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"To see is to be liberated." ~ Sri Bhagavan
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"The way you relate to yourself internally is exactly the way you relate to others."

~ Sri Bhagavan

(25th November 2018)

"When you are not awakened, do not behave like one.

Reading, listening or copying anyone will not help you to become like them. By reading the experiences of great saints like Ramana, Buddha, and Ramakrishna, you may get the passion to get enlightened. But that cannot make you like them.

There was a person called Chilli Baba. He was only eating chillies. What if you copied him and ate only chillies? Obviously, You will become only sick. Similarly there was another Sage who drank only Sugar water. What will happen if you start taking sugar water? There was another person who was never eating, drinking and sleeping. If you also behave like him, what will happen?

You are not a Light Being or a Space Being. Their structure itself is very different. You will lose even what you have if you try to become like these people. You are unique. Each one of you is unique; stick to it. Only if you are YOURSELF, you will become Light Being /Space Being.

By reading about Great people, you may get passion to be like them. But you should not copy them.

In Taoism, a person went into a particular posture called 'Taichi', through a process. After certain processes, body will automatically go into yoga-like postures. But by copying the postures, you cannot become like them.

Ramana was naturally silent. If you try to copy him, you may get some silence inside. But you cannot become enlightened.

If you try to copy someone, you will not be natural and you will not get Mukthi. To get Mukthi, you must be natural.

There was a robber in a forest called Angulimala. All were afraid of him because he not only robbed, but also cut their fingers and wore them as garland. He had 999 fingers and wanted one more to garland himself. Angulimala then saw a person who was walking towards him boldly. That was Buddha. Buddha had no fear or conflict and Buddha was ready to die; Buddha had no fear of death. So when Buddha came towards him, Angulimala felt extreme silence and transformation inside. He fell at Buddha's feet and became his great disciple.

If you try to copy others, you will become untruthful - a beggar or thief.

That is why I say when you are not a Mahatma Gandhi, do not behave like one. You are a person who says 100 lies a day. That is your nature. YOU ARE YOU

When you copy, you do not get anywhere. If you are you, we will take you there (enlightenment).

If you have passion, We will help you to discover your path. There is a specific path for each individual. Like there is a specific medicine suitable to each person, each one's path to mukthi is also specific. You cannot copy Chilli Baba, Ramana, Ramalinga, Buddha or Mahavir to become enlightened. Their paths were different.

You have to work on YOURSELF to discover what is going on inside you. You cannot say 'i am an Atman' - this and that. What are you? You are a gossip-monger!!! You love gossips. You tell 10 lies every minute. That is what you are. By copying, you may gain a little transformation, but you will lose many things, especially your path to mukthi.

That is why we say 'when you are not Awakened, do not behave like one' CONTEMPLATE."

~ Sri Bhagavan💝


"When you are awakened, you feel you are empty, and then once you are filled with the Presence, you will feel completely full."

"There is only one Mind -the Ancient Mind. It is conditioned by separation and duality."

"Your mind is not your mind, but an extension of this Ancient Mind."

"Similarly, your thoughts are not your own thoughts, but downloaded from the ‘thought sphere' associated with this Ancient Mind."

"The sense of a separate self is generated by the neurobiological structure of the human brain."

"This 'self', in experiencing itself as seperate, generates cravings, aversions, comparisons and judgements, which are the core of suffering."

"When the self disappears, suffering ends."

"When cravings drop away, including the craving for enlightenment, you are enlightened."

"When the Blessing is given, a neurobiological process begins, which leads to the dissolution of the sense of separation or fixed self."

"When the fixed self disappears, you experience yourself as simply a dance of personalities continually arising and passing away."

"Your body is not your body. When the self disappears, your sense of ownership of the body disappears, and you experience it as a vehicle for the divine dance of consciousness.
Eventually, all creation becomes your body."

"The mind, based in duality, cannot be enlightened."

"The self, which is an illusion, cannot be enlightened. The self is only a concept."

"Enlightenment is the realization that there is no self to become enlightened."

~ Sri Bhagavan🌹


"Profession should be selected according to one's nature and not according to the market value."

~ Sri Bhagavan🦋


Devotee : Dear Bhagavan, I want to follow you. What can I do to serve you best?

