The illuminating light

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Sheikh Asim al Utaibi - AlMaqdisi dan repost

📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

*Tawheed is the greatest of that which the prophets were sent for*

Tawheed is the greatest of that which the prophets were sent for. If the scholars are not teaching the people about Tawheed and shielding both it and the strongest hold from being diluted and watered down, and they did not warn them against Shirk, then they are not from the inheritors of the Prophets.

And #Tawheed_is_first_and_always


"For many people, principles are like clothes, which they change according to the seasons"

- "Traveller"

Tarbiyatul Islaam dan repost
Allah says:

"And we sent to every nation a Messenger saying worship Allah and avoid Taghut"

And this is the call of every Prophet and Messenger.......

And the scholars are the interiors of the Prophets.......

So follow the scholars who call to what the Prophets and Messengers called to....

And avoid those scholars who defend the Taghut.....

And those who excuse the Taghut.....

And those who ally with the Taghut.....

And those who remain silent about the Taghut......

..... be that from fear or some perceived benefit.

فِي قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ فَزَادَهُمُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْذِبُونَ

In their hearts is a disease and Allah has increased their disease. A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell lies.

منهج { تنظيم قاعدة الجهاد } dan repost
بسم الله نبدأ وعليه نتوكل ..

#بعد_الحذف المتكرر نعود أقوى من قبل بإذن الله

Khashiah is fear based upon knowledge of what you fear while Kawf does not necessitate knowledge, it may be irrational fear.

And this is one of the reasons Allah described only the Ulaama as having Khashiah, because this kind of fear can only be based upon knowledge.

Allah says:

إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاءُ

It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear (Khashiah) Allah.

The illuminating light

"The US government through its programmes of scholarships for foreign students has created for itself a pool of cadres around the world. From among these are leaders in every field, heads of state, politicians, businessmen, scientists etc. They have one thing in common: they were all students in American universities. These programmes have helped the US bolster its strength worldwide an spread out its control. The way the US is managing an empire without calling it an empire is one of the great innovations of our time."

Shaykh Anwar al Awlaki quoted by Jeremy Scahill in his book "Dirty wars: the world is a battlefield" chapter 2

The illuminating light

"The people of Democracy are Kuffar. We make Takfeer on those who believe in Democracy"

Shaykh Ali al Khudayr فك الله أسره "How to disbelieve in Taghut"

The illuminating light

"Democracy is the idol of our age"

Shaykh Abu Yahya al Libi رحمه الله

With their attacks on Shaykh al Maqdisi حفظه الله this week, the Mumayyi'ah have indirectly exposed their own corrupt beliefs.

And all praise belongs to Allah as they have tried to hide these beliefs for a long time.

Shaykh al Maqdisis words were nothing but a statement of the beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah and yet the Mumayyi'ah declared these words to be extremism and supporting the Khawaarij and have called the Shaykh the Shaykh of the Khawaarij.

So what are these "extreme" words of Shaykh al Maqdisi according to them?

All he said was that the following statements are nullifiers of Islam:

"I also want a democratic multi-party state in which power will be held by whoever wins the election.

Even if the Communist party won, I would respect the will of the Palestinian people.

If the Palestinian people express their rejection of an Islamic State.....then I respect and hold as sacred their will and desire. "

So to believe that the above words are Kufr words, is extremism now according to the Mumayyi'ah!!!!!

And remember brothers and sisters, the Shaykh made Takfeer on no one, rather he said these words are Kufr regardless of who they come from.....

And this is extremism they say!!!!!

And this is supporting the Khawaarij they say!!!!!

To say one wants a democratic multi party state is not kufr according to the Mumayyi'ah!!!

To say one will accept the rule of the Atheist Communists is not Kufr according to the Mumayyi'ah!!!

To say that if the people reject an Islamic State you will respect their will, even though this is against the Will of Allah, is not Kufr according to the Mumayyi'ah!!!

None of this is Kufr according to them, rather the one who says that it is Kufr is an extremist.

So brothers and sisters, what do you think about the above statements? Do you believe they are Kufr as you should do? If so, then know that you too are an extremist according to the Mumayyi'ah!!!

So do not be fooled by these people and do not think they represent Ahlus Sunnah. Do not think that they are supporters of those who fight to remove Democracy and Kufr and make the Word of Allah most high. Beware of them and do not be deceived by their lies and their appeals to the emotions. Know their beliefs and reject them.

The illuminating light

مؤسسة التمكين للإعلام (al-Tamkin Media) dan repost

"If you support Allah, He will support you and firmly plant your feet"


مؤسسة التمكين للإعلام (al-Tamkin Media) dan repost
English Translation
as-Sahab Media
"Sovereignty of the Best of Nations Is In the Uprising of the People of the Haram" 4th Episode
Hamza Usamah bin Laden

Question: If the Khawaarij use the words of some scholars to justify their Takfeer or other extremism, does this reflect badly on the Shaykhs in question?

Answer: No it doesn't. The people of innovation regularly use the words of scholars to support their falsehood but in most cases they have distorted the words or taken them out of context.

For example the Murjiah will quote Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, the Khawaarij will also use their words and also the words of people like Shaykh Usamah and Shaykh Zarqawi. The Mumayyi'ah will use the words of all of the above and also the likes of Shaykh Atiyatullah and Shaykh Ayman.

And if Ahlul Biddah misuse the word of someone, this does not in itself reflect badly upon that person. And only someone with some form of sickness in their heart would say so.

