
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

مات شُعور الأستغَراب ، أصبحَ كُل شِيء متوُقَع .
-محتوى متنوع⭐.
-للتواصل @xill9r .
-اطلب اللي تريده وراح انشر.
-متبرية من ذنوبكم.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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🕯️Hyun dan repost
First, second, and last, do not expect from me what I do not find in you.

🕯️Hyun dan repost

🕯️Hyun dan repost
I am confident in myself. Praise does not lift me up, nor does criticism bring me down

🕯️Hyun dan repost

🕯️Hyun dan repost
I will embezzle your scent and hide it in my lungs to breathe whenever I long for you...!

🕯️Hyun dan repost

🕯️Hyun dan repost
@JJJ_7kk للتبادل

ザイナブ dan repost
تبادل يعيوني 💋@z_2tio

ザイナブ dan repost
I see something beautiful in your eyes, oh it's my reflection.💋

ザイナブ dan repost
And if many women around you are seizing you, they are nothing but pearls from the Khalkhali necklace!🤭

ザイナブ dan repost
No, I don't have a similar.🫦

ザイナブ dan repost
سَهـله مِـن تِـتـركـني بَـــــس! صـعبَه تِـلكـهـ مِثـلي ، يِحـبَك وبــكُـل لَحظـه يِـشـتـاگـلك تَرا مُستحيـله لا تِرسـمـها بِـ بَالـَكـ

ザイナブ dan repost
هَلـ مـره طَــــال البُـعِد مـو چِنت يَوم وتِـرد ، چِنـت تِعاتِبــ وتكِـلـي مِشتـاكـلك شّــو هَسـة أنَه إِلـِ اتوسَــل وأكِلـك مِحــتاجـلَكـ!

ザイナブ dan repost
بَس تِذَكر الي يِحبَك مَـا يـبچَــيكـ! وَلا بـِ زَعـل گـلبَك يـِخَـلـيكـ .

ザイナブ dan repost

ザイナブ dan repost

ザイナブ dan repost
Every day I feel like I'm turning into a more dull person As if at any moment
I will vanish and my existence will cease to exist. I was in what was a shining spectrum I do not know when and how my colors were stolen and extinguished .

ザイナブ dan repost
"Our friendship began with smiles and ended with tears."

ザイナブ dan repost
I didn't want anything difficult, I just wanted you to love me.

فتحت تبادل، @xill9r

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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