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Badlands Media dan repost
We Won’t Forget
Benghazi Exposes a Lot of Treason

By Joe Lange

Julian Assange dan repost









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STR1KER dan repost
👆The more you awaken, the more you see.
The more you see, the more you must accept.
It could be about politics, religion, heck its definitely gunna be about the food we eat.
Take the time and test yourselves on different scenarios. Train yourselves to not be attached to situations. Be the observer and the student. That's the most important position. The more you learn, the less option someone has to repeat the same crap that was allowed to happen for the past however many hundreds,.(If not thousands), of years.

Mirror that, & think...

9/11 was an sacrifice offering to Moloch.

There's a memorial to those lost already.

If he makes that a National Monument... It's got "Monument to Moloch" all over it.

♦️Military Operation♦️

Ya gotta keep an open mind, and EVERY SINGLE POSSIBILITY IS ON THE TABLE.

Never forget...
This is SATAN'S realm.
God gave it to him.

This battle is Good vs. Evil.
Think about it this way...

Who are God's Chosen Soldiers?
The Marines:

Satan can't create.
He can only replicate.
Trump is an ACTOR.

Both sides were screwed so bad the MIL took it over and that's who's been running the show.

Ask for discernment if you're not sure.

This is an exercise in fighting your cognitive dissonance and dogma.

To ease the psyche from the blows of TRUTH, one MUST consider and ready themselves for ANY outcome; esp making sure to allow the uncomfortable thoughts to the opposite of WHAT YOU THINK, HOPE, OR EXPECT....

NOTE - In WWII The DS controlled BOTH sides, sold ALL military equipment and financed it ALL. Created Israel.

AMG-NEWS.COM dan repost
BRICS Makes Bold Move to Reshape Global Financial System: New Payment System Challenges US Dollar Dominance

BRICS announces a groundbreaking payment system that bypasses the US dollar, signaling a major shift in global finance. The new mechanism will revolutionize cross-border transactions, trade, and investments, empowering emerging economies to break free from Western sanctions and dollar dependency. Discover how this bold move could reshape the global economic order and diminish US financial dominance.

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MissPATRIOTChelseagirl dan repost
👀 Trump concluded his speech with the song Nessun Dorma, NONE SHALL SLEEP which is the closing song in THE SUM OF ALL FEARS “PAYBACK” when they take out all of the bad guys, at THE VERY END 🧨🧨🧨


LauraAboli dan repost
Olympic gold medalist Shaquille O’Neal (7’1”) and Olympic gold medalist Simon Biles (4’8”)

Proof that size doesn’t matter when it comes to Olympic gold! 😁

Nov 22, 2017 4:28:01 PM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: pD23hqrn No. 150512900
Iran Deal.
Why is this relevant?
Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.
(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?
Which couple was photographed covered in gold?
The public release was a mistake.
Who released the picture?
Who has all the information?
(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?
Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?
What does this represent?

💥TRUTH WARRIORS💥 dan repost
English Translation
Nobody shall sleep!
Nobody shall sleep!
Even you, oh Princess,
in your cold room,
watch the stars,
that tremble with love and with hope.
But my secret is hidden within me,
my name no one shall know...
No... No!
On your mouth, I will tell it when the light shines.
And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!
(No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)
Vanish, o night!
Set, stars! Set, stars!
At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!

At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!

Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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NOTE👉 Delete ANY channel that ask for personal info!

Julian Assange dan repost
BREAKING! High-Level Leaks Confirm Imminent Collapse of the Current Financial System—EBS, QFS, and NESARA Rollout Are Ready!

The cracks in the old system are growing, and the truth is spilling out faster than they can cover it up. Whispers about the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and NESARA have become roaring truths among those in the know.

Key politicians have been leaking critical details, prepping us for the massive shift that’s coming. They know the hammer is about to drop and they want to be on the right side when it does. Congressman Jim Jordan and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene were overheard in a Capitol Hill hallway discussing the “imminent unveiling” of a new financial system—a system that would pull the rug out from under the corrupt. Greene added that the EBS is ready to go live and warned about an upcoming global lockdown. This is a direct warning from those on the inside.

At a MAGA event in Arizona, Kari Lake let slip that the QFS is already in testing and that we're at the brink of a total financial and political overhaul. Meanwhile, the Deep State bankers are scrambling, trying to save themselves before the EBS exposes their secrets.

