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The bot will be fixed soon. Kindly exercise some patients. And you'll be notified as soon as it gets fixed.

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71824 ta ovoz

There appears to be a server outage. I’ll update this post once things are resolved.

Back to normal

The issue is back. Seems like Telegram floodwait restrictions.

Server is under maintenance

Bots are back online!

Please show some love 🥹❤️

This is just a reminder that we are still alive! 😃

We just did a quick server maintenance that GREATLY improved bot performance MAJORLY. Enjoy!! 💅

Done! 🤧❤️

Almost done 😀
Sorry for the delay 🤧

Bots are currently undergoing server maintenance.

The bot search engine has been updated! You will now be able to find more things 😉

Don't forget to show your appreciation by following and supporting us to enjoy more! 🥳

😩 Telegram keeps limiting our bots with floodwait restrictions.

Edit: working fine now 😎

Yay baby. The bots will be back to normal soon 😎

"Something is better than nothing."

Due to many requests we enabled inline search in the bots even while under maintenance. So the bot may not work as expected for now 👀

Edit: looks like it's just the anime bot that works perfectly. Just wait till maintenance ends 🤦🏻‍♂️

Bots are currently undergoing server maintenance. You'll be notified when it's back online

It appears only few channels still upload ongoing series and movies. If you know a good channel that still does or you're up for the task tell us here

All bots will be under maintenance this week for improved performance and better search system, we'll be upgrading the search engine to 2.0.

While we await maintenance you can look through @iPapkornCloud

Note: Telegram's floodwait still applies to bots

Main Bot:

Alternatives (recommended):

Anime Only:

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.