Today's Jan'21 CA Final FR Paper with Quick Review
CA Final FR Exam was help today and the Paper and Quick Review
Quick Review (New Syllabus)
Surprisingly decent number of questions have come from ICAI Material. Going through RTP also might have helped the students.
The length of the paper is manageable. 3-hours time is exactly enough.
Two questions are tricky and how students dealt with them will decide whether a student will score 50 marks or 65 marks.
IndAS questions are not complex.
Rating : 7/10
Quick Review (Old Syllabus)
Compared to New Syllabus, Paper is little tougher, with each practical problem having one complex part (barring one question which is straight forward)
3-hours time should be however enough for this paper.
Around 40 marks have come from ICAI Material and past exams (with minor changes).
Rating : 6.5/10
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