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Kalergi - 1925 Founder of the Pan-European Movement
"The result is that, in mestizos, there is a lack of character, debauchery, weak will, instability, cruelty and infidelity with objectivity, universality, mental agility, lack of prejudice and breadth of horizons. " [p. 21]
"The man of the future will be a mestizo. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear due to the shortening of space, time and prejudice. The future Afro-Eurasian race, which will look like outside that of Ancient Egypt, will replace the diversity of peoples by the diversity of personalities.
According to genetic laws, with the diversity of ancestors the variety grows, while with the homogeneity of ancestors the uniformity of descendants grows. In families with consanguineous unions, one child is similar to the other, since they all have the same family traits. (...) Inbreeding creates characteristic traits, crossing creates characteristic personalities. "[Pages 22 and 23]
"This development and, consequently, the chaos of modern politics will find its end when an intellectual aristocracy appropriates society's means of power: gunpowder, gold and the press, and manages them for the good of all. A decisive step for this goal constitutes Russian Bolshevism, where a small group of spiritual nobles rule the country and consciously break away from the plutocratic democracy, which reigns in the rest of the world.The war between capitalism and communism for the inheritance of the blood nobility is a fraternal struggle of the victorious aristocracy intellectual, a war between individual and socialist, selfish and self-centered, pagan and Christian spirit. The general staff of both parties will constitute the leading race in Europe: the Jews. " [p. 32 and 33]
"The school and the press are the two starting points from which the world can renew and refine itself without blood or violence. The school feeds or poisons the child's soul, the press alimitates or poisons the adult's soul. Both are in the hands of a non-spiritual intelligence, and returning them to the spirit would be the ultimate task of any idealist policy, of any idealist revolution. "[P. 37]
"The main heads of the intellectual aristocracy - both corrupt and wholesome - of capitalism, journalism and literature, are Jewish. The superiority of their minds predestines them to be a main factor of the future nobility. A look at the history of the Jewish people explains its advantage in the struggle for sovereignty. " [p. 49]
"Socialism, which began with the abolition of the aristocracy, with the leveling of humanity, will culminate in the creation of the nobility and the differentiation of humanity. And in this, social eugenics has the greatest historical mission." [p. 56]
"The cultural state of the future will be a state of consumers: its production will be controlled by consumers, and not as now when consumption is determined by producers." [p. 143]
"Therefore, the European border problem can only be solved with its elimination. The two elements of this solution are: A) The conservative element of the territorial status quo, which stabilizes the current borders and prevents the imminent war; B) The revolutionary element , which gradually cancels the borders in a strategic, economic and national sense, to destroy the seeds of future wars. " [p. 173]
"Chauvinist instigation against foreign nations must be combated without mercy in schools and in the press, through an international agreement." [p. 178]
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in ยซPraktischer Idealismusยป, 1925.