re pinned and libs are choking them out because they refuse to learn history.

Antonio 1848 dan repost
Certificate of typhus vaccination for Chaim (Heinrich) Hirsch Katz (1902–1969) from the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Was this “the Nazis” imposing their big Pharma tyranny on Mr. Katz? No. This wasn’t forced, it was voluntary. The Weimar government suspended forced vaccinations before Hitler, and only a few years into Hitler’s chancellorship forced vaccinations were done away with. The date here is 1935, meaning Mr. Katz got this certificate by his own volition and the jab was more than likely administered by a Jewish doctor. He wasn’t dragged kicking and screaming by “the Nazis” to get vaccinated.

Antonio 1848 dan repost
Conservalibs on social media are still pushing the picture of the German health pass. They think screaming “Nazis” from the rooftops like a 2015 libtard is an effective political strategy. What’s more amazing is how the conservative response to Covid mandates is practically identical to their take on gun control. The blame “Nazis” in both cases.

Despite the fact that literally all gun control legislation has been spearheaded by Jewish democrats like Schumer, Feinstein, Blumenthal and Boxer, and despite the fact that Hitler lowered the age requirement to obtain a firearm from 21 to 18, making guns more easily available, conservalibs call democrats “Nazis” and assume the role of the “innocent Jew” who was shoah’d after their “guns were taken.” If they were alive in Germany, Hitler would’ve made it easier for them to have a gun to defend themselves against Jewish bolshevik Commies, but Conservatives have no clue, they think the Jews were just innocent bystanders who were oppressed by Hitler for no reason, so they assume the Jewish victim role.

Likewise with Covid, everything from the virus to the vaccines is entirely a top-down plutocratic Jewish agenda enforced by leftist elite Jewry, yet the right attacks an historical figure who would’ve been on their side against said elites. By comparing today’s Jewish elite to “Hitler,” they’re neutering their own ability to fight back because they’re disavowing policies which, if they knew about them, they’d be totally aligned with. Just like with gun legislation, Hitler relaxed compulsory vaccination laws, yet conservatives insist on calling their opponents “Nazis” instead of what they are: Jews.

Antonio 1848 dan repost
I’m sure those 9 new pharma billionaires are all “Nazis” who came here through “operation paper clip.”

Thuletide dan repost
New article:
>NWO Agenda Explained: COVID, Digital Identity, The Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transhumanism, Agenda 21, etc.

Finally finished. It's pretty long but explains the entire "COVID" agenda. There is a TL;DR at the bottom of the article for those too lazy to read the full thing.

- One-world government
- Agenda 21
- Sustainable Development
- Smart Cities
- Belt and Road Initiative
- Vax passports
- Digital identity
- Social credit system
- Abolition of property ("own nothing, be happy")
- One-world currency
- Blockchain
- 'Behavioral sequencing' and behavioral engineering
- Neuralink (brain microchips)
- Transhumanism, in general
- Some other stuff


Stop The Lockdown, Resist The Vaccine dan repost
The NSDAP ran anti-vaccine campaigns. They also warned, repeatedly, about big financial interests gaining too much power (they nationalised the banks and imprisoned the Rothschilds).
The book burnings you refer too were of transgender propaganda and pornography from the Max Hirschfield institute of sexual studies.

What groups exactly are you proposing unite together? Are you referring to the foreign communities that have been brought in by this same elite? Why did the elite bring them in?
Do you think that the elite bringing in radically different groups of people might of been a previous, and ongoing, attempt at dividing society? A look at how the British empire artificially changed native territories to cause conflict between native groups suggests that this has been going on for a long time.

Why is it that people believe all the other radical social changes brought in by this same elite were benign but only this one is a problem? Is there not a possibility that it all ties together?

I would suggest you are wrong, yes. You fundamentally misunderstand the political landscape and havent correctly identified the powers that be, you instead refer back to the bogey man that the same elite grant you permission to criticise.

The TrUK Show dan repost
Renowned adrenachrome-slonker "Crooked" Hillary Clinton is now demanding the Prime Minister of another country (not hers) to sack all remaining pure bloods from their jobs!

She really is a vile demon - causing a lifetime of suffering for many via her gross "incompetence".

How come the contents of Anthony Weiner's laptop were never fully revealed, despite numerous NYPD cops reportedly distraught and scarred after seeing the infamous "frazzledrip" tape?

Why do so many who have gone after the criminal Clinton foundation end up killing themselves?

And this hideous bitch thinks she has any legs to stand on when it comes to what I decide to put into my body?


Earthling Carl dan repost
You wouldn't think this was still an 80%+ White country judging from the news.

Laura Towler dan repost
By "extremism" they mean a White person who can read statistics and wants less immigration.

They want no opposition at all. They ban us from mainstream social media sites, so we use Alt Tech, so they try to get them shut down, so we begin building communities in real life, so they raid our homes, label us terrorists and try to change the law to get rid of us.

Do you think we're just going to wake up one day and suddenly stop caring about England? Nationalism isn't going anywhere.

UK govt must crack down on apps promoting extremism, Labour leader Starmer says, taking special aim at Telegram

Survive the Jive: All-feed dan repost
Housing developments popping up everywhere not only ruin the English countryside but also cover up our heritage. Fortunately this was discovered before developers could hide it, something they routinely do.


Thoughts from the Fyrgen dan repost
Dissidents often claim that this Flu World Order is 'the death of civilisation'. I'm not so sure about that. Civilisation depends upon overblown man-made rules and technological dependency - both of which we're seeing an increase of. This is civilisation on overdrive.

THE OLD WAYS dan repost
The healthcare system is unnatural. They always paint a picture for us of how advanced, and evolved our modern civilization is compared to our primitive ancestors, and yet, no one asks why our supposedly evolved and advanced civilization has so many sick, overweight, depressed and addicted people. Especially when you acknowledge the fact that the most technologically, scientifically urbanized, industrialized countries on this planet are full of sick people. You would think that an advanced civilization would have a very low amount of sick, and overweight people.

Earthling Carl dan repost
They started off going hard on the clearly fake psyop 'Insulate Britain' group but are now already fixing their sights on the real opposition of anti-vaxx protests.

The "spreading of misinformation" must be dealt with!

☢ F A L L O U T ☢ dan repost
This is correct.

But... Who are these communists? Who are the leaders? What do they have in common? What do they have in common with the Russian Bolsheviks? What is the motive? Motive, means, & opportunity establish the crime. But you must identify who holds the smoking gun.

If you refuse to identify the criminal because doing so is "problematic" then you're doing the same thing the Jewish media does when it refuses to identify the race of a perpetrator when they're not White. You've fallen into a Catch-22. Checkmate. You're done.

This is why conservatives continue losing. Reactionary behavior doesn't win. There must be a foundation to stand firmly on and a plan to push back with the proud weaponry at our disposal. You must be more ferocious than your opponent. And this opponent is fanatical. There is no reasoning with them. It's literally us or them and they're already ahead of the game.

Conservatism fails in every regard. It will be defeated easily because it's already surrendered. We need better.


Red Ice TV (Censored) dan repost
The person who wrote the Forbes piece "The Zombie That Is Single-Family Zoning — Destroy It Before It Destroys Us" is Atticus LeBlanc, he is the CEO of something called "PadSplit" that has the tag line "Furnished rooms for rent - all utilities included."

"They know that these ancient policies were designed for a different era, for a completely different set of problems and for a completely different demographic of nuclear families that no longer exist. But, like zombies, these regulations are hard to kill."

You starting to see a pattern here? Pod living is just an economic crash away.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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