[Hi, to my dearest BA mutuals , would you share this please ๐ฅบ]
hi ! setelah prepare selama 3 hari, akhirna babies cookies buka ๐ช , babies cookies open tomorrow , 17.05 WIB. This is my first opening so you will get random shapes ! ayayay ! aku open dengan banyak slot so, ayyo jajan di @babiescookies ๐ฉ๐ช !
with love,
cia !
hi ! setelah prepare selama 3 hari, akhirna babies cookies buka ๐ช , babies cookies open tomorrow , 17.05 WIB. This is my first opening so you will get random shapes ! ayayay ! aku open dengan banyak slot so, ayyo jajan di @babiescookies ๐ฉ๐ช !
with love,
cia !