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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Death approaches, reality approaches.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
We live in an age in which there is no heroic death

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
German expedition to Tibet

Racial consciousness

Carl Jung talked about racial memory, a collective memory of humanity as a species. To him this meant that the ancestral memories of our forbearers have become part of our collective unconscious and are in fact, continuing to shape our world.

Every single thing that makes us who we are is shaped by our ancestors. Our food preferences, our penchant for hot or cold weather, our phobias and inexplicable fears, even our food sensitivities and idiosyncratic habits lie in our genes.

"When I lifted a certain weight of steel, I was able to believe in my own strength. I sweated and panted, struggling to obtain certain proof of my strength. At such times, the strength was mine, and equally it was the steel's."

Yukio Mishima ‘Sun and Steel’

The positive superman, which suits the 'better Nietzsche', is instead to be identified with the human type who even in a nihilistic, devastated, absurd, godless world knows how to stand on his feet, because he is capable of giving himself a law from himself, in accordance with a new higher freedom.

Julius Evola

If the bourgeois generation perceived nature as a kind of idyllic Sunday respite from city life, if for the generation that replaced it it is a place where one can dump the excesses of one's brutal, pervasive, and contagious vulgarity, then for our special man it is a school of the objective and distant, something fundamental in the sense that his existence in it begins to take on a total character.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

“The proud Black-Shirt motto ‘Me ne frego’ written on the bandages that cover a wound isn’t just an act of stoic philosophy or the summary of a political doctrine.

It’s an education to fighting, and the acceptance of the risks it implies. It’s a new Italian lifestyle.

This is how the Fascist welcomes and loves life, while rejecting and regarding suicide as an act of cowardice; this is how the Fascist understands life as duty, exaltation, conquest.

A life that must be lived highly and fully, both for oneself but especially for others, near and far, present and future.”—Benito Mussolini

nothing ever happens

NazBol Party Club² ☭ - !!! EDITION dan repost
>Prigozhin makes a coup
>Declares NazBol Gang government
>He calls Q anon
>"everything done here, your turn"
>Tanks in Washington DC
>Its Trump
>"In God's name, to defeat globalism, here we stand united, from Moscow to Washington"
>Declared MAGA Communism
>Globalism has been defeated
>The West is not fallen anymore
>I get a gf

We did it bros...

Russians With Attitude dan repost
Prigozhin has announced a military coup against Russian MoD. We were probably the first people to catch it and tell you about it on air. Western media still haven't caught up smh!

We will see what happens tomorrow. Personally, i very much hope that it's an elaborate psyop and nothing tragic will happen. A civil war is the last thing that we need right now - or ever.

🌲 𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐕𝐈𝐔𝐒 🌲 dan repost
”Oh, you who exalt the fight without end, be it without hope, attach yourself to what is eternal! That alone is; the remainder is only shadow and smoke.”

Savitri Devi | The Religion of the Strong.

Wealthcucks mogged by Titanic

It’s worth remembering that the founders of fascism were mainly Leninists like Mussolini with a sprinkling of anarcho-syndicalists (George Sorel being the best known of those).

Actual fascism retained the founders’ doctrinal hostility to what modern leftists would call “corporate power”, never renouncing its state-socialist roots and being (in fact) hostile to all centers of power other than the state itself.

The modern idea that German and Italian fascism were conservative or pro-business ideologies is essentially a fantasy constructed by pro-Soviet propagandists during and after World War II.

In fact, classical fascism never wandered very far from its left-wing origins; corporatism can be seen as an elaboration of the theoretical role of worker’s soviets in Leninist theory.


Julius Evola outlines two categories of spiritual action: The Bow, and the Club.

The Bow:
A weapon of precision, the bow is a tool of orientation, of aims and of goals. It is a method of attack characterized by rectification. Examples may be Mask and Face of Contemporary Spirituality and Eros and the Mysteries of Sex.

The Club:
A weapon of destruction, the club is a tool of brutality, of demolishing and of a 'virile barbarism'. It is a method of strengthening and hardening ourselves whilst weakening and demolishing the modern world. Examples may be Orientations and Recognitions.

These two methods of spiritual action represent a two pronged attack on modernity. An attack from above and from below.

The bow to strike from a distance, the bludgeon, to destroy at close range.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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