DU 8.1 by blinoff82
Device: wifi: Restore previous WiFi offload setting
Device: kCal: Color temperature scale is added
Settings: Add option to scramble PIN layout when unlocking
Settings: WiFi: Remove country code checking. Always allow 5gHz AP option
SlimRecents: if a song is playing, set track info as card title
Frameworks_base: storage: Set all sdcards to visible
Frameworks_native: Fixed multitouch android bug
Kernel: upstreamed to 3.18.102, BFQ scheduler updated to 8r10 and used by default
Kernel: Fixed not worked OTG
Download: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=818070582850504645
As always i recommend clean flash.
#du #oreo #gemini
Device: wifi: Restore previous WiFi offload setting
Device: kCal: Color temperature scale is added
Settings: Add option to scramble PIN layout when unlocking
Settings: WiFi: Remove country code checking. Always allow 5gHz AP option
SlimRecents: if a song is playing, set track info as card title
Frameworks_base: storage: Set all sdcards to visible
Frameworks_native: Fixed multitouch android bug
Kernel: upstreamed to 3.18.102, BFQ scheduler updated to 8r10 and used by default
Kernel: Fixed not worked OTG
Download: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=818070582850504645
As always i recommend clean flash.
#du #oreo #gemini