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⏸ 99-dars. IELTS Speaking. Part 3 - Strategies

Ushbu videodarslar IELTS imtihoniga mustaqil tayyorlanish uchun mo‘ljallangan.

➡️ Darslar mundarijasi

✈️​​​ @ielts_maniya

🦻 Listeningdagi “arzimas” xatoliklar

Ko’pchilik IELTS sectionlari ichida eng osoni listening deb o’ylashadi. Qisman bu narsa to’g’ri, ammo har doim ham emas. Aslida arzimas bir dona harfga adashganingiz uchun ballingiz kamayishi turgan gap. Listeningda bunday “arzimas” xatoliklar juda ko’p uchraydi. Xo’sh ana shu xatoliklardan cheklanish uchun nimalar qilish kerak?

🔹1. Harf va sonlardan boshlang
Qanchalar sizga yoqmasin, listeningni harf va sonlarni to’g’ri eshitib ishlash bilan bog’liq tasklarni ishlashdan boshlang. Harf va sonlar bu fundament, agar fundamentni yaxshi qo’ysangiz, siz so’zlarni talaffuzida adashmaysiz, ayni kerakli so’zni topish sizga oson bo’ladi. Sonlar ahamiyatsiz deb o’ylasangiz, adashganingizga kafolat beraman. IELTS da sonlar bilan bog’liq tasklar 40 ta taskning deyarli 5-6 ta joyida uchraydi.

🔹 2. Doimo podcastdan foydalaning. Iloji boricha o’qiyotgan kitobingizni audio variantdagisini tinglab yuring. Umuman til bilmaydigan odam begona davlatga tushib qolsa atrofdagi ovozlar tufayli 6 oydan so’ng shu tilda gapira boshlaydi. Qayerda yursangiz ham ingliz tilida xayol suring va ingliz tilidagi audiolar qulog’ingizdan tushmasin, shunda siz ham qisqa vaqt ichida ingliz tilida qanday gapirganingizni sezmay qolasiz.

🔹 3. Yangiliklarni ingliz tilida kuzating, YouTubega kirib “Last news” yoki “BBC news” deb yozsangiz, eng so’nggi xabarlarni ingliz tilida kuzatishingiz mumkin. Bu nimaga foyda beradi desangiz, yangiliklarni ingliz tilida ko’rish haqiqiy ingliz accentini ham ko’z orqali ko’rib, ham quloq bilan eshitasiz. Bunda qabul qilish ikki tomonlama bo’lgani evaziga tezroq o’zlashtiriladi, va vocabulary ham sezilarli darajada oshadi.

🔹 4. Eng oxirgi va eng asosiysi focus doimo tinglayotgan narsangizda bo’lsin. Ko’pchiligimiz yo’l qo’yadigan “arzimas” xatolik listening vaqti diqqatimiz boshqa joyda bo’lishi yoki listening o’rtasida xayolimiz boshqa yerga chalg’ishi. Bu qanchalik ahamiyatsiz deb o’ylasangiz, shunchalik ahamiyatlidir. Listening sizda perfect bo’lgan taqdirda ham focus tinglayotgan joyingizda bo’lmasa, hammasi tugadi deyavering. Siz hech narsani tushunmay qolasiz.

Doimgidek eng sodda va oson usullar orqali “arzimas” xatolarga chek qo’ying.

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

TOEFL va Duolingo sertifikatini olishda yordam beramiz!

TOEFL 112 = IELTS 8-8,5
Duolingo 155 = IELTS 8,5-9.0

🤩Sizga ham shunday natija kerak bolsa biz bilan boglaning

Bu sertifikatlar bilan sizshu davlatlardagi unviersitetlarga kira olasiz:
 Va Boshqalar

💯Bizning hizmatlarimiz foiz kafolatlangan

Malumot uchun:


Ingliz tilida so‘z boyligini oshirishning eng samarali usuli bu reading orqali so‘z boyligini oshirishdir. Quyida bor yo‘g‘i bir necha qadamlar bilan uni amalga oshirishni tushuntiramiz.

⚙️ Kerakli narsalar: daftar, ruchka, flamaster (highlighter), mobil lug‘at ilovasi, internet.

