love you (?)

Kanal geosi va tili: Indoneziya, Indonezcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Kanal geosi va tili
Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

𝗔rel dan repost

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤVeilleuse. dan repost
What do you think about Arel ?
  •   cool, u look hot kinda intimidating & scary, but friendly and best one of favorite moots.
  •   warm & humble person, social butterfly, talkactive one. i want to get closer.
  •   he’s a handsome boy, you’re someone precius, happy virus & loving person. i have a crush on u.
  •   kinda noisy but u have positive vibes! fun person & jameties. let's be my friends.
337 ta ovoz

yang udah subs @NatureUniverse, chat langsung akun gua @arelcutest. gua limit chat trims dik adik


plis ini mah, dibaca ya. gua move acc & channel soalnya sekarang di akun sebelah udah jarang diving. gua nyuruh kalian subs ch itu & chat akun yang ada di ch itu biar gua subs, terus gua diving. nanti kalo ga diving dibilang curang, padahal gua udah kasih tau gini. channel kalian gabakal gua unsubs, tapi kalian tinggal unsubs channel ini & subs ke @NatureUniverse apa susah ??? yang udah subs channel baru gua, bakal gua chat kok tenang buat kasih id ch nya.

yang udah join channel baru gua, free unsubs ch ini

kalian langsung subs channel gua yang baru langsung aja gimana? tapi akun gua yg lama gabakal unsubs channel kalian.. nanti kalian free unsubs channel ini aja. kalo mau, @NatureUniverse itu channel gua yg baru. kalian subs aja, nanti kalo udah subs kirim id channel kalian langsung ke akun yg ada di ch itu . . 🙂🙂 kalo ga ya nanti gua yg chat kalian satu satu pas udah join


gua gjd rest, cuma untuk beberapa hari ini izin ga diving dlu karena keluarga gua besar pada ngumpul jadi gbs diving 🗿🗿🗿

   Vampires are characters in mythology and legend who live by eating the essence of life, usually in the form of blood from other living things. Although belief in blood-sucking demons exists in various cultures and has existed since ancient times, the term vampire itself only became popular in the early 18th century after the entry of vampire legends into Western Europe from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. In these areas there are also legends about creatures such as vampires, such as vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania which also contributed to increasing the belief in vampires in Europe. but much of the modern way of viewing vampires was created by Bram Stoker in the famous novel, Dracula. Few people believe that vampires are real, but they are still very popular in movies, television, and books.

zean 2:
jasen izin ga diving dlu, hp nya diambil gara gara gabut berujung maut 😊😊😊

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

pengin rest anjwing, tapi gua nolep

🗳 18/11/21

👥 306 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

🗳 18/11/21

👥 64 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

   Look at the beauty in him eyes, it looks like there's a rainbow in there. a handsome face like the head of a king, like the light of the sun rising from the east. Him sweet smile, which brings kindness and eternal peace. a light breeze caressed his hair, he was an ordinary boy, but could make thousands of girls like him. don't you know it? yes he’s Jung Jaehyun. a figure who always brings happiness from his dimples.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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