Khojiakbar Adkhamov

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

• Winner of 250 million sums from "Xorijiy.."
• Hippo International Olymiad semi-finalist
• FLEX semi-finalist
• 60% scholarship from Millat Umidi maktabi
• IHT student
• SAT 1320
• rapper, skateboarder
Part of @Development_Community, @share_project

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Maybe add something else here now👀?

➡️ Everyone,

⭐ You can now congratulate me on securing 8 from the IELTS exam!

220 1 27 62 34

Got some bombastic news, narod🎉


😶‍🌫️ It's been 3 weeks since the opening of the admissions cycle for the class 2029, but YOUR extracurricular activities may not be enough to secure a spot at good colleges!

❕If so here is a chance for YOU

@share_project is looking for a volunteer who can take and edit videos in a good quality!

Don't miss the opportunity to join Share Project team of organizers.

➡️ Benefits to you
1. Networking with students with decent scores in IELTS and SAT, such as 1530 and 1470, IELTS 8. And with other team mates who are almost professionals at their jobs

2. Acquiring experience

3. Learning to work with a team

Interested? Send your CV to @dreamchaser_aa

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Formal vs. Informal Language ✅

Ready to improve your communication skills?

In our latest video, we dive into the differences between formal and informal language.🔥


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
➡️ Watch the full interview I gave on the channel "Foreign Languages"

• The interview is about myself, my studies, and the work I do outside of studies.

Things discussed
#Study_Zone (a new start-up)

435 0 36 15 13


The recorded version of the interview taken from me has been released way sooner than expected🎉🎉

Should I send it here👀❔

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

211 0 0 19 12

Shaha Dolimov dan repost
Orzu qiling!

Orzularingizni amalga oshirish uchun hunar tanlang

Tanlagan hunaringiz bo’yicha ilm o’rganing

O’rgangan ilmingizni biror korxonada qo’llab, tajriba orttiring

Orttirgan tajribangiz yetarli bo’lsa, boshqalarga maslahat bering

Maslahatingizdan baraka topishsa, sohangiz bo’yicha tadbirkorlik qiling

Tadbirkorlik o’xshasa, ilmingizni ulashing

Ulashgan ilmingiz, boshqalarni orzu qilishga undasin

Shu mavzu bo'yicha YouTube kanalimga yangi video joyladim.

Ushbu videoda siz:

- universitetgacha qilishingiz kerak bo'lgan muhim qarorlar
- ekspertlikka 4 qadam
- kasb tanlay olmay yurgan do'stlarimizga kasb tavsiya

va boshqa qiziqarli ma'lumotlar haqida bilib olasiz.

Videoni ko'rish uchun👇
📹 O'zingizga mos kasbni qanday topish mumkin?



❕Exploring Ivy League 2028 students, I have been realizing better and better that we need to be ready for many rejections.

➡️ As we see in Alloma's example, although got accepted to Brown University, she received a lot of rejections. This reminds us the point once again that every college have its own values they seek in applicants.

⭐ Therefore, finding your fit - the university whose values match yours - is, of course, crucial!

Alloma 🧸 dan repost
Мой второй college list:
1. Barnard ED - defer
2. Reed EA - waitlist
3. Rhodes EA - waitlist
4. CWRU EA - rejected
5. Wake forest EA - rejected

Regular Decision rejections
1. U Richmond
2. Duke (Karsh International Scholarship Program)
3. Duke Kunshan
4. UPenn
5. Columbia
6. Wellesley
8. Georgetown Qatar
9. Hamilton

Regular Decision acceptances
1. Bard College in berlin
2. Brown


Nurbek's idea-log dan repost

Project name: Study Zone
Position: Mobile app developer

We are doing a Start-up with a dedicated team of teenagers. The business module has been highly evaluated by a recent hackathon judges such as Shavkat Karimov - Head of IT Community. So taking the actions is what's left till success.

We currently need a Mobile app developer to build an app for service purchases. We'll pay you enough money worth for your work on the app!

If you are interested, reach out to @khojiakbar_8320

➡️ Research papers are usually very handy in admissions as you probably know.

They show your ability to do research independently and exposure to your chosen field!

✅ This is a nice opportunity to seize if you are willing to try writing research papers!!

Hogwarts school dan repost
#magic_scholarship #part1

🔔 Opportunity Alert 🔔

📣Pioneer Academics Research Program 🇺🇸

🎙Pioneer Academics is a fully accredited online research program for high school students. In Pioneer's rigorous academic system, students work one-on-one with university professors in advanced study and research of a topic of their interest, culminating in a full-length research paper.

📌 Key details :
- Eligibility: High school students
- Eligible countries: All
- Scholarship: need-based
- Format: online

📌Deadline: 2025 application cycle is officially opened

🔗 Apply here:

P.S. In the next post, we will give further details about the application process!


1️⃣ Telegram | Instagram | Website | @campofnewuzbekistanuniversity?si=urxADDbMEVI5AP4_' rel='nofollow'>YouTube

Noo, people,

I was going to learn how to make my essays more attractive.

Yesterday, Alloma with Unicrafters was reviewing an essay, and I have suddenly realized that my essays lack some interesting parts, like a basic hook or more creative approach.

So I thought of reading a few more examples just to learn how to write my essay in a more interesting way that captures the admission officer's attention.

Or still am I doing the wrong thing?

50 Successful Ivy League App Essays PART 1 (1).pdf
🆒 Can be handy during this bloody admissions cycle!

⭐ Finally out!

➡️ Be sure to check it out as it might be handy for you

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.