Jailbreak Notifications

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Notifications for jailbreak releases and important community news.
Jailbreak FAQ: https://s007.co/FAQ
More cool jailbreak chats: @jailbreak

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Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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Dopamine is...
A jailbreak for arm64e (A12 - A15) and M1
Supported on devices on iOS 15.0 through 15.4.1
A rootless jailbreak

What package managers does it come with?
Sileo, Zebra

Is it open source?
Yes. It can be found here.

What is a rootless jailbreak?
Rootless jailbreaks do not provide full access to the iOS device's operating system, as only certain parts of the filesystem can be written to.

This can make it so that modifications may have to be done in different ways than you're used to, and may require tweaks be updated in order to properly support rootless.

How will it affect me as a user?
Users should check if their tweaks are compatible with iOS 15 and are properly compiled before installing them, as not all tweaks will work on this version out of the box.

Installation guide

unc0ver v8.0.0 is NOW OUT with iOS 14.6-14.8 support for A12-A13 iPhones. unc0ver.dev

A new untethered jailbreak is available for devices with A12 - A14 processors.

“unc0ver v7.0.0 is NOW OUT with iOS 14.4-14.5.1 support for A12-A14 devices with Fugu14.” - Pwn20wnd on Twitter

Fugu14 must be manually installed and ran by following the instructions at https://github.com/LinusHenze/Fugu14 before installing and running unc0ver on iOS 14.4-14.5.1 (A12-A14). Otherwise the application will show "Unsupported".

You might want to wait until an easier installation method is available.

“Some clarification: 1. I did test multiple unc0ver builds before the release and they worked just fine. 2. The untether is safe to use as long as you don't start messing around with the code. 3. An installer for easy installation will probably be available soon-ish” - Linus Henze, the exploit developer.

Get it at https://unc0ver.dev

Taurine - a jailbreak for all devices on 14.0 - 14.3, is now available at https://taurine.app

kok3shi jailbreak has been released for iOS 9.3.2-9.3.5
- Only for 64 bit devices
- SSH only
- Cydia can be installed but isn’t recommended
- Tested only on 5s
Use at your own risk

unc0ver for iOS 14.3 and below has been released for all devices. https://unc0ver.dev/

Main changes from previous version:

- Adds support for 14.0 - 14.3
- Adds support for 13.5.1 - 13.7
- Adds support for 12.4.9 - 12.5.1

Chimera 1.6.2 has been released with bug fixes and improvements

- Fully reliable userspace reboot
- Sileo icon now shows up reliably on fresh bootstraps
- uicache runs on rootfs restore and removes jailbreak app icons
- New Chimera splash screen on userspace reboot

- iOS 12.0 -> 12.5.4 on all A7 - A11 devices
- iOS 12.0 -> 12.1.2 on A12 devices

Checkra1n 0.12.2 has been released with bug fixes and improvements

More Information: https://checkra.in/

Chimera 1.5 is now available with support for A7/A8 devices up to iOS 12.4.9 and the Procursus bootstrap!

(Migration from the Chimera bootstrap to Procursus is not yet supported)


checkra1n 0.12.1 beta has been released

What’s new
Adds an on-device alert to indicate checkra1n’s Safe Mode is active
- Partial support for the original HomePod (CLI only, tested to work with audioOS 13 and 14)
- Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that would often cause Safe Mode to be entered on iOS 14.2 regardless of whether the user requested it or not
- Safe Mode no longer loads 3rd-party LaunchDaemons
- NVRAM is now unlocked on iOS 14.2 as well
- Fixes an issue where jailbreaking an AppleTV fail on fresh tvOS installations
- Fixes dropbear on bridgeOS so that SSH should now always work
- The bundled dd binary now has the entitlement required to access block devices
- Fixes multiple memory leaks in early-boot binaries
- Changes some GUI internals that should reduce the chance of exploit failure and GUI hiccups

Odyssey 1.2 has been released for iOS 13 compatible devices

• Added support for all iOS devices between iOS 13.0-13.7 (thanks to FreeTheSandbox!)
• Improved exploit reliability on iOS 13.0-13.5
• A8 and A9 may not be able to jailbreak on iOS 13.5 and older. You will need to force the old exploit

checkra1n 0.12.0 released with support for A10 and A10X on iOS 14.

A11 has limited support in this build for iOS 14. You’ll have to disable passcode for the device to boot jailbroken.

• Official support for iOS 14.1 and 14.2
• Official support for A10/A10X devices on iOS 14.x
• Limited support for A11 devices on iOS 14.x (Options > Skip A11 BPR check)
• A “Quick Mode” option that makes the GUI/TUI run on a timer and require no button clicks

Bug fixes
• Fixes a widespread issue that could cause crashes or hangs at various stages of booting across all devices and iOS versions
• Fixes a kernel patch that made many kexts think the device was in restore mode
• Fixes an issue where the tvOS loader would crash on tvOS 13.x
• Fixes a GUI/TUI issue that would cause failure with A7 devices
• Fixes a GUI/TUI issue where failure to jailbreak could cause memory corruption
• Fixes an issue where the T2 overlay was not being sent in the Linux version
• Ships a vastly updated PongoOS, including:
◦ Working USB on all SoCs
◦ A hardware AES driver for all SoCs, providing access to GID keys and more
◦ Booting with -p works once again

Other changes
• Users who used a modified checkra1n build will get a warning popup

Known issues
• On Apple A10 devices running iOS 14, boot may sometimes hang in pongoOS. In that case, reboot the device and retry.
• Jailbreaking tvOS using the GUI might not work in some cases. As a workaround, you can use the CLI.
• NVRAM is not unlocked on iOS 14.2
• A7 devices are currently known to not work with the Linux version
• The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3
• Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4k breakout boards
• bridgeOS:
◦ As soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication

