
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

the owner of this channel only loves jay , jaehyun , and jake.

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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hello 👋🏻. this is moonà’s mundane speaking. due to personal reasons , i decided to put my account into rest mode for a while. please don’t unsubs this ch. cz jenuar will replace me 4 diving. if u wanna unsubs , make sure u remove @ofcmoona from ur ch. i’ll be back asap ! if there’s something urgent kindly contact my bot in pin. thank u.

the sweetest boy i’ve ever met.

they r back !🤍


⌗. adm ch ini ada 2 : moonà & jenuar.

⌗. kedua adm always diving setiap harinya. jadi , tidak ada istilah “ga diving”.
moonà : diving setiap pagi ( sebelum nugas ) , siang / sore ( setelah nugas ) & malam ( khusus malming , selain malming diving sebelum jam 19:00 wib ).
jenuar : diving ga menentu. tapi biasanya , sebelum / sesudah daring & kalau ada waktu senggang.

⌗. kalau ada hal penting ( ex : ganti usn ch , pembersihan , delete ch , move acc , etc. ) silahkan chat @moonnaabot. kalau unsubs ( alasan apapun apalagi delete ch ) beri bukti yang jelas. jika tidak ada konfirmasi 1 × 24 jam , akan debut di @curangsfs.

⌗. baca & pahami :
𝕽 — rules sfs :
— pembersihan :
— unsubs / delete ch :
— move acc / new own :

loml ‹3

the real definition of : respectful , smart , talented , rich , only child , humble , caring , a fashion icon , all rounder , handsome , charismatic , funny.

i’ve never met anyone as perfect as him. how can he be so perfect ?

due to @telegram’s new privacy and policy , i’m not the real kim minju. and don’t have any connection with kim minju & music works entertainment. this channel was created purely for roleplaying purpose only and strictly for fun. all media contained here are taken from instagram , pinterest , youtube , etc.

あ. kirana moonàyyara sēnandika

10 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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