In “Ḏayl Tabqat al-Ḥanābilah” in the biography of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Ibn Najm, known as Ibn al-Ḥanbalī Nāṣiḥ al-Dīn, it is mentioned that al-Muwaffaq Ibn Qudāmah, the commentator on al-Kharqī (ie: the author of al-Muġnī), commented on a fatwá by the aforementioned Nāṣiḥ al-Dīn, saying:
وفي «ذيل طبقات الحنابلة» في ترجمة عبد الرحمن بن نجم المعروف بابن الحنبلي ناصح الدين أن الموفق ابن قدامة شارح الخرقي (يعني صاحب المغني) كتب على فتوى لناصح الدين المذكور، قال الموفق:
“I used to think of him about al-Nāsiḥ al-Dīn that he was going to become bāriʿā (ie: an elite scholar),
كنت أتخيل في الإمام الناصح أن يكون بارعا،
and I was so pleased for him that he was going to carry on this maḏhab,
وأفرح به للمذهب،
due to that which Allah has blessed him with due to the honourable house (he came out from), and his lineage (ie: his father, grandfather and great grandfather were all scholars).
لما فضله الله به من شرف بيته وإعراق نسبه،
and what Allah had given him of eloquence, his smart mind, that he could provide answers so quickly and used to often get the answers right.
وما آتاه الله من بسط اللسان وجراءة اللسان وحدة الخاطر وسرعة الجواب وكثرة الصواب،
Until I saw the fatāwá of others and their answers were better more correct (than his).
إلى أن رأيتُ له فتاوى غيره فيها أسد جوابا وأكثر صوابا.
I (ie: al-ʿAllāmah al-Muwaffaq) thought that he suffered from this (errors in fatawá, and his answers) due to his love of (finding) the shortcomings (and mistakes) of the people,
ظننتُ (العلامة الموفق) أنه ابتلي بذلك (بالخطأ في الفتوى والخطأ في الكلام والخطأ في العبارة) لمحبته تخطئة الناس،
and he loved to follow their ʿuyūb (ie: shortcomings),
ولمحبته اتّباعه عيوبهم،
and it is not far-fetched that Allah may punish a servant with the same thing they have done for others (ie: going out of one's way to look for people's sins)…“
ولا يبعد أن يعاقب الله العبد من جنس ذنبه…
Until he said: ”And Nāsiḥ busied himself a lot in refuting the people in his works,
إلى أن قال: والنّاصح قد شغل كثيرا من زمانه بالرد على الناس في تصانيفه،
and to bring out that which was originally hidden of their shortcomings,
وكشف ما استتر من خطاياهم،
and he loved the (people's) shortcomings and (exposing) their mistakes.
ومحبة بيان سقطاتهم،
A servant will never reach the reality of al-īmān (ie: faith) until he loves for the people that which he loves for himself.
ولا يبلغ العبد حقيقة الإيمان حتى يحب للناس ما يحبه لنفسه،
Would he love for himself after his death someone who stands up to collect all his mistakes from his works and the shortcomings that are present in them, and expose his mistakes?”
أفتراه يحب لنفسه بعد موته من ينتصب لكشف سقطاته وعيب تصانيفه وإظهار أخطائه؟!!
Ṣāliḥ b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl ʿl-Shaykh, Thulūthīyyah al-Duktūr Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allah al-Mushawaḥ 1/2685
صالح بن عبد العزيز آل الشيخ، ثلوثية الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المشوح ١/٢٦٨٥
@ilmtest []
وفي «ذيل طبقات الحنابلة» في ترجمة عبد الرحمن بن نجم المعروف بابن الحنبلي ناصح الدين أن الموفق ابن قدامة شارح الخرقي (يعني صاحب المغني) كتب على فتوى لناصح الدين المذكور، قال الموفق:
“I used to think of him about al-Nāsiḥ al-Dīn that he was going to become bāriʿā (ie: an elite scholar),
كنت أتخيل في الإمام الناصح أن يكون بارعا،
and I was so pleased for him that he was going to carry on this maḏhab,
وأفرح به للمذهب،
due to that which Allah has blessed him with due to the honourable house (he came out from), and his lineage (ie: his father, grandfather and great grandfather were all scholars).
لما فضله الله به من شرف بيته وإعراق نسبه،
and what Allah had given him of eloquence, his smart mind, that he could provide answers so quickly and used to often get the answers right.
وما آتاه الله من بسط اللسان وجراءة اللسان وحدة الخاطر وسرعة الجواب وكثرة الصواب،
Until I saw the fatāwá of others and their answers were better more correct (than his).
إلى أن رأيتُ له فتاوى غيره فيها أسد جوابا وأكثر صوابا.
I (ie: al-ʿAllāmah al-Muwaffaq) thought that he suffered from this (errors in fatawá, and his answers) due to his love of (finding) the shortcomings (and mistakes) of the people,
ظننتُ (العلامة الموفق) أنه ابتلي بذلك (بالخطأ في الفتوى والخطأ في الكلام والخطأ في العبارة) لمحبته تخطئة الناس،
and he loved to follow their ʿuyūb (ie: shortcomings),
ولمحبته اتّباعه عيوبهم،
and it is not far-fetched that Allah may punish a servant with the same thing they have done for others (ie: going out of one's way to look for people's sins)…“
ولا يبعد أن يعاقب الله العبد من جنس ذنبه…
Until he said: ”And Nāsiḥ busied himself a lot in refuting the people in his works,
إلى أن قال: والنّاصح قد شغل كثيرا من زمانه بالرد على الناس في تصانيفه،
and to bring out that which was originally hidden of their shortcomings,
وكشف ما استتر من خطاياهم،
and he loved the (people's) shortcomings and (exposing) their mistakes.
ومحبة بيان سقطاتهم،
A servant will never reach the reality of al-īmān (ie: faith) until he loves for the people that which he loves for himself.
ولا يبلغ العبد حقيقة الإيمان حتى يحب للناس ما يحبه لنفسه،
Would he love for himself after his death someone who stands up to collect all his mistakes from his works and the shortcomings that are present in them, and expose his mistakes?”
أفتراه يحب لنفسه بعد موته من ينتصب لكشف سقطاته وعيب تصانيفه وإظهار أخطائه؟!!
Ṣāliḥ b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl ʿl-Shaykh, Thulūthīyyah al-Duktūr Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allah al-Mushawaḥ 1/2685
صالح بن عبد العزيز آل الشيخ، ثلوثية الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المشوح ١/٢٦٨٥
@ilmtest []