Javo on the Way

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Has been to 7 US States 🇺🇸
Fully in logistics 🧑🏻‍💻
IELTS 8.0 🏄‍♂️
Jay Jay🎗

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Week 2 Day 9.pdf
Good day!

Here you can learn more about different truck parts (though I admit that it doesn't necessarily incorporate each detail of a truck).

Hope, you will find it useful!

⛳️ @java_america

433 0 10 2 12

Week 2 Day 8.pdf
Good evening, team.

Sharing Day 8 (Safety & Fleet). You will learn about the different trailer types. Next, I will share about trucks and its parts.

⛳️ @java_america

529 0 15 6 11

We are officially starting Week 2 - Safety and Fleet.

Stay tuned ➡️

✈️ A Telegram voice chat with accounting specialist Mr. Max

📣 We are excited to announce a special Telegram voice chat this Friday with Mr. Max, a logistics accounting specialist with 5 years of experience in the industry.

🎙Mr. Max will be sharing his invaluable insights on the intricacies of logistics accounting, covering topics such as:

🎮 Whether you're just starting in logistics accounting or looking to refine your skills, this session is for you!

🗓 Date: This Saturday
⏰ Time: To be determined

Don’t miss out!

⛳️ @java_america

Hey everyone.

I need a recruiter with 1 year of experience at least.

Please contact @javohir_utkirov

First 3 options are correct.

That's it. Much luck!

Which document helps verify the miles driven by a driver for payroll purposes?
  •   A) Rate Confirmation
  •   B) Bill of Lading
  •   C) Driver’s logbook (also correct)
  •   D) Accounts Payable report
  •   E) Load List
63 ta ovoz

How often is driver payroll typically processed?
  •   A) Daily
  •   B) Weekly
  •   C) Monthly
  •   D) Quarterly
45 ta ovoz

What is included in a driver’s payroll calculation?
  •   A) Fuel costs
  •   B) Rate Confirmation details
  •   C) Hours worked, miles driven, and any bonuses
  •   D) Accounts receivable balance
41 ta ovoz

Which party typically issues a Rate Confirmation document?
  •   A) The shipper
  •   B) The factoring company
  •   C) The broker
  •   D) The carrier
43 ta ovoz

How does a factoring company assist logistics businesses?
  •   A) By managing payroll
  •   B) By buying invoices at a discount to provide immediate cash flow
  •   C) By providing vehicle maintenance services
  •   D) By auditing profit and loss reports
35 ta ovoz

What is the purpose of a Bill of Lading (BOL)?
  •   A) To confirm payment terms
  •   B) To document the goods being transported
  •   C) To issue an invoice
  •   D) To settle a financial transaction
40 ta ovoz

What does a Rate Confirmation (Rate Con) document specify?
  •   A) Payment terms between the broker and the factoring company
  •   B) Agreed payment rates between the broker and the carrier
  •   C) The weight of the load
  •   D) Details about the vehicle used for transportation
40 ta ovoz

When should a company pay its Accounts Payable to maintain good supplier relationships?
  •   A) Whenever it has the funds
  •   B) On or before the due date
  •   C) After the due date
  •   D) At the end of the fiscal year
35 ta ovoz

Which of the following is an example of an Accounts Payable item?
  •   A) Driver payroll
  •   B) Utility bills for the office
  •   C) Customer invoices
  •   D) Cash on hand
46 ta ovoz

What is Accounts Payable in a logistics company?
  •   A) Money the company owes to its drivers
  •   B) Money owed by the company to suppliers
  •   C) Income from customers
  •   D) The company’s profit margin
36 ta ovoz

How does Accounts Receivable impact a company’s cash flow?
  •   A) It decreases the cash flow
  •   B) It has no impact on cash flow
  •   C) It increases the cash flow when payments are collected
  •   D) It is recorded as an expense
39 ta ovoz

Which document is typically issued when a customer is invoiced for a service in logistics?
  •   A) Bill of Lading (BOL)
  •   B) Rate Confirmation (Rate Con)
  •   C) Invoice
  •   D) Profit and Loss Report
53 ta ovoz

What does Accounts Receivable represent in a logistics company?
  •   A) Money the company owes to suppliers
  •   B) Money owed to the company by customers
  •   C) The company’s bank balance
  •   D) Unpaid employee wages
43 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.