Even Mike Pompeo, during a Texas fundraiser, hinted that the current financial system is collapsing and that we’re moving towards a financial transparency that will shake the foundations of the country and beyond. One anonymous attendee confirmed that NESARA and the QFS are about to expose decades of corruption.

The Med Beds are next, but only those who are prepared will be able to unlock their full potential. The elites have been hiding this technology for years, using it to align their brain waves with healing frequencies. Now it’s your turn to take back that power.

In Florida, Congressman Matt Gaetz didn’t mince words: “The Federal Reserve is done. The QFS is a divine tool to restore balance, and the EBS will broadcast the truth, exposing every hidden transaction and dirty deal the corrupt have kept from us.”

The most significant leak came from General Michael Flynn, who confirmed that the military is prepared. The EBS and QFS are realities, about to be deployed. Sidney Powell also declared at a roundtable, "The central banks have had their run, but it's over. The EBS is ready, and soon the world will see what we’ve been fighting for."

The signs are everywhere, and those who see know what's coming. The QFS is on its way. The EBS will soon be triggered. NESARA is about to be implemented. These leaks are not accidents—they are warnings. The massive changes are already in motion.

The time for awakening is now. The old system is collapsing, and the new one is ready to rise. Get ready—the revolution is here.

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~ The 17th Letter ~ dan repost
Trojan Horse – McAfee Military Operations: CHEYENNE Mountain, Military Intelligence, CIA, Deep State, Military Coups, International Money Laundering

McAfee Software has emerged as a Trojan Horse, penetrating the heart of government institutions, elites, and military networks worldwide. Beneath the surface lies an intricate web of corruption, human trafficking, planned military coups, and international money laundering. What was once a tool for cybersecurity has become a key to unlocking the darkest secrets of the Deep State.

The McAfee Data, now securely held by the United States Space Force, exposes a labyrinth of deception involving the Democratic National Committee, CIA, and the shadowy Deep State. Brace yourself, because this revelation is set to upend the entire global power structure. Epstein’s secrets, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Julian Assange’s mystery are just the tip of the iceberg.

McAfee Software was never just about protecting systems. Hidden within its code, it was gathering critical information, revealing the sinister moves of the world’s most powerful figures. What they never saw coming was McAfee’s real mission—to expose the global elite’s darkest dealings. The revelations of human trafficking and secret agendas tied to the DNC, CIA, and Deep State are nothing short of explosive.

The United States Space Force, particularly Cheyenne Mountain, now safeguards this data, becoming an unlikely keeper of the truth. The shocking extent of global political intrigue is coming to light. Congress is preparing for the storm, as McAfee’s digital treasure trove contains details that could rock the foundations of global power. Epstein’s web of corruption, the Biden laptop secrets, and Assange’s truth-telling efforts will no longer be hidden.

The Alliance’s Bold Infiltration. McAfee played both sides, gaining the trust of the Deep State while secretly infiltrating their networks. 32 terabytes of evidence now sit in the hands of Military Intelligence, exposing everything from human trafficking to cryptocurrency-funded operations. This is no ordinary takedown—it’s a dismantling of the very systems that have controlled the world for decades.

As leaks drip out, Trump, Musk, and even the Supreme Court are at the center of this unraveling conspiracy. The Deep State’s grip is slipping, and their desperate attempts to suppress these truths are failing. The Alliance’s military operations are unrelenting, the truth cannot be stopped.

McAfee’s Trojan Horse was the weapon the Deep State never expected, and now, everything is collapsing. The Deep State’s operations—human trafficking, military coups, and financial manipulations—are crumbling as the military’s evidence is leaked to the public.

Conclusion: Trust the Plan. John McAfee turned the tables on the Deep State, risking his life to reveal their corruption. With every leak, the world moves closer to justice, as the Alliance’s strategic plan dismantles the empire of deceit. "You have more than you know -Q." The end of the Deep State is near, and the light of truth is unstoppable.

The Plan is unfolding. Trust the Alliance. Trust the Patriots. Victory is ours.
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👇👇👇👇 ✅️

Sep 19, 2020 11:53:11 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 33763f No. 10716779
SEPT 21-25 [track & follow events]
Running RED.

LauraAboli dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
‼️BOOM: Former PayPal CEO and billionaire Peter Thiel questions the legitimacy of US elections.

“I'm pretty sure Kamala will win. Because they’ll cheat, they’ll fortify it, they’ll steal ballots. I think our elections are not perfectly clean.”

Since we se NO CHANGES in election protocol, YES they will cheat!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.