Sri Bhagavan : I have no followers. You must discover your own path and follow your Self. Oneness helps you to discover your own path. Unless you give up all paths you are not able to discover your own path. Unless and until you would discover your own path nothing is going to happen. If you become a follower of bhagavan you are not going to go anywhere.

Dear Bhagavan, what is the relationship between spiritual awakening and my reality life?

Sri Bhagavan : When you are awakened, you become spiritual. When you become spiritual, you get the best out of real life. Everything in real life is very, very enjoyable. Like drinking a glass of water, walking or talking, or doing a job for your business. Everything gives you energy. You start celebrating life.


Devotee : Dear Bhagavan, Oneness teaches us to stay with "what is" as long as possible. On the other hand we have to pray for the better situation. It seems kind of conflict. Please give us clarity. Thank you Bhagavan.

Sri Bhagavan : If you could stay with "the what is," that is the most wonderful situation. If you cannot do that, change "the what is" by praying.


"To be exactly what you are and to feel helpless about it and ask for grace is humility."

~ Sri Bhagavan🙏


"The Awakened One remains unmoving till perfect action arises by itself. The Awakened One is free of all views and concepts; is one with the what is."

~ Sri Bhagavan🌹


How can one cope with jealously ?

Sri Bhagavan : Jealousy is basically coming from insecurity. Insecurity is coming from fear. If somebody is doing good, then you feel jealous. If you watch carefully, it is basically your own fear, your own insecurity when you see someone doing well. Then what is your problem? If somebody is in a wonderful car, a better car than yours, then what is your problem? Your problem is that you are unable to do and you want to do, you cannot do, you might not be able to do, whether you will be able to do or not. So, you are basically satisfying yourself by giving an explanation, by saying that the other person is trying to show off. Or, you might condemn that person or condemn yourself for feeling jealous. What you should do is just watch this story which is going on inside. Just watch. That very watching is liberation.

Bhagavan says, “To see is to be free.” You must only see how your fear is expressing itself as jealousy. The moment you start watching, the charge goes away and you feel so relieved and so nice about it. At this point of time I can only talk about it and explain like this. But there is much more.


"In not wanting something, you are all the time thinking about it and giving life to it; which then becomes your reality."

~ Sri Bhagavan🕊



"These miracles  are done for the purpose of breaking your mind. Your biggest problem is the mind. Now the mind is an unchanging donkey.  Your problem is you are carrying the donkey on your head. That is your suffering. The donkey's head is on your head, it's legs are on your shoulders. What you must do is stop the donkey down and ride on the donkey.

It is said that donkey is riding on you.  That's why you want to first defend the mind. Then see that the mind is separate and is not you. But for all that to happen first, you must break your mind. The mind thinks too much of itself. It thinks it knows everything.

It is using logic and reason. That's all fine up to point. But beyond that logic and reason cannot touch god. If you must touch god, you must go beyond the mind. As long as functioning within the mind, you and god cannot come together.

Where the mind ends, god begins. Within the mind there is no scope for god. The mind is itself anti-god. It is some dead things it is. It is merely processing thought. Thought from the past, flowing to the present, into the future.

It is a dead things it is. It is mere flowing from the past. It has no life. You are giving it importance. It is OK for functional things. For worldly things you need it. But the spiritual things or inner things,  it is optical. You must transcend that.

But within the mind it is so powerful, it is so real, it has perfect  logic, reason, all these. It must be broken. How to break it? The physical miracles.

Can you explain how the honey comes? It's a phenomenon. Can you explain how the water comes? You cannot. Can you explain how the paramathma ----  You cannot explain. It's a phenomenon.

Phenomenon means that is which cannot be explained, that is which cannot be understood. And that is significant. That is the meaning of word phenomenon. With a phenomenon, and something cannot be explained, something cannot be understood, are something significant, make your mind go to pieces. It break your mind.

The whole concept of the physical miracles, though they are not greatly useful to you, is to break your mind."

~ Sri Bhagavan🥀


Devotee : Sri Bhagavan, What is authentic self? Is it the higher self or is it pure ego without conditioning?

Sri Bhagavan: It is neither the higher self nor the ego without conditioning. Let's say someone comes home and you smile at the person and you invite him to come inside and you offer him a cup of coffee. But inwardly, you detest his coming home and you do not like offering him that cup of coffee. And if you happen to SEE what is going on inside, that is the authentic self.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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