ㅤㅤ ㅤℳassivr 𝒮alatations 𝒯elings
𝐇allo everyone ! Introduce we are from
VANDEROX GANK , today is day you have been waiting
@leadgardofc will open member for the umpteenth time, so check this rules ::
➝ For all Chr dan All gender
➝ please read the
𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦 carefully
➝ using ATB as long as
OPEN MEMBER is running, everything becomes a complete assessment or not ( menggunakan atribut yang sudah di sediakan )
➝ pada umumnya : share ke 5 lpm tdk punya lpm? (
@listlpm ) tidah usah di ss yang penting jujur.
➝ If you feel that you are ready to be a part of you and fulfill the two points above that we have provided, please send the
𝗙Ø𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗧 to the bot listed bro and sist.