These are the devices that we will initially support on iOS 14:

iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, and SE
iPad 5th generation
iPad Air 2
iPad mini 4
iPad Pro 1st generation
Apple TV 4 and 4K
iBridge T2

Devices that we hope will be supported in the coming weeks:

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
iPad 6th and 7th generation
iPod touch 7
iPad Pro 2nd generation

checkra1n 0.11.0 has been released
- Official support for iOS 12.0 - 13.7
- Official support for iOS/tvOS 14.0 (A8(X)-A9(X) running iOS and iPadOS; all tvOS devices are supported)
- Official support for Apple TV 4K breakout boards (Standard and Advanced)

Download: https://checkra.in/releases/

How to install unc0ver
Two methods to pick from:

A) Use AltStore.io
View the website for a quick tutorial.
- You need a computer.
- You can use this method while not jailbroken.

B) Use ReProvision
- You don't need a computer.
- You need to be already jailbroken.
View repo & tweak info

C) Your OS might support an alternative such as Apple's Xcode in combination with iOS App Signer on macOS. Read more on unc0ver's website.

Both apps sign and automatically re-sign apps for 7 days. Signed apps can be used while unjailbroken. After installing, you can simply download unc0ver in Safari and open the IPA file in AltStore or ReProvision.

A new version of unc0ver (5.3.1) is now available at unc0ver.dev



• Fix support for removing leftover files from RootLessJB


• Add iOS 12.3-12.3.1 and 12.4.1-12.4.8 (Latest versions) support for iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and iPad Air 1 models with high exploit reliability
• Fix rare reliability issues within the jailbreak process for all devices

Profiles for iOS/iPadOS 14 beta, tvOS 14 beta, watchOS 7 beta and macOS 11 (Big Sur) beta are available at the following links:


unc0ver 5.0.0 has been released!
checkra1n 0.10.2 beta has been released

unc0ver supports all devices on iOS 11.0 - 13.5. Some devices are not supported on some versions. [1] It appears 4k devices (iPhone 6, iPad mini 4, iPod touch 6 and older) are not supported.

checkra1n supports iPhone X and older devices on iOS 12.3 - 13.5

Changelog https://unc0ver.dev
• Full-fledged support for all devices on iOS 11.0-13.5 with Cydia and tweak injection

Changelog unc0ver 5.0.1
• Enable unrestricted storage access to jailbreak applications for sandbox backwards compatibility while keeping security intact by leaving the security restrictions enabled for system and user applications
• Update Phone Rebel case models and bundled packages

Note: System must be rebooted to apply changes when updating the unc0ver jailbreak

Changelog https://checkra.in
• iOS/iPadOS 13.5 support.
• Fix multiple issues with kernel patches that caused devices to not boot, most notably iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4.
• Fix bootstrap upload not working if th

How to install checkra1n
Requires macOS or Linux to install. Check it out.

How to install unc0ver
Two methods to pick from:

A) Use AltStore.io
View the website for a quick tutorial.
- You need a computer.
- You can use this method while not jailbroken.

B) Use ReProvision
- You don't need a computer.
- You need to be already jailbroken.
View repo & tweak info

C) Your OS might support an alternative such as Apple's Xcode in combination with iOS App Signer on macOS. Read more on unc0ver's website.

Both apps sign and automatically re-sign apps for 7 days. Signed apps can be used while unjailbroken. After installing, you can simply download unc0ver in Safari and open the IPA file in AltStore or ReProvision.

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unc0ver 4.2.1 has been released! This release brings support for older iDevices.

Note: You must reboot in order to install this update if you are already jailbroken

Changelog 4.2.1
• Fix a bug that caused unreliability in starting up substitute
• Fix an issue that broke battery settings and caused extra battery drain

Changelog 4.2.0

• Fix issues with system services on A12-A13 (i.e. iMessage notifications)
• Add iOS 13.0-13.3 support for A9-A11 devices
• Fix temporary freeze after the jailbreak completed alert

• You must reboot in order to install this update if you are already jailbroken
@Pwn20wnd's substitute bootstrap tooling is used on A9-A11 devices running iOS 13.0-13.3 for battery saving features, improved performance and compatibility reasons
• There is no particular reason to switch to the unc0ver jailbreak if you are already running the checkra1n jailbreak (Other than the convenience of being able to re-jailbreak your device without a computer)
• Your jailbreak apps and tweaks will be preserved when switching from the checkra1n jailbreak for A9-A11
• You can switch back to the checkra1n jailbreak while preserving your jailbreak apps and tweaks but you will need to manually install Cydia Substrate from Cydia after switching back
• All devices running iOS 13.0-13.3 are now supported
• The connected Apple Watch may re-sync after jailbreak. It will take around a minute or two and it won't touch your data

unc0ver 4.0.2 has been released!

unc0ver 4.0.2 sets out to squash all of the following issues: unc0ver 4.0.0 broke many things across iOS (App Store functionality, notifications, message attachments etc.). In turn, 4.0.1 widely broke support for all iOS 13 versions lower than 13.3.

Device compatibility information can be found in this message or in our group’s Pinned Message.

- Fix iOS 13.0-13.2.3 support
- Fix injection into WebContent

How to install
Two methods to pick from:

A) Use AltStore.io
View the website for a quick tutorial. You need a computer, but you can use this method while not jailbroken.

B) ReProvision is working again, Apple probably did another oops! You can use ReProvision if you are already jailbroken to sign and automatically re-sign apps for 7 days. Signed apps can be used while unjailbroken.
View repo & tweak info

After installing either, you can simply download unc0ver in Safari or @JailbreakTools (updates soon) and open the IPA file in AltStore or ReProvision.

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