Get ready for finals "MCQs"

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Highest heart rate in?
  •   Old age
  •   Young adults
  •   New born
  •   None

📍fourth day
((CVS"heart & Vascular"))

🔵  ((CVS))

🔺️First day "Heart" ➡️ 15 Q ✔
🔺️second day "vascular" ➡️ 15 Q✔️
🔺️ Third day "vascular & heart"
➡️ 20 Q ✔️

Venous return is increased by:
  •   a) Increased right atrial pressure.
  •   b) Increased intra-thoracic pressure.
  •   c) Contraction of skeletal muscles.
  •   d) Arterial vasoconstriction.
133 ta ovoz

The second heart sound differs from the first heart sound in that it is:
  •   a) Higher in intensity.
  •   b) Longer lasting than the first heart sound.
  •   c) Higher in pitch.
  •   d) Best heard over the apex of the heart.
120 ta ovoz

Conduction speed is lowest in the:
  •   a) AV node.
  •   b) Atrial pathways.
  •   c) Purkinje system.
  •   d) Ventricular myocardium.
125 ta ovoz

Which of the following decreases in RV failure:
  •   a) EDP of the RV.
  •   b) Systemic venous pressure.
  •   c) Cardiac output (CO).
  •   d) Systemic capillary pressure.
90 ta ovoz

Cutaneous blood flow increases due to:
  •   a) Cutaneous arteriolar dilation.
  •   b) A decrease in body temperature.
  •   c) An increase in arteriolar cutaneous resistance.
  •   d) Sympathetic stimulation to the cutaneous arterioles.
98 ta ovoz

The highest compliance of vascular system is present in:
  •   a) Arteries.
  •   b) Arterioles.
  •   c) Capillaries.
  •   d) Veins.
126 ta ovoz

Which sound coincides with the incisura of the Aortic pressure
  •   First
  •   Second
  •   Third
  •   Fourth
118 ta ovoz

Concerning venous system ,inhibition of sympathetic result in
  •   Venodilation
  •   ⬇️venous returne
  •   Venoconstriction
  •   A&B
114 ta ovoz

Which of the following are false
  •   Arteries and arterioles have richer sympathetic innervation than vein &values
  •   Capillary wall have smoth ms and are innervated
  •   Metaarteriol and precapillary sphincter are mainly controlled by local mechanisms
  •   Vein do not have B receptor
106 ta ovoz

Most of the arteries and veins of the body are innervated only by sympathetic nerve fiber
  •   ✅
  •   ❌
116 ta ovoz

Starling law state the relation between
  •   Systolic fiber length & force of relaxation
  •   Diastolic fiber length & force of relaxation
  •   Diastolic fiber length & force of endocardial contraction
  •   Diastolic fiber length & force of myocardial contraction
113 ta ovoz

During isometric contraction phase the ventricular pressure
  •   Does not change
  •   Decrease
  •   Rapid increase
  •   Non of above
119 ta ovoz

The HR can be calculated by
  •   Counting the arterial pulsation
  •   Counting R-R interval
  •   Counting the heart beat
  •   All are true
128 ta ovoz

Which of the following venous pulse is important for diagnostic tool
  •   Ivc
  •   SVC
  •   Jagular venous pulse
  •   Pulmonary vein
127 ta ovoz

Vegal escape is caused by
  •   Strong vegal stimulation
  •   Stimulation of sympathetic
  •   Stimulation of both sympathetic & parasympathetic
  •   Non of the above is correct
130 ta ovoz

Cardiac contractility assessed by
  •   Ejection fraction
  •   Dp/dt
  •   EDV
  •   A&B is true
125 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

1 144

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