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{ DESIRE To know God
MORE this Year
As long as you know that GOD IS FOR YOU ,it doesn't matter who is against you .

Serve God, not man.
Please God, not man.

//Colossians 3:23 //
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,


Redemption✨? dan repost

Happy Friday

•1 Samuel 1 •

|| No Situation is Permanent with God ||

I believe we all know the story of Samuel,Elkanah,Peninah and Hannah? If no ,I encourage you to read the book of 1 Samuel.

Hannah was deeply troubled by her barrenness and Peninah did everything she could do to make Hannah feel worse.In the face of the unkind treatment from Peninah ,Hannah always turned to God for comfort and at the appointed time ,God heard her prayers and she praised God like never before .

Dear one,are you in a point in life whereby you feel like giving up on God just because of some unanswered prayers ? If yes ..i have come to announce to you that with God ,no situation or problem is permanent.
It might seem a bit delayed .God promises to see us through it .God works in time and with time .He is good to deliver you out of any sickness,barrenness in any area,disgrace,troubles and many more at the appointed time.

"When you look at your problems ,you will enter into it and so the only best thing to do is for you to look up to Jesus " -Fes

Hannah poured her heart out through prayer , making God know what she's going through and how she feels about it.If you find yourself in any difficulty,do not hesitate to tell God about it . We also see in the verse 19 that ,
Early in the next morning , they arose and worshipped before the Lord and then went back to their home at Ramah.Elkanah made love to his wife Hannah,and the Lord remembered her.

And the Lord remembered her .
Beloved, The Lord is remembering you just the moment you want to give up on Him . He's a good Father to see you through all things .The Lord is answering your prayers .

Get ready to rejoice like Hannah !!!
God bless you !!

My Hope My Joy dan repost
Happy sunday Lets keep the message spreading

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