Jake Community

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

The complex deity who turns up in art and literature possibly with a perfect blend of physical superiority and moral virtue. A representative of your friendly neighborhood puppy in human form, The Jake Community.
@JcoRoobot 🎥 @JcoThesaurum

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Far off in the sky, bursts of illumination began to emerge as fireworks began to erupt all over them, lighting the dark sky in an eclectic mix of primaries ready to welcome another day, eyes all over the screen turn to these amazing paguy @TheLakersMate @SullyoonNation @ChaerHolic @kunolaa. And while most firework still shows adequately draw the amazement that they are expected to, we are here, sending the urgent message to the inhabitants of this fraternity, celebrating the triumphant together as well wishing you a light that will always surround your flowery path, may you find a way to heal every wound that causes a great numbness in the abdomen as team together and may your arms never tire to embrace one another to very end of road with every achievement on hands. And till we meet again on another date of celebration, happy mensiversarry.

Your favorite doughnut shop,

Gini deh, mending join Jakesphere dari pada kita ribut siapa yang nyuri donat semalem.

Jakesphere. #OpenPO dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Various destinations are being written in their journals, no one was sure which places would be their first and last stop. For some people, the place they went to might hold a familiarity. For some, perhaps it is the other way around.
In the middle of nowhere, wouldn't it be better to not be alone? We certainly believe so. Hence why, we're looking for another Jake portayer to join this fascinating voyage with us! Before you decided to enlist, there are still things you must aware of, such as;

1. Make sure that you're Enhypen's Jake portayer and not only on a temporary character switch.

2. Be ensured that Jakesphere will be your one and only muse's dorm.

3. Not a spy or clone in a bad way, and make sure to keep the group's secrets.

4. Friendly, good manners and willing to make us the safest place to go; not just an ordinary dormitory.

Jake portrayers, what are you waiting for? Buckle up and get ready to travel with us through @Jakespherebot. We will appear shortly to guide you!

Verrell mau gak ya diajak koleb sama Jake?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Dapet good morning dari Verrell

Yugss, beli kaos Deus dulu brouku.

Mw join dong brok

Mau buka kelas “How to be Jamet” ada yang mau ikutan?

👀 yoon sseni ‹𝟹 (@seewun) read the message

Pagi all.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Far off in the sky, bursts of illumination began to emerge as fireworks began to erupt all over them, lighting the dark sky in an eclectic mix of primaries ready to welcome another day, eyes all over the screen turn to these amazing paguy @MarkTechnology. And while most firework still shows adequately draw the amazement that they are expected to, we are here, sending the urgent message to the inhabitants of this fraternity, celebrating the triumphant together as well wishing you a light that will always surround your flowery path, may you find a way to heal every wound that causes a great numbness in the abdomen as team together and may your arms never tire to embrace one another to very end of road with every achievement on hands. And till we meet again on another date of celebration, happy mensiversarry.

Your favorite doughnut shop,

Greedy Teenagers dan repost
Despatch a box of topical salutes to the bourgeoisie of the world! The feverish tidings today was about Greedy Teenagers came to the surface for gathering certain tribes to meet their quarters.

1. By agreement, we are delighted to accept any teenagers who was born as 2002 liners. Twins are allowed, two for each character. It's a good idea to ask in advance whether your character is still available for a seat or not.
2. Someone who can't keep secrets, two-faced, the silent readers, likes to look for trouble, and a spy is strictly prohibited in our milieu.
3. Finally, convince yourself that you can mingle very very well, always active, can communicate with us.

The tidings concludes warmly from those who are waiting for you at their dwelling. It would be nice, come and say hello to our personal communication on @GreenTeaaBot. Make sure you have read and are ready to comply with the rules listed. We are patiently waiting for you here!

👀 dc (@YooKarinta) read the message

Maaf, kalo mau main harus jajan donat jco dulu minimal 500k. Benefitnya banyak banget, bisa pilih 5 donat fav mu. Slot terbatas, ayo serbu! 😋🤫

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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