Institute for Advanced International Studies

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The Institute of Advanced International Studies (IAIS) is an independent, international and interdisciplinary research institute within the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) in Uzbekistan

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⚡️We proudly announce the latest in our #FrontierTalks series — a public seminar featuring Takayoshi Kato, an Environmental Economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This session will delve into the critical theme of climate resilience in emerging economies, including Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

The seminar offers a pivotal opportunity for stakeholders to gain insights from Mr. Kato’s extensive experience in environmental policy and climate risk management. 🌱

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🗓 November 7
⏰ 15:30
📍 IAIS Meetings Area (UWED, D-building, 2nd floor)

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🇮🇳 The paper by Azizjon Ziyodullaev delves into the intricate adjustments India has made to its Afghanistan policy in light of the Taliban’s unexpected return to power in 2021. The author argues that while India’s fundamental strategic interests — maintaining regional security, countering terrorism, balancing Pakistan’s influence, and fostering economic connections with Central Asia—have remained constant, the approach has transitioned from active engagement to a more cautious form of involvement. This shift illustrates India’s pragmatic recalibration, aiming to sustain its influence and core objectives without direct engagement with the new Afghan authorities.

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🏛 On October 30, Senior Research Fellow of the Center for American Studies Fazliddin Djamalov led a training seminar focused on enhancing the design of presentations and analytical materials. This seminar was conducted as part of a broader refresher course tailored for heads of khokimiyats (local administrations) currently undertaking professional training at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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📈 Barqaror rivojlanish markazi ilmiy xodimi Sardor Murtozayev tomonidan tayyorlangan sharh O‘zbekiston iqtisodiyotiga to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri xorijiy investitsiyalarni (TTXI) jalb etishning hozirgi holati va dinamikasini tahlil qilib, TTXIni barqaror iqtisodiy o‘sish, texnologik taraqqiyot va ish o‘rinlari yaratishning asosiy omili sifatida ko‘rib chiqadi.

📌 Muallif aniqlashicha, 2016-2022-yillar oralig‘idagi TTXI sanoatda, ayniqsa to‘qimachilik va kimyo ishlab chiqarishida, shuningdek, energetika sohasida sezilarli o‘sishni ko‘rsatmoqda. Shunga qaramay, mashinasozlik va farmatsevtika kabi yuqori texnologiyali va eksportga yo‘naltirilgan tarmoqlarga investitsiyalar hamon past darajada qolmoqda.

📎 Sharhni veb-saytimizda o‘qing

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🇮🇳 From 14 to 26 October, Azizjon Ziyodullaev, Research Fellow at the Centre for Afghanistan and South Asian Studies, attended an exclusive training course at the Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign Affairs, New Delhi. This annual programme for Central Asian diplomats offered in-depth insights into India’s expanding diplomatic strategies, technological advancements, and its multifaceted relations with Central Asia.

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🇳🇱 UWED welcomed a high-level delegation led by His Excellency Ambassador Nico Schermers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Central Asia. He engaged in a dialogue with UWED’s First Vice-Rector Akram Umarov, Deputy Director of IAIS Shakhboz Akhmedov, and Research Fellow Odilbek Manabov. This gathering marked a significant milestone in advancing academic ties between UWED and Dutch institutions, laying a solid foundation for future collaboration.

💡Further demonstrating his commitment to enhancing academic engagement, Ambassador Schermers delivered an insightful guest lecture for UWED students.

In addition to addressing the students, he also met with Hamza Boltaev, Head of the Centre for Afghanistan and South Asian Studies at IAIS, to explore specific areas of collaboration.

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🇺🇸 Scheduled to occur following the U.S. Presidential Elections, this next session — spearheaded by the Center for American Studies — will delve into the complexities and outcomes of one of the most closely watched elections worldwide.

🗳 The seminar will provide a comprehensive overview of the electoral outcomes, highlighting key races, winners, and noteworthy trends that emerged during the election process. The briefing will delve into the implications of these results on various levels of government, as well as anticipate the trajectory of political developments in the United States and its implications in Central Asia.

🗓 November 8
⏰ 10:30
📍 IAIS Meetings Area

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🇵🇰 On 26 October, IAIS leadership and personnel met with Pakistani experts General Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery, President of the Centre for South Asia and International Studies (CSAIS), Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, Dean & Meritorious Professor at the School of Politics and International Relations at Quaid-i-Azam University, and Mahmud Sultan, Leading Researcher at CSAIS, to discuss pressing regional issues and opportunities for collaboration.

The dialogue covered a range of topics demonstrating the interconnectivity of Central and South Asian regions, such as:
🟠regional foreign policies of major powers
🟠international conflicts and security
🟠counter-terrorism strategies
🟠multilateral diplomacy platforms

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🇮🇳 On 26 October, IAIS hosted a meeting with representatives from India’s Tillotoma Foundation, marking a significant step towards enhanced academic and diplomatic collaboration between Uzbekistan and India.

“Let us work together on the geopolitical chessboard”, remarked Mr. Akhmedov

🤝 A notable outcome of the dialogue was the consensus to explore joint research projects and seminars in areas that resonate with both academic and policymaking communities.

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📖 On 25 October, UWED welcomed an important visit from Professor Nazif Shahrani of Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. Prof. Shahrani met with First Vice-Rector Dr. Akram Umarov, along with the staff of the Institute for Advanced International Studies, including Hamza Boltaev, Head of the Centre for Afghanistan and South Asian Studies, and Research Fellow Odilbek Manabov.