1. O‘zingiz qiziqqan mavzularni tanlab internetdan maqolalar izlang. Misol uchun siz agar sportga qiziqsangiz sport haqida, biznesga qiziqsangiz biznes haqida, san'at yoki dizaynga qiziqsangiz shular haqida maqolalar izlang. Ular sizning ingliz tili darajangizga mos bo‘lishi kerak.

2. Kuniga o‘rtacha 30daqiqa o‘sha topgan mavzularingizdan eng qiziqarlisini tanlab uni o‘qishni boshlang, yangi so‘zlar topsangiz uni ustini flamaster (highlighter) bilan yurgizib chiqing.

3. Topgan so‘zingizni lug‘atdan foydalanib tarjima qilib daftarga yozishni boshlang. Umumiy matn konetkstini tarjima qilib chiqing.

4. Tarjimani ma'nolarini chunib olganingizdan so‘ng ushbu matnni 5 martta takrorlab o‘qing!

Ushbu usul bilan siz bir o‘q bilan ikki quyonni urasiz. Nega deysizmi? Chunki siz ham ingliztilidan o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilishni o‘rganyapsiz va so‘z boyligingizni ham oshiryapsiz. Ho‘sh maqola yoqdimi? Unday bo‘lsa ingliz tili o‘rganayotgan do‘stlaringizga yuboring!

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

Let’s talk about where you live.🗣

📌Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
Right now I just moved into a brand new apartment on the outskirts of the city to save some money so I can afford the fee for this test. It’s a cozy studio and I share it with a family of 5 so it ends up being a bit too cramped for my liking. It’s only temporary and I expect I’ll move out as soon as I win the lottery or get hitched with someone rich. I don’t really fancy living in a big house but this living situation is also far from perfect.

📌What kind of home would you like to live in in the future?
I’m not that bothered about the type of home I’ll have in the future as long as it’s stuffed full of the things I like. It would be great to have a robot on hand to help with the cleaning up and lots of windows with decent views. The location is key too. Somewhere central would be ideal for me because I don’t like lazing around the house. I like having lots of things to get up to at night.

📌What do you most like about where you live now?
Where I’m living at the moment I really appreciate the convenience. There’s a supermarket just below my apartment that I can pop into quickly if I run out of something. It’s also a fairly quiet area – lots of families and older people live around there so I don’t have to deal with loud music or difficult neighbours. The other thing that suits me is the gorgeous views. From my balcony I look out over a river, nearby villas, a working-class neighbourhood, and some high-rises in the distance.

📌How long have you been living here?
Yeah, a bit longer than I’d like to be honest. I’ve been here the last 8 years. I’m keen on moving to a new city, somewhere with a touch of culture where I can integrate fully with the locals. I feel isolated now even though my life here is very comfortable. I reckon I’ll try out a new spot in the next few years if I get the chance.

📌What would you like to change about your current city?
There’s a lot of room for improvement where I live. Traffic drives me up the walls. The streets are packed during rush hour so I’d get rid of all the cars if I could. People could still get around by motorbikes, bicycles and on foot. And more music venues. There isn’t much of a music scene so I’d open some small theaters where promoters can bring in the live acts that we lack now.

📌Which neighborhood are you living in?
My neighbourhood is a mix of foreign expats, primarily from Korea, Japan and the West, and the local Vietnamese. It’s a good deal in the end – lots of different cuisine from all over the world but nothing too pricey. It’s also relatively quiet for a big city because my area is outside the hub of the city. Like many neighbourhoods in Vietnam, there is a lot of contrast – grotesquetasteless mansions living side by side with cramped family homes.


♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

🫰Endi tillarni o‘rganish muammo emas!
Tanlang va A'zo bo‘ling👇

🌸 Arab tili 0 dan
🇬🇧 Ingliz tili 0 dan
🇹🇷 Turk tili 0 dan
🇰🇷 Koreys tili 0 dan
🇸🇮 Rus tili 0 dan

Activating 1001 Academic Words for IELTS.pdf
📘 Activating 1001 Academic Words for IELTS: 
👤 Burgess Keith. 

🏢 Sydney: Adam & Austen Press, 2007. — 139 pages.

This book:
Informs you how to analyze vocabulary for use
Presents a sentence with word and a context they are easily understood
Offers a half sentence to be completed that tests your understanding of meaning and use
Invites you to construct your own sentence from your own ideas or imagined context
Activates your memory and ability to use the language through paraphrasing; that is, giving you sentences to write using the words
Gives you a chance to think through the language by answering a word puzzle by yourself or in conversation with others
Provides the opportunity to improve your knowledge and expertise through spelling, pronunciation, revision and extension exercises.

