Noma’lum dan repost
dewann happy mensive ke-1 ya sayaang, dewan masih kecil tapi udah punya adek ajaa wkwkwkw. nah kalian kan udah jadi kakak sekarang yang berarti kalian harus bisa ngasih contoh yang baik buat adeknyaa, contoh yang buruk buang aja ga penting husshhh. how lucky i am pernah jagain anak-anak baik seperti kalian ini walaupun kadang bandel dikitt tapi gapapa kejadian yang udah berlalu jangan sampai terulang lagi ya dewan, aku berharap banget habis ini gada masalah di dewan tapi kayanya ga mungkin deh pasti ada ajaa masalahnya, nanti kita selesaiin bareng masalahnya yaa. kalau aku udah ga disini jangan lupain aku ya dewann, masa cuma aku doang yang inget dewan sementara dewan nya ga inget akuu so saaad :( aku juga ingin bilang terima kasih ke dewan, aku list aja dehh
1. thank you for being my second home
2. thank you for the memories that i'll never forget
3. thank you for existing
4. thank you for being present in my life
5. thank you because of dewan i am not lonely anymore
6. thank you for making me happy
7. thank you for teaching me a lot of lessons
8. thank you for introducing me to many good people
9. thank you for treating me well so that i feel loved by all of you :(
10. thank you for being the most comfortable place
i hope you guys also feel comfortable being in dewan ya, if you feel uncomfortable you can tell me because i am here for you. i'm sorry that while i was at the council, i made a lot of mistakes on purpose or not. i'm sooo sorry guys.. you must know that i really love you all, i am proud of you and i am so lucky to have you dewan 😻😻
1. thank you for being my second home
2. thank you for the memories that i'll never forget
3. thank you for existing
4. thank you for being present in my life
5. thank you because of dewan i am not lonely anymore
6. thank you for making me happy
7. thank you for teaching me a lot of lessons
8. thank you for introducing me to many good people
9. thank you for treating me well so that i feel loved by all of you :(
10. thank you for being the most comfortable place
i hope you guys also feel comfortable being in dewan ya, if you feel uncomfortable you can tell me because i am here for you. i'm sorry that while i was at the council, i made a lot of mistakes on purpose or not. i'm sooo sorry guys.. you must know that i really love you all, i am proud of you and i am so lucky to have you dewan 😻😻