
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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• fotbar : @inifotbarvany
• bot : @Jevany_bot
smoochiee Nn buat moots saya💘

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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🗳 Hai smoochiee🤍
Happy weekend 🎉

- sky
- $53.
- Melvin loanjing⁵
- slctv. elina
- riell
- Raily D'marjorie
- ecca
- rktm. jagara ༃M🇲🇪
- • Laurentvia Leorysa Levionna
- Jibbie O___<
- 〄. kmh Mõzⁿʳᶜᵗ
- Erion
- 조– 𝐅 𝐀 𝐑 𝐄 𝐍
- 死 B̶rahma
- mami wonnie
- ˖ 𖥻 ƶ݂࣪⍺݂֘ѵֺ۪ᧉ᮫࣪ꭉׂ݂ᥣֹׄỿ݂࣪ꬼִֺ 💭 ᐢᐢ
- Jarayya S.
- jsn².Melvinʲᵖʳ⁵ ༃M🇲🇪
- Rakel mabok teh jus
- xolla cakra ༃M🇲🇪
- stephany
- Alandra
- olapie bdścakra
- blair
- Kajeniara'slr
- jeano
- WAKA oLInE !! ★__𖦹
- Melody V >‿♡
- ns.
- ᥴᥱყડᥲ ༉‧₊˚
- rest ⱱgx. asya bdścakra
- abel lagi kangen ex.
- shakie ༃M🇲🇪
- moonà ༃M🇲🇪
- jendral
- Megan
- bs kajjael the kid
- dzd.ragas
- Galang
- atlanta
- s/ia ⱱgx amo marko dg²
- ts . 𝐍araya
- — c
- prpw. alya #hiduploretawan
- Jachi
- rest ama
- 𝐑esyakila
- dara
- Seanara.M
- arventa revalia.
- 580 交 . 𝐏angeran !¡
- Abbyiela.
- bwł . αzélα cpk insecure mw cntik donk
- Tamara A.
- jani
- Divelosa M
- narin ezl neoitzy
- call jeje sj
- ega
- 𝐌illicent 𝐑eα

👥 61 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

Pain in the struggle was only temporary.
You can feel it in a minute, an hour, a day, a month or a year. But if you give up, the pain will last forever.

Anw jadi Nn buat kalian smoochiee yya
Night all-!!!
Have a sweet dreams🤍

Bagus mana
  •   chivy
  •   smoochiee
61 ta ovoz

Sekarang udh 1 September
Udh di bulan yg baru
Saya harap kita semua bisa lebih banyak tersenyum, bersyukur, tertawa & lebih bahagia dari bln sebelum nya❤️‍🔥✨

If your heart feels a lot of pain, then learn from that pain not to give pain to others.

You cry not because you are weak, but
You're crying because you've been trying so hard for so lon

Don't spend your whole life without enjoying it because you will regret it when you look back.

"If you have a dream, then you better not give up no matter what. You can't be successful if you haven't experienced failure."

Happy 76th Indonesian Independence Day🇮🇩.
Thank you to the national heroes who have fought for the independence of Indonesia.
I hope that in the future Indonesia can become a developed and prosperous country.
Can produce outstanding children of the nation. Save our Indonesia from disaster and distress. Cultivate a sense of love for the homeland,
Help us to become a country that is in solidarity with one another, and works together in building the nation.

Every life is full of trials,
It's good that we don't complain, just be grateful for what God has given us, because complaining is useless
It's better to be grateful and live this life.

All our dreams will surely come true, if we have the courage and effort to pursue them.

The past is behind, learn from the past.
The future is ahead, be prepared for it. There will always be surprises along the way.
just live

there are times when I'm disappointed and hopeless with myself
But I know for sure God is preparing the best for me.

There are times when you feel tired because of your failures
But remember you have to be strong and don't give up
Because the key to success starts with failure.

We can dream to get something
But remember
It all takes effort to achieve a dream.

Ꭻꫀ᥎ᥲᥒᥡ Ꮮꫀᤁᤁᥲᥒᥡ Ꮐเ᥉ꫀᥣᥣᥡᥲ•
Lee chaeryeong

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•Board : @boardvany

• fotbar : @inifotbarvany

• bot : @Jevany_bot

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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