♡ Jaemin! : CLOSE TODAY 20.00 WIB

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Yossshh, sudaah close yaa! dan last offernya di kak 'https://t.me/jaeyin/16?comment=229' rel='nofollow'>Huijuin! Selamat atas kemenangannya dan sangat diharapkan untuk tidak HnR ^^

EH EH tapi sebelumnya kalian pernaah ga si ngerasain 4L lelah letih lesu loyo saat promosi??? waaah kebetulan nih aku ada solusinyaa😼 cuss maricuss kalian mampirr ke @DIJASTIP dijamin 4L hilang dan kalian bisa santai kayak dipantaii🤩🥳

❖ LAST OFFER : 'https://t.me/jaeyin/16?comment=229' rel='nofollow'>170.000 IDR


I. Gunakan akun utama dan wajib join minimal 2-3 base dagang.
II. Harus subs agar tidak ketinggalan info terbaru.
III. Menggunakan penanda akun C/P/BA, untuk akun RP wajib menggunakan [] bracket.
IV. Dilarang OOT, mengedit serta menghapus offeran kecuali admin atau owner.

—. Users Telegram X by @DiJastip.

Splendoring oath to preserve your own lust is sacred as you are in the eyes of mortals. 愛情のこもった一連の賭けは魅惑的でした。Along with its lustrous orb in the hearing of @jaeyin, 好意的にすべての一歩を踏み出しました。壊れた石を修理してその尊厳を祀る、for forever they will stood in the name of Jaemin NCT Dream. And now as I dwell amidst centuries, let the offer begin.

@jaeyin @jaeyin

✾ The offer begin from 18 until 21 November AT 20.00 WIB

✾ Along with the start offer from IDR 10.000 and a kb of IDR 2.000, drop your offer in the comment section.

✾ Payment can only go through DANA, GOPAY, OVO, SHOPPEPAY, QRIS (+2K)

✾ If only you need a certain thing or two to grant information from us, you may contact @rSanrio

✾ Drop an offer if only you HAVE A BUDGET and use your MAIN ACCOUNT. We will delete any suspicious offer.

✾ comment section: https://t.me/joinchat/HHixAsdCvvI2NGZl
✾ tags : Jaemin NCT
˃‌ᴗ˂‌ Supported by @DiJastip

Jaemin NCT

@ Jaeyin
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229 ta ovoz


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