Jonathan Weidner

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Official Channel of Jonathan Weidner the Catholic Integralist where everyone is literally Hitler.
Democracy is Gay

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Sucks to hear about Leo Cullinan today. Didn't know the guy but that's tragic. ⚡⚡

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Just remember guys, being kitted up means nothing if you don't know what you're fighting for. You'll have nothing and no reason to get into the fight or stay in it when things get difficult.

We have the most armed civilian population in the history of mankind and they have been for years and they haven't done jack shit while the enemy continues to march on in Victory. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Because most people don't know what they want.

Quite simply, most people are Political imbeciles. They run out onto the battlefield when they should be getting trained on politics and philosophy so they know when to go. Instead they simply make a mess of things.

Get educated on proper Catholic political philosophy first so you understand how not to get stuck in another dead-end movement that just wants to run out there and "do something" but doesn't know what the hell they're doing & gets infiltrated or shut down by the enemy.

This is the time to build a strong Foundation.

Know thyself.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Too many Men of the modern day want to gain without losing.

They want to win without sacrifice. The enemy is willing to do everything while many of the modern right is not willing to do one thing. Not one thing to step forward and fight back against our eradication. This has to change. Victory requires sacrifice. Sacrifice of comfort, material gain and acceptance by the masses.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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The greatest fallacy that the Allies told the masses was that the Third Reich was a pagan movement. This is a fallacy that is promoted in the history books as well as so-called based Catholic clergy in the modern day. There's not a shred of evidence produced by these Slanderers that the Third Reich, fascism or national socialism was anything other than Catholic in nature. Started by Catholics,  led by Catholics and supported by the entirety of the Catholic Church including Pope Pius XI through the Reichskonkordat.

It is the justification for the saturation bombing of Civilian homes while families slept in their beds and children coddled with their parents. It is the justification that they used to slaughter half of the German population of 80 million across Europe because of their hatred for Germans.

Make your mark on history by aiding in eradicating this lie that the modern enemy is still promoting.

So in the video attached we see images of the most prolific gay and cross-dressing community in Europe instigated and run by Jewish #Marxists before #WorldWarII in Weimar Republic #Germany.

After the national socialists were elected into office starting with Adolf #Hitler, this degeneracy was outlawed and shut down. All of these people fled the country to safe havens for this degeneracy like the United Kingdom and America.

The still photos are of American & other Allied soldiers while fighting in the European theater in World War II. It seems like degenerates couldn't wait to save their friends.

The Demonic obsession with lasciviousness and degeneracy amongst the so-called allies further proves that everything you've been told since you were a child is a lie and that the entire existing political structure and it's lap dog the media is one giant gay Disco.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Much to the disappointment of the pagans, Hitler was Catholic. The founders of fascism and national socialism were catholic and we're completely supported by the entire Catholic Church. No matter how hard you try you cannot change that fact of history.


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The Third Reich not only had a Catholic leader but also defended Christianity from violent Marxism when everyone refused to do anything.

Faith and Movement dan repost

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Now that I've got the channel back up and running I know I need to make a statement regarding a special someone that has been spreading rumors about the intent of what we're doing here.

Some have proposed the fallacy that we plan on doing some form of a Catholic Nazi Patriot front styled real world activist movement. This is the biggest load of horse crap ever spread around about my channel. Not only is it a scandalous fabrication, it undermines the intellect of myself and everybody associated with these groups in that we are not given enough credit to figure out how dangerous something like that would be.

We do not run or are not involved with any form of gang, mafia, Secret order or fraternity, cartel or any other loopy fantasy that somebody else has promoted that will cause us to be "raided in 40 days."

The original Catholic Integralist had nearly 1000 followers plus the chats attached to the channel.

If people have not returned because of fear of these rumors then cast those aside and come back.

Blood and Faith dan repost
"A fire had been started and from this flame, a sword would someday be forged that would win back freedom for the Germanic Siegfried and life for the German nation."

—Adolf Hitler


🟥 Panem Pilled - RTC Enjoyer /// dan repost
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Intolerance is a virtue.

The future of a movement is dependent upon not only your total commitment to your cause and worldview but the intolerance of any other worldview but your own. What we learned about the protest against the LA Dodgers support for drag queen blasemies is that if you allow modernist catholics, Protestants and Jews to participate in your events and movements, it will decay into a feminate tolerance of the very thing you're fighting.

Intolerance of the enemy is actually love and loyalty for god, your virtues and your people.

Never Capitulate.

“You have, to be sure, intimated that a certain Jew, when at the point of death, since he lived only among Jews, immersed himself in water while saying: ‘I baptize myself in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.’

We respond that, since there should be a distinction between the one baptizing and the one baptized, as is clearly gathered from the words of the Lord, when he says to the Apostles: ‘Go baptize all nations in the name etc.’ (cf. Matt. 28:19), the Jew mentioned must be baptized again by another, that it may be shown that he who is baptized is one person, and he who baptizes another... If, however, such a one had died immediately, he would have rushed to his heavenly home without delay because of the faith of the sacrament, although not because of the sacrament of faith.” (Pope Innocent III, Debitum pastoralis officii, August 28, 1206, Denzinger 413)

Faith and Movement dan repost
Degrelle, Léon - The Burning Souls.pdf
Léon Degrelle rose to prominence as a newspaper editor & head of the militant monarchist, Catholic, & anticommunist Parti Rexiste.

Following the German occupation of Belgium, Degrelle & his party loyalists enlisted in the Wehrmacht-organized Walloon Legion to aid in the liberation of the peoples of the Soviet Republics. He raised approximately 6,000 volunteers over the course of the war. Degrelle & his men were noted for extreme bravery, brutal ferocity in close quarters fighting, & an indomitable spirit of self-sacrifice.

After the fall of Berlin, Degrelle made a daring escape from the crumbling 3rd Reich. He managed to reach Spain, where he was safeguarded by Franco’s government.

Degrelle expressed no regrets for joining the war on the side of the Axis, defending his own actions & those of his superiors & comrades. He lived in Spain until his death of natural causes in 1994, & remained active in anticommunist & pan-European.

Anyone who finds favor with, colludes with or agrees with those who are destroying our civilization and attacking our Catholic faith that gave birth to it is the enemy and should be treated as such.

For those who still aren't clear on the issue the swastika is a Christian cross. So don't ask why the Third Reich did not focus on Christianity enough. Their very Banner bore the Cross of Christ

"Mammonism is the heavy, all-encompassing and overwhelming sickness from which our contemporary cultural sphere, and indeed all mankind, suffers. It is like a devastating illness, like a devouring poison that has gripped the peoples of the world.“

—  Gottfried Feder

"Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money" (1919)

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