Mana of Moria

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

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Spiritual growth from a 🇸🇪 heathen perspective.
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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Earth Weavers Chatroom dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
people resorting to mule trains to get supplies in as the government tries to flood them and starve them... everybody trying to escape the grid in north carolina just saw all of their nightmares come true... appalachia strong...

RavnBrann dan repost
👆🏻👆🏻Viking Island in Scotland (Thor's Island) up for sale. Some islamists and christians have tried to purchase it. This honorable Norwegian is devising a way we can pitch in to secure it, to keep it in the hands of it's rightful people. His videos need to be shared to get the word out. Please share them if you'd like to help with this endeavor. Nobody is coming to help us secure our lands, our future, we have to do it!! ⚔️

Ordinary Magic dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Bees and frequency.🔥

608 0 13 4 21

I asked my friend Michael to speak about his work with the elementals and I want to share his insight with you all. He hopes that people realize that being mystical is an inner condition that can be awakened. Michael didn't learn to communicate with them through books or other people, but simply through years of direct time in nature he became aware of the personalities of the forest and bit by bit learned to conduct himself and be respectful.

Wandering Spartan dan repost
I know your anger, o friend, for it is mine as well. But stay focused and steady, keep at it, do what you know must be done, and we will win.

Remember that your birth at this time in history is not mere happenstance. We are here to bring the new paradigm.

You have a part to play and your excellence is expected.

Beautiful Universe dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

THE WHITE REICH dan repost

This except delete every time it says maybe

International Germanic Heathen Fellowship dan repost
Heathendom is the ethnic spirituality of the Germanic people. It is not a credal religion, whereby one reads books, studies archaeological "evidence", and, at some point arbitrarily designated, one suddenly becomes "qualified" to be Heathen. It is a matter of blood and ancestry, not study.

Therefore, one is either Germanic, and therefore Heathen, or one is not. There is absolutely no "study" required, although of course studying one's own culture can certainly enrich one's ethnic spirituality.

Consequently, no amount of "study", in and of itself, will turn a Chinaman or a Zulu into a German or a Swede. As an ethnic spirituality, Heathendom is akin to a sort of "family tradition" on a grand scale for the Germanic people as a whole. One does not become a family member through "study" but through the traditional means of birth, and marriage, and adoption.

That's all. The gate that is kept is through blood and kinship, not whim-based notions of being "well-read". No amount of reading "recommended" texts, parroting lists of "virtues", or sharing pithy memes will change one's fundamental ethnicity. I cannot simply declare myself part of my neighbor's family, even if I have studied his family's history, traditions, inside jokes, and so on. It is for *them* to decide: not for me.

So yes, you may in fact "do as you please"... to a certain extent; and the contrary opinion is simply an attempt at "gate-keeping" that has no basis in reality whatsoever. That being said, families, extended families, clans, and even clubs and other associations have the have the absolute, natural right to set their own standards for what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

But that is for them to decide, and no one else.

Schönen Sonnabend,

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔡𝔪𝔦𝔫

Unser Blut ist unser Glaube. 🩸🙂🙏 Our blood is our faith.
Segen für alle! 🍺😇🙏 Blessings to all!
⊕ Wir sind ein Volk ⊕

International Germanic Heathen Fellowship dan repost
Memes like this proceed from a false (implicit) premise: namely, that "study" is a requirement in order to be Heathen. Nothing could be further from the truth.

(Continued in the comments...)

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Alan Watts

Paganism is ageless. We've known people from all over the world to be pagan for thousands of years. They're narrowing the religion down to a timeperiod of maybe 300 years in an undefined location because of some books. Spirituality comes from within its people, which is why a Nigerian can't possibly be a Norse pagan and a Norwegian can't possibly be anything but a Norse pagan, even if they both have read the Eddas.
We don't need the books, they're just useful tools to help us find our way home faster than maybe a celtic pagan would.

RavnBrann dan repost
👆🏻The havamal is an "instruction manual".. You know, like the bible.. But we're not abrahamic??

So what happens if the book is lost or destroyed? Paganism is gone? People can no longer be Pagan?

The "instruction manual" is inside you. What you need to know is always within you, no matter what era you come from. Its always there. All you have to do is connect with it.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.