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wrapped up our first fansign!!! ♡♡♡
have an enjoyable weekend everyone ♡♡


tomorrow x together - talk x today on air - VCR - behind the scenes


𝗪haleio dan repost
Congratulations on your Comeback TOMORROW X TOGETHER and all of TOMORROW X TOGETHER roleplayers!

Especially : Me, Dapa, Nio, Kaivan, Aro, Dynan, Kharriel, Milo, Arga, Arcylic, Yonje, Ayres, Zero, Veren, Choin, Agas, Alvian, Ryuu, Daniel, Gummie, Joan, Cevara, Jefran Gemma, Rafka, Hadar, Koyuka, Bastian, Miko, Soleil, Abi, Keeneth, Deegra, Kalajuno, Abrecio, Faris, Naoto, Justin, Ressa, Arcelio, Nares, Zack, Shota, Yema, Ben, Theo, Daniel, Henriette, Eiden, Diego, Axel, Benorish, Cleon, Isakhar, Zarson, Ravis, Richard, Atla, Adjiendaru, Kyle, Michael, Kaio, Benedict, Barasta, Bennett, Bian, Tareo, Chico, Jevan, Ethan, Asoka, Kenneth, Kaizo, Kouro, Jiro, Hoshiko also all member txt house.

Y'all have done your best! i hope all of TOMORROW X TOGETHER members and all of TOMORROW X TOGETHER roleplayers will having a better day, good mood, positive vibes, and happy always. i’m so proud of you! also don’t forget to stream 0X1=LOVESONG MV, MOA!

0,01% dan repost
Yups guys! Finally TXT comeback with
"0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) ft. Seori".

Happy comeback TXT, I'm so thankful
for you're guys hard worked. You're
deserve so much love! Also
congratulations for TXT rp-ers
especially for Me, Kalajuno,
Yema, Ravis, Zarson, Dynan, Deegra,
Abrecio, Richard, Isakhar, Tsukasa,
Adjiendaru, Faris, Henriette, Kurobin,
Theosa, Daniel, Michael, Eiden, Kaio,
Jevan, Rafka, Barasta, Abizhar, Arash,
Bian, Diego, Gertaka, Hoshiko, Hadar,
Gemma, Jiro, Cleon, Gazel, Naoto,
Chico, Beneiro, and Justin.

Okay moots, don't forget to watch,
replay, enjoy our newest official music
video. MOA keep streaming!!!

ㅡ ✷ 𝐀brecio`s 𝐃aily dan repost
finally, after the long wait, the 4th gen leaders a.k.a Tomorrow X Together are coming back with their newest album The Chaos Chapter : Freeze. today at 06:00 PM KST their title track, '0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori' Music Video was released! congratulations to all TXT's members who worked super hard for this amazing comeback. also congratulations to TXT RP-ers, especially Me, Yeza, Adjie, Richard, Cleon, Nares, Soleil, Hadar, Zarson, Miko, Yema, Rafka, Barasta, Ressa, Chico, Benedict, Ishakar, Kenneth, Diego, Justin, Naoto, Theosa, Adrian, Tareo, Abizhar, Atla, Kaizo, Hoshiko, Dynan, Ethan, Ben, Chobs, Daniel, Zack, Benorish, Kyle, Michael, Iskhar, Ravis, Faris, Henriette, Kaio, Deegra, Eiden, Beneiro, Gertaka, Arash, Jevan, Fwaycies, Terry, Bian, Kalajuno, Aco, Jiro, Gazel, and other TXT rp-ers for the comeback! enjoy your special day and don't forget to stream so the comeback goals will be achieved and make this comeback spectacular (++ if you want MC Soobin to hand the trophy to the members).

thank you for waiting, MOAs ♡


oh right.. kalau semisal ada yang terlewat (diego lupa cantumin nama atau belum diego fw ke channel) boleh bangett chat diegoo disinii~ @littlehyuka

thankyouu so much nunaa, hyungiee~ i love it!! >< happy streamiiiing and have a great daaay~! ♡♡♡

Only Fans dan repost
31 𝐌ei 2021 𝐇appy 𝐂omeback for 𝐓X𝐓 & every 𝐓X𝐓 rp-ers cuz "0X1=LOVESONG" 𝐌usic 𝐕ideo was out.

Especially for 𝐌e, 𝐀brecio, 𝐆azel, 𝐑avis, 𝐑afka, 𝐁enorish, 𝐉ustin, 𝐆emma, 𝐉iro, 𝐘ema, 𝐃ynan, 𝐙arson, 𝐃eegra, 𝐀bramas, 𝐑ei, 𝐉efran, 𝐈chikaru, 𝐉una, 𝐃iego, 𝐀biraja, 𝐇adar.

𝐎nce again 𝐇appy 𝐂omeback & 𝐂ongratulations. To appreciate and repay their hard work, let's stream their music video & keep support them! 𝐋et's check it out!

𝐒hlimazl dan repost
Tomorrow X Together 0X1'= LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) music video is already out now.
Happy Comeback to TXT and TXT rp-ers esp :: Kenneth, Atla, Miko, Soleil, Kyle, Chico, Namesis, justin, Hadar, Diego, Ressa, Ben, Hoshiko, Cleon, Chobs, Yema, Rafka, Theosa, Ethan, Naoto, Adrian, Terry, Bian and Rean

MOA's Don't forget to streaming and take a care. have a wonderful day💙

—With love Jiyychana Shareez

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