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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Market place of southern ideals

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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New Alabama saying: April tornados bring May tomatoes 🍅 🌪

Broke: debt based economy
Woke: gold based economy
Bespoke: honey based economy

Possible silverlining. Pre-built beginner homesteads may be coming up for sale for a decent price in the future.

The southerns profiting off the misfortune of fellow countrymen in favor of Northern money is called scallywags and will be treated appropriately.

The Virginia Flaggers 🇸🇴 dan repost
April is Confederate History Month

Ok. April fools. Going to take a shower now. The yankee posting made me feel dirty.

Ah yes our superior northern culture

In honor of Lincoln we are now called the yankee strip mall

We have seen the errors of our ways. Lincoln was a Saint and cared about the virtue of the union. He was only trying to save the Southern people.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
So I heard of the idea of Guerilla gardening awhile back and I think it's a fantastic idea. Throw random seeds along paths and watch it grow. Dig a small hole and plant an apple core, maybe a handful of squash seeds. They might not all germinate but many will.

Worst that will happen "oh no! Squash is growing instead of bramble!"

Esoterica Americana dan repost
If there is a weakness to millenials, its actually that we really believed old hippy movies and books about the American Dream or whatever, even while it crashed in front of us.

We sat through 911 and believed you when you told us it was evil terrorists, we signed up to go fight your wars because we believed your lies, Larry. We went into debt to go to college because you said the knowledge economy was coming. We stayed in entry level jobs for a decade waiting on boomers to retire, we wore masks so boomers wouldn't die.

If there is a weakness to us, it runs the opposite way. We are too nice, too willing to sacrifice, and too willing to believe. And when the boomers are all on life support, we will still give more and probably hold our lives back further so you won't be at the mercy of the third world scum you imported to cheapen our labor.

Esoterica Americana dan repost
Its actually hard to imagine a generation that has had to sacrifice more, Larry.

Since people are actively fighting to force you to participate in public schools, we should actively fight to force them to homeschool.

Ok. This is a fire meme

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

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