Finally! ‘
BUTTER’ MV is out now! 💥
Thank you for participating in this very special comeback. I hope the comeback this time is no less successful than the previous one, don’t forget to keep streaming!!!
Happy comeback for BTS and BTS rp-ers, especially for me and Girton, Marvieth, Likoo, Liam, Eason, Ryden, Adalard, Edmon, Jendral, Edward, Zarchie, Angélo, Forest, Delano, Fabio, Jun, Shasi, Deon, Nakao, Roderick, Saoirse, Nicholas, Sergio, James, Iqbale, Sejop, Abizhar, Ate, Vanderick, Liel, Dimitri, Brooklyn, Rojas, Jakolan, Alkhas, Zuneyca, Zeorich, Raefal, Artha, Jovardan, Nala, Shaula, Fasta, Abrydinata, Edgar, Mikucco, Keyibie, Baston, Jillian, Delano, Dalton, Aksara, Grivand, Jergarry, Shandam, Javar, Nael, Jackford, Benedicto, Lullaby, Farel, Rakhi, Roderick, Arfan, Koyuka, Jozergaf, Arbiyan, Rangga.
♡rahel♡ get it let it roll!