I made an effortpost on twitter:
One of the central lies that governs the Western world is the claim that political movements which propose to care exclusively about their own people rather than "humanity" at large are the primary threats to world peace. That the only bulwark against mass brutality and genocide is some endless global crusade in defense of "human rights" on behalf of some universal brotherhood of mankind.
The truth is the opposite, if you only care about your own people then you will be content to tolerate the rest of the world's deviations from your particular moral and ideological standards, so long as your people have their own place within it which belongs to them and them alone.
Superimposing the ideological concept of "humanity" over the natural concern for your own however necessitates conflict on a global scale - because humanity is global in scale. Everyone on the planet which refuses to subscribe to the same ideological concept of "humanity" becomes an enemy which must be destroyed.
Not only did this lead to us sacrificing the blood of millions of our best men fighting the wars of the 20th Century on behalf of this supposed humanity. But this humanitarian ire has now been turned sharply within. Anyone who asserts that we should only care about our own people and leave the rest of the world to solve its own problems is declared an enemy of humanity and marginalised from mainstream political participation. You are told your people no longer exist, only humanity exists.
Your people as a distinct group capable of caring about only itself must be therefore be destroyed at all costs for the sake of "humanity" - every truly humanitarian government therefore must go to war against its own people, as every Western government currently is.
Hence the pre-emptive self-genocide of every White nation, on behalf of humanity. Because to reject humanity could justify genocide, of course. And if you resist, you are declared a genocidal maniac and enemy of humanity.
This tragic irony is the consequence of failing to recognise that every political ideology is at its core a declaration of war. An assertion of where the line is at which toleration ends and violence begins, of what is worth fighting and dying for.
Humanitarians in trying to use politics to achieve a world of universal toleration without violence, are engaged in a performative self-contradiction. Politics IS violence. Humanitarian politics is therefore the largest possible justification for violence and most limited scope of toleration conceivable on this planet. An ideology of universal violence against violence, and universal intolerance in defense of tolerance.
Nonsense this absurd became the primary ideological justification for the state of our world, not because it makes any sense, but because it justified the actions of the allies in WWII and their subsequent construction of the post-WWII international order. This is why revising WWII and de-demonising Adolf Hitler and his National Socialists is so critical to our future, failing that we are condemned to the horrifying logical conclusion of global humanitarianism - the total genocide of every White nation on Earth.
One of the central lies that governs the Western world is the claim that political movements which propose to care exclusively about their own people rather than "humanity" at large are the primary threats to world peace. That the only bulwark against mass brutality and genocide is some endless global crusade in defense of "human rights" on behalf of some universal brotherhood of mankind.
The truth is the opposite, if you only care about your own people then you will be content to tolerate the rest of the world's deviations from your particular moral and ideological standards, so long as your people have their own place within it which belongs to them and them alone.
Superimposing the ideological concept of "humanity" over the natural concern for your own however necessitates conflict on a global scale - because humanity is global in scale. Everyone on the planet which refuses to subscribe to the same ideological concept of "humanity" becomes an enemy which must be destroyed.
Not only did this lead to us sacrificing the blood of millions of our best men fighting the wars of the 20th Century on behalf of this supposed humanity. But this humanitarian ire has now been turned sharply within. Anyone who asserts that we should only care about our own people and leave the rest of the world to solve its own problems is declared an enemy of humanity and marginalised from mainstream political participation. You are told your people no longer exist, only humanity exists.
Your people as a distinct group capable of caring about only itself must be therefore be destroyed at all costs for the sake of "humanity" - every truly humanitarian government therefore must go to war against its own people, as every Western government currently is.
Hence the pre-emptive self-genocide of every White nation, on behalf of humanity. Because to reject humanity could justify genocide, of course. And if you resist, you are declared a genocidal maniac and enemy of humanity.
This tragic irony is the consequence of failing to recognise that every political ideology is at its core a declaration of war. An assertion of where the line is at which toleration ends and violence begins, of what is worth fighting and dying for.
Humanitarians in trying to use politics to achieve a world of universal toleration without violence, are engaged in a performative self-contradiction. Politics IS violence. Humanitarian politics is therefore the largest possible justification for violence and most limited scope of toleration conceivable on this planet. An ideology of universal violence against violence, and universal intolerance in defense of tolerance.
Nonsense this absurd became the primary ideological justification for the state of our world, not because it makes any sense, but because it justified the actions of the allies in WWII and their subsequent construction of the post-WWII international order. This is why revising WWII and de-demonising Adolf Hitler and his National Socialists is so critical to our future, failing that we are condemned to the horrifying logical conclusion of global humanitarianism - the total genocide of every White nation on Earth.