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

⤵️Ko'z yoshlarga g'arq qilgan asar...

📖 Yuy Xuan: "YASHAMOQ"

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⏸ 98-dars. IELTS Speaking - Strategies

Ushbu videodarslar IELTS imtihoniga mustaqil tayyorlanish uchun mo‘ljallangan.

➡️ Darslar mundarijasi

✈️​​​ @ielts_maniya

Arab tilini ana boshlayman, mana boshlayman deganlar uchun o‘sha kun keldi!
➡️ Arab tili 0dan

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💖 "Hech kim Ingliz tilini o'rganmayapti..." | IELTS 8.0 | Mohitob Bekmurodova

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

Ko'pchilik ingliz tilini o'rganishda, ayniqsa IELTS imtihonida yuqori ball olishda o'ziga bo'lgan ishonch juda past bo'ladi.

Ularning fikri bo'yicha IELTSdan yoki CEFRdan o'zi istagan ballni muvaffaqiyatli qo'lga kiritishi uchun ustoz garantiya berishi kerak deb o'ylashadi.

Ba'zilar ustoz tanlayotganda garantiya so'rash bilan birgalikda qisqa muddatni ham o'rnatishadi. Bu esa ularni dunyoqarashi juda tor ekanidan dalolat.

Avvalo ingliz tilini o'rganish aslida siz o'ylaganchalik qiyin emas. Faqatgina sabr, uzoq muddat va intizom kerak holos. O'rganish jarayonida uchraydigan qiyinchiliklar sizni ishonchingizni pasaytirishi emas aksincha xatolaringizni o'sish uchun imkoniyat deb bilishingiz va siz tanlagan ustozdan doimiy maslahatlar olib ularga amal qilishingiz lozim.

O'qituvchilar yordam berishi mumkin, ammo asosiy ish sizning qo'lingizda. O'qituvchilar sizga kerakli materiallar va strategiyalarni taqdim etishlari mumkin, lekin natijalar sizning harakatlaringizga bog'liq.

Qanchalik muvaffaqiyatga erishishni qattiq xohlashingiz sizni harakatlaringiz ko'lamiga va o'zingizga bo'lgan ishonch kuchliligiga bog'liq. Shunda ustozdan kafolat so'rashga hojat qolmaydi.

Kafolatni o'zingingizga bering! "Men kafolat beraman agar ingliz tili bilan 1-1.5 yil to'xtovsiz shug'ullansam natijaga erishaman" deb fikrlashingizni o'zgartiring!

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

IELTS General Training Essays makkar.pdf
📘 IELTS 230 Writing Samples

Best Practice Book for IELTS General and Academic Writing.
This book includes:
- IELTS writing overview.
- How to overcome Academic Writing - Tasks 1, 2.
- How to overcome General Writing - Tasks 1, 2.
- More than 70 IELTS Writing Task 1.
- More than 170 IELTS Writing Task 2.
- Some Writing Samples with Examiner Comments and band evaluation (from 4-8).

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

📘 230 IELTS Writing Samples

Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing by Dr. Md Munan Shaik

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

IELTSdan +7.0 ball olish uchun quyidagi tavsiyalarni ko'rib chiqishingiz mumkin:

1. Tushunish va rejalashtirish:
   - IELTS imtihonining tuzilishini va har bir qism (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) qanday baholanishini yaxshi tushunib oling.

2. Materiallar bilan tanishing:
   - IELTSga tayyorlash uchun mo'ljallangan kitoblarni oling. Masalan, "The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS" yoki "Barron's IELTS Superpack".
   - Online resurslardan foydalaning: British Council, IDP yoki Cambridge saytlarida mavjud materiallar.

3. Tayyorlash rejasi tuzing:
   - Har bir qism bo'yicha alohida vaqt ajrating.
   - Har hafta ma'lum bir vaqt davomida tayyorlanishga harakat qiling.

4. Listening (eshitish) bo'yicha:
   - Ingliz tilidagi podkastlar, radio dasturlari yoki audiokitoblarni tinglang.
   - O'yinlarni o'ynang yoki online testlardan foydalaning.

