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💢 Introduction to Two Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction
🔷 Abstract
🔹 Two-dimensional X-ray diffraction is a new technique in the field of XRD analysis which is not simply a diffractometer with a two-dimensional detector. The 2D diffraction pattern contains far more information than the conventional diffraction pattern for applications, such as: Phase ID; Percent Crystallinity; Particle Size
and Shape; Texture; and Stress. Because of the unique nature of data collected with a 2D detector, a completely new concept and new approach are necessary to configure the XRD2 system and to understand and analyze the 2D diffraction data. This paper covers the fundamentals about its principles, geometry, instrument configuration, applications and its advantages over conventional XRD.
📒 Keywords: XRD, Two Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction
📅 Iranian Journal of Laboratory Knowledge, Volume 5, Issue 1, Spring 2017, No.17, Page 39.
Iran High-Tech Laboratory Network
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⭐️ #Articles
💢 Introduction to Two Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction
🔷 Abstract
🔹 Two-dimensional X-ray diffraction is a new technique in the field of XRD analysis which is not simply a diffractometer with a two-dimensional detector. The 2D diffraction pattern contains far more information than the conventional diffraction pattern for applications, such as: Phase ID; Percent Crystallinity; Particle Size
and Shape; Texture; and Stress. Because of the unique nature of data collected with a 2D detector, a completely new concept and new approach are necessary to configure the XRD2 system and to understand and analyze the 2D diffraction data. This paper covers the fundamentals about its principles, geometry, instrument configuration, applications and its advantages over conventional XRD.
📒 Keywords: XRD, Two Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction
📅 Iranian Journal of Laboratory Knowledge, Volume 5, Issue 1, Spring 2017, No.17, Page 39.
Iran High-Tech Laboratory Network
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