In fact don't all these groups use the words of Allah and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم.

The illuminating light

وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ

they were plotting and Allah too was planning, and Allah is the Best of the planners.

Brothers and sisters, above are the actual words which were posted on Shaykh al Maqdisi's channel regarding the words of Ahmad Yassin.

As is clear, nowhere is Takfeer made as was claimed by the liars!!!

Sheikh Asim al Utaibi - AlMaqdisi dan repost
📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

🕕 *Series * -

*So That The Compass Does Not Deviate (Part 1)*

🎯These are questions which were directed to a famous Shaykh who is praised by many Islamists and even Jihadists, and these are the answers he gave.

🎯Question: But the Palestinian people want a democratic state. So why do you oppose it?

👉Answer by the Sheikh: I also want a democratic multi-party state in which power will be held by whoever wins the election.

🎯Question: If the communist party won, what would your position be?

👉Answer by the Sheikh: Even if the Communist party won, I would respect the will of the Palestinian people.

🎯Question: If the elections show that the Palestinian people want a multi-party democratic state then what will your position be at that time?

👉Answer by the Sheikh: By Allah, we are a people who have dignity and rights. If the Palestinian people express their rejection of an Islamic State.....then I respect and hold as sacred their will and desire.


🍃Our question today in the context of correcting the concepts is:

👉 Is the one who criticizes this speaker because of this clear falsehood, or criticizes the one who praises him, or says that the one who elegizes him has made a mistake, is such a person an extremist or a Khariji or from among the wicked ones?

👉 Every wise person who understands #Tawheed will answer saying : The one who criticises him is without doubt not from amongst these. And it is necessary to criticise this Shaykh whoever he is, and to clarify that these answers are nullifiers of #Tawheed, and to disassociate from these statements, and to criticise the one who praises this Shaykh, and to say that the one who elegizes him has made a mistake because #Tawheed is greater than all Shaykhs and all men. And upholding it and protecting it and purifying it from impurities in the hearts of the Muslims and in their Aqeedah, in their sayings and their actions, is from amongst the greatest obligations and from the greatest actions.

✅ This answer 👆 is correct, undeniable and fit 100%.

🎯 Well then..! Will this undeniable answer be different if we know that the person who gave these answers is Ahmad Yasin, the founder of Hamas movement?

👉 For the Muwahid who knows that #Tawheed_is_first_and_always and that #Tawheed is the greatest of interests in existence, there will be no difference in the answer regardless of whoever said that statement.

As for the philosophers and cheerleaders and the ones who are stumbling in confusion, they may have a different opinion !

✍🏻- Naasihul Mujahideen (Advisor to the Mujahideen)


§d *Note:* The aim of this series is not to make Takfeer on individuals who have passed away, nor is it to encourage fighting against the groups that ascribe to Islam even if we differ with them and we consider them as deviated. Our advice to our brothers to avoid clashing with them is a widely known matter. Rather, our goal is to remove the unclarity made by some writings and their vagueness in the matter of #Tawheed, and to restore what is being destroyed and broken by some of the philosophical writings in the structure of #Tawheed.

🕕 سلسلة حتى لا تضل البوصلة(١):

🎯هذه أسئلة وُجّهت إلى شيخ مشهور يُثني عليه كثير من الإسلاميين بل والجهاديين وهذه إجاباته :

🎯سؤال:ولكن الشعب الفلسطيني يُريد دولة ديمقراطية .. وأنت لماذا تعانده ؟
👈جواب الشيخ : وأنا أيضاً أريد دولة ديمقراطية متعددة الأحزاب ،والسلطة فيها لمن يفوز في الانتخابات❗️

🎯سؤال : لو فاز الحزب الشيوعي ،فماذا سيكون موقفك ؟
👈 جواب الشيخ : حتى ولو فاز الحزب الشيوعي فسأحترم رغبة الشعب الفلسطيني❗️

🎯سؤال : إذا ما تبين من الانتخابات أن الشعب الفلسطيني يريد دولة ديمقراطية متعددة الأحزاب ، فماذا سيكون موقفك حينئذٍ ؟
👈جواب الشيخ : والله نحن شعب له كرامته وله حقوق ،إذا ما أعرب الشعب الفلسطيني عن رفضه للدولة الإسلامية ..فأنا أحترم وأقدس رغبته وإرادته❗️إنتهى

Tarbiyatul Islaam dan repost
The Messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi wa salaam said :

"You have not truly believed until you love for your brother what you love for yourself."

The scholars have commented extensively upon this Hadeeth and one of the things it means is that you should love for those Muslims who are astray and misguided to be guided. And you should feel joy when Muslims gain victories and sadness and sympathy when they are oppressed or suffer.

The Hadeeth is general for all the Muslims and we should also want deviants like the Murjiah and Khawaarij to be guided.

And the scholars have also said that if one does not feel this then it shows that that person has a deficiency in his Imaan.

Shaykh Abdul Aziz At-Tarefe said:

Whoever rectifies his private life Allah will rectify for him his public life. If you are plagued with a private sin then hasten to repentance before Allah makes it appear in public. A private sin is like the seed of a tree; if it does not die it sprouts.

من أصلح سريرته أصلح الله له علانيته ومن ابتلي بسيئة سر فليبادر إلى التوبة قبل أن يظهرها الله علانية، فسيئة السر كنواة الشجر إن لم تَمُت نبتت

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