5. Reading (o'qish) bo'yicha:
   - Turli xil matnlarni o'qiydigan bo'ling: maqolalar, kitoblar va yangiliklar.
   - O'qilgan matnni tahlil qilishni va asosiy fikrlarni aniqlashni mashq qiling.

6. Writing (yozish) bo'yicha:
   - Har kuni yozishni mashq qiling: esse yozing, fikrlaringizni bayon eting.
   - Writing task 1 va task 2 formatlarini tushunib oling va ularga mos ravishda mashq qiling.

7. Speaking (suhbat) bo'yicha:
   - Ingliz tilida suhbat qurishga harakat qiling: do'stlaringiz bilan ingliz tilida muloqot qilish yoki onlayn platformalarda suhbatdosh toping.
   - Savollarga javob berish uchun tayyorgarlik ko'ring va o'z fikrlaringizni ifodalashga intiling.

8. Sinovdan o'tish:
   - Mavjud imtihon namunalarini yechishga harakat qiling. Bu sizga vaqt boshqarishni va stressni kamaytirishni o'rganishga yordam beradi.

9. O'z-o'zini baholash:
   - Yozgan esseyingizni tahlil qiling yoki boshqa mutaxassislardan fikr so'rang.
   - Suhbatlarda qatnashib, feedback olishga harakat qiling.

10. Salbiy fikrlardan saqlaning:
    - O'zingizga ishonch bo'lsin va ijobiy fikrlarda qolishga harakat qiling.

Agar siz muntazam ravishda mashq qilsangiz va yuqoridagi tavsiyalarga amal qilsangiz, IELTSdan 7 ball olish imkoniyatlaringiz oshadi. Omad tilaymiz!

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Trump revokes 78 Biden administration executive actions just hours after inauguration

💬 And within hours of entering the top office President Trump was quick to flex with his presidential powers with a flurry of executive initiatives.
Our Kim Bo-kyoung covers a few of them.

Right after being sworn in as the 47th U.S. President, Donald Trump wasted no time in signing a number of executive orders.
At the Capital One Arena in Washington, he revoked what he called 78 "destructive and radical" executive actions made by the previous administration.
One of which was directing the U.S. to again withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.
This is the second time he's done so, having exited it in his first term in 2017, only for then-President Biden to rejoin the agreement in 2021.

“But I'm immediately withdrawing from the unfair one-sided Paris Climate Accord grip of. The United States will not sabotage our own industries while China pollutes with impunity.”

At the Oval Office, he signed several orders including a far-reaching immigration agenda.
Just hours after his inauguration speech where he emphasized prioritizing a crackdown on illegal immigration, he signed an order declaring a national emergency at the southern border.

"We will reinstate my Remain in Mexico policy. I will end the practice of catch and release. And I will send troops to the southern border to repel the disastrous invasion of our country."

He also came up with new strategies, like ending birthright citizenship, and halted a Biden-era application the CBP One, which has been used by nearly a million migrants to enter America.

In terms of trade, Trump did not immediately impose tariffs on other countries, but said his administration is considering imposing 25-percent tariffs on Mexico and Canada starting February first.
He did order federal agencies such as Commerce and Treasury departments and USTR to review existing trade agreements. and recommend any necessary or appropriate revisions to secure or maintain what he called “reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions” with partner countries under free trade agreements.

Trump also took aim at electric vehicles, revoking Biden's 2021 executive order that sought to ensure half of all new vehicles sold in the States by 2030 were electric, and again, reversed Biden's decision to remove Cuba from a blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism.

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💖 IELTS Speaking Mock Exam - Band 6.5

Speaking 7.0 uchun nima yetmadi?

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

IELTS Writing Task 1.pdf
📘 The Ultimate Guide To IELTS Writing
✍️Parthesh Thakkar

The book covers all the topics that are important while studying for the exam.the ultimate guide to ielts writing is divided into four sections that each deal with the academic writing test task 1, general training writing task 1, general training writing task 2 and a list of linking words or cohesives.the book also contains more than fifty sample answers of ielts academic writing task 1 and general training writing task 1 while general training writing task 2 has more than 200 sample answers. These sample answers will help to give the reader a brief understanding about the type of questions asked and the perfect way to answer them. Each of these sections also contain a step by step guide and several tips on what you should do and what you should avoid while answering the questions. The book is so organised that it also provides the reader with a proper structure to follow while answering the questions.

♟​​​ @ielts_maniya

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.