Jordan Sather

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

I'm just here for the Awakening.
Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose
A link to all of my links 👇

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Indian bro is going viral for his Kamala take


Scamala Harris

23.9k 6 724 11 436

Live in 5
[9.18] No Mercy Mossad, 23andMe Board Quits, Diddy Dun Diddit - Stuff's Getting Cray

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6.9k 0 19 10 74

“Suspicious packages” sent to election officials in “17” states

I’m guessing this is a Deep State message to Trump & Co.

7.1k 1 64 7 196

Lots of recording today

Pilled stream right now

Clickbait of the Week at 3:30PST (Rumble, Pilled, DLive)

Wednesday night stream at 5PST (Rumble, Pilled, DLive)

Links for the other shows coming soon

Digging Into Diddy (Lawsuit, Epstein, Haiti, Democrat Party)

New Video 👉

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I get the feeling that the Deep State is preparing a black swan economic event to roll out as soon as Trump is inaugurated

So they can blame a tanking economy on Orange Man Bad

23.6k 3 240 26 278

Excited to announce a partnership with! 💊

I’ll be hosting exclusive live-streams on the platform. Make sure to follow me on Telegram, Truth Social, or X for announcements on when the streams will take place.

Pilled is like Twitch for conspiracy theorists and truth seekers. A live-streaming platform with a variety of hosts and topics for all of your research needs, it's also a great platform to support your favorite streamers.

Pilled is committed to free speech and honest analytics, and I’m excited to help them grow - they deserve it.

Click below to sign up and follow my account! 👇

I'm curious what we're going to learn about Diddy's lady handler, Kristina Khorram

7.4k 0 75 11 223

A Springfield Ohio police report from August 28th stating that a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up?

What's this? I thought "they're eating the pets" was fake news?

24.5k 2 455 10 280

Pro-Trump apper Lil Pump was banned from Instagram after posting this photo

"Too much activity on your account doesn't follow our Community Guidelines"

Vague reason, because of course

27.9k 2 305 10 340

All 7 members of the 23andMe board resigned today

44k 6 926 12 412

Why was Tony Podesta emailing John Podesta about Maya Harris (Kamala's Sister) going to a "pizza party" for Hillary's campaign?

2016 email from Wikileaks archive 👇

28k 3 610 19 267

I'm getting a bunch of emails from people about the @WeTheMedia preview page on Telegram being down.

Some people don't want to make a Telegram account so they follow Telegram pages on their web browser through the "preview channel" option.

I have no idea why the preview channel isn't coming up on web browsers and we are working out how to fix it, or if we even can. It might be something Telegram itself has changed and we're S.O.L. Not sure, on the case though.

25.5k 4 277 31 279

Conscious Strength dan repost
We know for decades the Establishment & Mega-Corps have put profit over people by introducing GMO crops, garbage food product, fluoride, vaccines, etc... into our lives, and our health has suffered greatly.

But what happened in 2006 that made the fertility rates suddenly decline as shown in this graph?

Here's a couple possible links:

In 2005/6:
- FDA approved the HPV vaccine Gardasil (initially marketed to young girls)
- Monsanto gained approved for "Roundup Ready Soy"
- EPA "reapproved" the pesticide Atrazine (endocrine disrupting effects)
- FDA approved the use of a variety of birth control products, including Plan B for over the counter purchase.

Also the "Global Recession" of the time may have had an effect, with families deciding not to have children because they couldn't afford it.

6.8k 0 134 11 197

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

8.2k 0 81 14 460

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
People in Ireland using drones to block traffic cameras by putting trash buckets over them


29.3k 3 673 2 596

The only jobs that Biden/Harris created were inside jobs.

25.8k 2 138 16 523

24.2k 2 64 12 205
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.