Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ASIF ALI dan repost
Past consideration is ------- in India
  •   Valid consideration
  •   No consideration
  •   Illegal consideration
  •   Unlawful consideration
309 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Past consideration is ___ in England
  •   Valid consideration
  •   No consideration
  •   Illegal consideration
  •   Unlawful consideration
271 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Consideration may be
  •   Past
  •   Present
  •   Future
  •   Either (a) or (b) or (c)
239 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Past consideration means
  •   Voluntary services rendered in the past
  •   Something given by a party to another at the request of the promisor and contract is made thereafter
  •   Something done at the time of making a contract
  •   Something to be given after formation of the contract
200 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
An essential feature of consideration is that
  •   It must be cash
  •   It must be given by the prmisee alone
  •   It must be at the request of the promisor
  •   It must be in kind
214 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Out of the following which is/are valid consideration ?
  •   Not to sue any person
  •   Compromise of dispute
  •   Composition of creditors
  •   All of the above
206 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
“Consideration” means a reasonable equivalent or other valuable benefit passed on
  •   By the promisor to the beneficiary
  •   By the promisee to the promisor
  •   By the promisor to the promisee
  •   By the promise to the beneficiary
202 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Section ---- of the Indian Contract Act defines consideration
  •   Section 2(a)
  •   Section 2(b)
  •   Section 2(c)
  •   Section 2(d)
211 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Consideration in a contract
  •   May be anything
  •   Noting in return
  •   Some thing in return
  •   May be illusory
212 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Consideration means
  •   Quid pro lo
  •   Quid pro quo
  •   Qui pro quo
  •   Quid pro quod
209 ta ovoz

LAW EXPLORER dan repost
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🎲 Quiz 'Contract Law (Quiz No. 209 @lawstuden)'
🍃 For judiciary preparation please subscribe our YouTube channel http://youtube.com/c/LAWEXPLORER
🖊 10 questions · ⏱ 30 sec

ASIF ALI dan repost
A sane man, who is so drunk that he cannot understand the terms of a contract
  •   Cannot contract while such drunkenness lasts
  •   Cannot contract at all
  •   May not contract while such drunkenness lasts
  •   Can contract at any time
512 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
A sane man, who is delirious from fever
  •   Can contract at any time
  •   Cannot contract whilst such delirium lasts
  •   Cannot contract at all
  •   May not contract whilst such delirium lasts
425 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
The contractual capacity of a company registered under the companies Act, 1956, is regulated by the
  •   Memorandum of association
  •   Provisions of the Companies Act
  •   Both (a) & (b)
  •   May not contract whilst such delirium lasts
355 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Contracts with an alien enemy before the declaration of war, which are against the national interest, are
  •   Terminated
  •   Not affected at all
  •   Suspended and revived after war
  •   None of the above
361 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
A minor can be lawfully …. of a cheque
  •   Drawer
  •   Drawee
  •   Payee
  •   All of the above
401 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
In a case where a lunatic enters into a contract for the purpose of ‘necessaries, then
  •   Lunatic’s is personally liable to pay
  •   Lunatic’s guardian is liable to pay
  •   Lunatic’s estate is liable to pay
  •   Guardian’s estate is liable to pay
344 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
A, a minor borrowed Rs. 30,000 from B as an education loan to complete his education. B can ……
  •   Recover amount from A
  •   Recover amount from A’s guardian
  •   Recover amount from A’s property
  •   Not recover at all
347 ta ovoz

ASIF ALI dan repost
Which of the following is considered to fall in the category of ‘necessaries’?
  •   Expenses for funeral ceremonies of minor’s father
  •   Money borrowed to save minors property
  •   Expenses for education
  •   All of the above
339 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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