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be happy y'all

Behind the hum and routine of daily living, there lay a persistent and wild longing for something she could not easily put into words. It felt like impulsive adventures and watching the sun rise over unfamiliar mountains, or coffee in a street café, set to the background music of a foreign language. It was the smell of the ocean, with dizzying seagulls whirling in a cobalt sky; exotic foods and strange faces, in a city where no one knew her name. She wanted secrets whispered at midnight, and road trips without a map, but most of all, she ached for someone who desired to explore the mysteries that lay sleeping within her. The truly heartbreaking part was that she could feel the remaining days of her life falling away, like leaves from an autumn tree, but still this mysterious person who held the key to unlock her secrets did not arrive; they were missing, and she knew not where to find them.

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Remember this: forgivness is powerful when you live with unforgiveness in your heart, you become debilitated- unable to move and show up in the world in the way that you were created to all because, you took on the spirit of offense and chose not to forgive. So, you see while, at times, you may feel like it's "your right" to hold offense and not forgive -and, while you do have free will you must also understand that what you felt was a "right" will also be the very thing that strips you of your ability to live in freedom. And, so in your quest to experience justice, you'll only instigate the greater injustice against yourself, your well being, and your future.

So, know this: forgiveness is powerful. Forgiveness is freedom- it liberates you from offense, from bitterness, and from the negative spirits that will invade your heart, soul, and mind and prohibit you from being a source of light in the world. So, forgive. even when it's hard, even when the person across the table is undeserving.

While the world will do it's best to define you, telling you who to be, how to act, and what to think - remember: every fiber of your being was designed with purpose. The way you think, communicate ideas, and express yourself it is a unique and electric combination that no one else has. Too often, we misconstrue the evolution of life. we buy into the idea that we must "become" someone to be great.

But, greatness is already in us. it's at the core of who we are. The challenge is to not strive to become something else but to instead uncover the greatness already within us by stripping off lables and removing the pressure to blend in so that we show up in the world as the purest version of ourselves- completely untainted

I've never been one for understatements so I'm not going to say this is love. I'm not going to say your voice moves me in ways the laws of physics fail to define; that when you're tired a huskiness seizer your throat that floods my veins with peafe. I won't say you're perfect; that i turn to love you and every other direction pales in comparison; that somedays i miss you like someone drowning misses the air; that i could spend lifetimes writing poetry about undiscovered libraries nestled soundly in the valleys of your eyes.

Forgive me if I forever fumble over words trying to do justice to the way you make me feel. I guess what I'm trying to say if I had to choose but one thing from the expanses of the never-ending univerese to call my own i'd choose you.

I choose you. Everyday i wake up to love you, i'll continue to choose you everday until forever. I choose to love, cherish, adore, take care of, to be with you. I choose to be loyal, i choose to be honest, i choose to fight for you. They're the most important to me. I've already love you as well, but i havent always to say it. I'll try everyday to do better, because you makes me a better person. I've never knew love, i've never knew understanding, but i believe in you.

ㅤㅤ ★. 𝗪𝗘𝗧 رحلة 𝗝𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗬

Drip, drip, drip, a constant rhythm as the raindrops collided against his umbrella, protecting him like a knight, his enemies small but many as he goes about his day carrying with her a bouquet of flowers picked along his travels whispering to hisself.

It's the details he wishes to rope in and hold forever as he examined the wet spot on this particular petal of her freshly picked bouquet, magnifying all the perfect imperfection, because he sees hisself, and there's beauty in that too.

ㅤㅤ ㅤ★. 𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗘 الحب الحقيقي 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘

In the middle of the night, when we get up after making love, we look at each other in complete friendship, we know so fully what the other has been doing. Bound to each other like mountaineers coming down from a mountain, bound with the tie of the delivery-room, we wander down the hall to the bathroom.

I can hardly walk, I wobble through the granular shadowless air, I know where you are with my eyes closed, we are bound to each other with huge invisible threads, our sexes muted, exhausted, crushed, the whole body a sex-surely this is the most blessed time of my life, our children asleep in their beds, each fate like a vein of abiding mineral not discovered yet.

I sit on the toilet in the night, you are somewhere in the room, I open the window and snow has fallen in a steep drift, against the look up, against the pane, I look up, into it, a wall of cold crystals, silent and glistening, I quietly call to you and you come and hold my hand and I say I cannot see beyond it. I cannot see beyond it.

wdyt about sekala?
  •   so handsome, friendly & warm person, talkactive, and have positive vibes, let's be friend?
  •   kinda intimidate, gentleman but scary & looks cold person. also seems hard to approach & convokill.
  •   looks like bf material, so cool, hot and attractive, u caught my attention, i have crush on you.
  •   jameties, random typing, humoris, and happy virus, but have a glamour vibes, ur one of my fav moots.
9 ta ovoz


I used to think I was a sunset lover,
constantly chasing a beautiful end. That my heart couldn’t trust another and I’d always have to pretend. I used to think that love was like fire and I, a moth bound to it’s flame. But true love goes beyond burning desire, settling into embers that refuse to wane. I no longer dread for dusk to fall or yearn for the sun to stay.

I search for solace in the darkness until the stars come out to play. By now I’d usually be sleeping, dreaming of another day instead the moon finds me weeping and asks if all is okay. I tell her of the spark in your eyes, how your touch would make me melt? How I believed I’d found my twin flame? And how intensely alive I once felt? But you can’t fight fire with fire and I know this because I’ve tried. It’s not worth the bridges burnt or all the scars we try to hide.

She listens quietly, glowing with empathy and for a moment I think it might rain. But then she whispers to me softly; Tomorrow you will begin again.

ㅤ ✧✦Your golden hair is tinted purple because of the way you're standing in the hue of the blinding lights. I don't know if that's my heart or the drum beat that's shaking my rib cage, stealing the air from my cigarette stained lungs, making me tear up either from pride or fear because of your alluring looks.

ㅤ ✧✦I may know this song like the back of my hand because, I wrote it, but you're making me forget the words by just your one stare. My heart is bursting out of my chest, my fingers fumbling on the guitar strings but I play it off like an unexpected riff that gives a rise to the crowd like you're making the hair on my arms do. You're so f*cking beautiful.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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