
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Being must be felt. It can’t be thought.

Bette Davis 1939

وتكاد تؤنِّب نفسك لأنّك لا تختار إلا المسائل الصعبة

It was said that she was buried, but I was the one who died.

Of all those who have heard it, I alone know how your voice turns into a poem.

Please be save I care about you alot.

if you considered yourself as a trash ill be your trashcan to keep you.

I put a mirror in my fridge so I can be reminded of who the snack is.

بؤسا لليل بدؤه حنين وختامه أنين.

كل يوم هو هدية، توضع بطريقة غامضة في يدك المستيقظة، أو على جبينك قبل أن تفتح عينيك.

Talk to me about your pain,
about your burning dream
in the sun of this country.

ولستُ أدري حين يشكو لي حزنهُ أكان في قلبهِ
أم في قلبيَ الوجعُ !


Living in this broken city Where love is hard to find

7:19 PM.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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