✅ The dialogue underlined UWED’s ongoing commitment to international academic cooperation and provided a platform for the exchange of perspectives on Afghanistan’s current political climate and strategic future.

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🇺🇸 From October 21 to 23, Abbos Bobokhonov, Head of the China Studies Programme at the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies, embarked on an important academic visit to Washington, D.C. His visit facilitated a series of significant engagements with esteemed scholars from prominent universities and experts from leading U.S. think tanks, enhancing prospects for future collaboration.

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🎓 On 23 October 2024 the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted a scientific seminar devoted to the thesis works on the specialty 23.00.04 – “International relations, political issues of world and regional development” of PhD candidates in Political Science Yulduzkhon Imomova on the theme “Evolution of the Afghan vector of US foreign policy: trends and prospects” under the scientific guidance of Dr. Kodir Juraev, a member of the Committee on International Affairs and Interparliamentary Affairs of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Islomkhon Gafarov on “Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy in the South Asian Region (India and Pakistan Case Studies)” under the supervision of Dr Akram Umarov, First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at UWED.

🔗 Read more about these PhD theses on our website

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Amerika tadqiqotlari markazining yetakchi ilmiy xodimi Fazliddin Djamalov “O‘zbekiston 24” telekanali efiridagi “Xalqaro nigoh” ko‘rsatuvida AQSH vitse-prezidenti Kamala Xarrisning yaqinda Fox News telekanaliga bergan intervyusiga e’tibor qaratib, Amerika siyosatidagi so‘nggi voqealarning chuqur tahlilini taqdim etdi. Ta’kidlash joizki, Fox News an’anaviy ravishda Respublikachilar partiyasini qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi, bu esa murakkab siyosiy muhit va saylovoldi kampaniyasining qizg‘inligini hisobga olgan holda ushbu intervyuga alohida ahamiyat beradi.

📹 Ko‘rsatuv parchasini tomosha qiling

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🚞 IAIS continues its commitment to knowledge-sharing through its ongoing #FrontierTalks series. The latest seminar, led by Senior Research Fellow Nargiza Umarova, focused on the critical role of transport and transit cooperation as a driving force for regional integration in Central Asia.

💭Attendees exchanged views on how regional cooperation could mitigate existing barriers, with several proposing increased bilateral and multilateral dialogues among Central Asian nations to develop a coordinated approach to transit projects. Others highlighted the importance of digitalizing transport documentation and enhancing the efficiency of border controls to reduce delays and costs.

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From October 16 to 18, the conference on Enhancing Connectivity and Cooperation in Eurasia within 4th Manas Forum took place at Ibn Haldun University (IHU) in Istanbul, where leading scholars, policymakers, and diplomats from the Turkic world gathered to discuss pivotal issues shaping the region. On behalf of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED), the event was attended by Mr. Shakhboz Akhmedov, Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced International Studies (IAIS) at UWED, Ms. Surayyo Usmonova, Associate Professor at UWED International Law Faculty, and Mr. Doston Mashrabov, a UWED researcher, who represented Uzbekistan’s critical voice in interregional cooperation. Their active participation underscored the significance of their contributions to the Eurasian geopolitical and economic integration discourse, with a specific focus on Central Asia’s strategic role.

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🗣Afg‘oniston va Janubiy Osiyo tadqiqotlari markazi rahbari Hamza Boltayev QALAMPIR.UZtahririyatiga bergan intervyusida O‘zbekistonning Tolibon hukumatiga nisbatan pragmatik yondashuvi, ikki davlat o‘rtasidagi tushunmovchilik va chaqiruvlar, shuningdek, ikki tomonlama munosabatlarning rivojlanish istiqbollarini yoritib berdi.

🔎 Intervyuni veb-saytimizda tomosha qiling

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🗣The Institute for Advanced International Studies will host a seminar of the Frontier Talks series by Nargiza Umarova. The seminar, titled “Cooperation of Central Asian States in the Sphere of Transport and Transit as a Factor of Strengthening Regional Integration”, will delve into the complexities of enhancing transport connectivity in the region, focusing on both its potential for regional integration and the challenges posed by current dynamics.

🗓️ October 22
⏰ 10:30
📍 IAIS Meetings Area

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🇨🇳 As Uzbekistan pursues its climate goals, including achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, China emerges as a primary supplier of crucial technologies such as solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles. This dependence raises concerns about economic sovereignty, energy security, and the risks associated with China’s dominant market position.

The piece presents two strategic options for Uzbekistan: continuing to import affordable Chinese technology, which ensures rapid green energy adoption but deepens dependency, or adopting policies to reduce foreign technology imports to support the development of domestic industries. The latter approach aims at fostering technological self-reliance, potentially increasing energy security but may lead to higher costs and slower progress in meeting climate objectives.🌱

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📚 IAIS hosted the second open seminar of the #FrontierTalks series, featuring two distinguished experts on pressing regional issues. The event drew active participation from IAIS and Diplomatic Academy leadership, staff, and students from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED), signaling its significance in fostering a deeper understanding of pivotal international developments.

🔎The presentations prompted a lively discussion among participants, who raised questions about the future trajectories of Uzbekistan’s economic integration and Afghanistan’s development under continued international isolation. The event underscored the significance of understanding the geopolitical and economic dynamics in the region, and the need for informed dialogue on these issues.

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