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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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☝️If you want to sound more natural and understand native speech better, you should know these reductions.
'Чтoбы пoнимать нoсителя яызка, нужнo знать сленгoвые сoкращения.

🖍 to be + going to = gonna - nimadir qilmoqchi bo'lmoq, shaylanmoq.
I am gonna play chess with my brother.

🖍 got + to = gotta - kerak, lozim.
I gotta check my e-mail in the morning.

🖍 want + to = wanna - xohlamoq
I wanna play chess with my brother.

🖍 let me = lemme - ijozat bering.
Lemme finish my speech!

🖍 dunno = don't/doesn't know - bilmaslik, bilmayman.
Oh, I dunno what to say!

🖍 hafta = have to - kerak, shart, majbur bo'lmoq.
You hafta leave the city right now.

🖍 kinda = kind of - kabi, singari, dek.
I kinda need to be more polite now.

🖍 gimme = give me - ber menga.
Hey bro, gimme some money.

📌Don't forget to share, my friends!


🌙Jum'a ayyomingiz Muborak bo'lsin, azizlar!😊


🔊You may feel like using it for ringtone...

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Telegram'da ko‘rish
#technews as a prove of the video above😉
📱iPhone fans understand...

iPhone SE II or iPhone SE 2020

"Lots to love. Less to spend."

iPhone SE packs our most powerful chip into our most popular size at our most affordable price. It’s just what you’ve been waiting for.

Durable glass and aluminum design.

Brilliant 4.7” Retina HD display.

iPhone 11 Pro called. It wants its chip back.

A13 Bionic.

Starting at $399.


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Telegram'da ko‘rish

☝️Apple sells the brand🍏 not an iPhone with its flashy stories while presenting a New product.
📌Don't forget to share, my friend.


1. 📕 English Grammar: Master in 30 Days

English Grammar: Master in 30 Days is a comprehensive reference on the subject of English Grammar. In fact, it is organized into easy to master lessons with examples that are easy to understand. Specifically, the working formula is to use just 30 minutes of your time every day for only 30 days in order to achieve our goal of mastering the topics. Do not skip the examples and exercises. It is also good to practice daily what you have learned when writing like articles, reports and in your daily conversations.

Take charge and be on your way to mastering the English Language.

2. 📒 Lessons for IELTS Writing

Серия учебных пособий от издательства New Oriental для подготовки к сдаче международного экзамена по английскому языку IELTS, по всем основным навыкам - Чтение, Письмо, Говорение, Аудирование. Данная серия учебных материалов разработана специально для студентов восточных стран.

Lessons for IELTS Writing - One of the most difficult challenges you will face in a Academic Writing Test is being able to respond to Task 1 and Task 2 questions appropriately. In this book, you will be guided to produce the kind of writing that is required. Grammar is very important. You will learn the most common verb tenses and how to use them as well as the correct grammar structures for a variety of language functions that you will need to answer Task 1 (comparing, contrasting, etc.) and Task 2 (evaluating, discussing, giving opinions, etc.).

3. 📘 Collins Easy Learning Grammar and Punctuation

Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers

Collins Easy Learning Grammar is an accessible guide to English grammar and punctuation. With clear, concise explanations on everything from adverbs to word order, and from apostrophes to semicolons, this book is indispensable for understanding correct usage. Collins Easy Learning Grammar is a uniquely helpful guide to all areas of English grammar and punctuation, providing clear guidance through the intricacies of the English language. Each grammatical and punctuation point is clearly described in a user-friendly format that combines explanations with examples from modern English.

4. 📓 BARRON'S Essential Words for the TOEFL
5. 📗 Vocabulary for TOEFL
6. 📔 Building Grammar Skills for TOEFL


📚 🔥🔥🔥


📑Briefly For those who don't know Elon Musk🔻

🇺🇸Elon Reeve Musk FRS (/ˈiːlɒn/; born June 28, 1971) is an engineer, industrial designer, technology entrepreneur and philanthropist.

Born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa, Musk briefly attended the University of Pretoria before moving to Canada when he was 17 to attend Queen's University. He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, where he received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School and a bachelor's degree in physics from the College of Arts and Sciences. He began a Ph.D. in applied physics and material sciences at Stanford University in 1995 but dropped out after two days to pursue a business career.

He is a citizen of South Africa, the United States (where he has lived most of his life and currently resides), and Canada. 
He is the founder, CEO and chief engineer/designer of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink; and co-founder and initial co-chairman of OpenAI. 

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2018. In December 2016, he was ranked 21st on the Forbes list of The World's Most Powerful People, and was ranked joint-first on the Forbes list of the Most Innovative Leaders of 2019.

As of May 2020, he has a net worth of $36.5 billion and is listed by Forbes as the 31st-richest person in the world.He is the longest tenured CEO of any automotive manufacturer globally.

🇷🇺И́лон Рив Маск (англ. Elon Reeve Musk /ˈiːlɒn ˈmʌsk/; род. 28 июня 1971 года, Претория, ЮАР (Африка) — американский предприниматель, изобретатель, инженер и миллиардер.

Сооснователь компании PayPal; основатель, совладелец, генеральный директор и главный инженер компании SpaceX; генеральный директор и главный идейный вдохновитель (Chief Product Architect) компании Tesla; также был членом совета директоров компании SolarCity, основанной его двоюродными братьями, до её слияния с Tesla. Так же является основателем компании Boring и сооснователем OpenAI и Neuralink.

В рейтинге миллиардеров журнала Forbes. в 2020 году его состояние оценивается более чем в 36.0 млрд USD.

За выдающиеся заслуги перед наукой 9 мая 2018 года Илон Рив Маск удостоен членства Лондонского королевского общества.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⚡Elon Musk on meaning of life.

"Yoshligimda, hayotning manosi nmada, nega bu hayotdamiz ozi, maqsad nma deb o'ylayverardim. Va men keyinchalik, shunday xulosaga keldimki, aslida to'gri savol bera olish, vaziyatga tog'ri savol bilan yondosha olish katta axamiyatga ega ekan.
Inson ongini miqyosi va ko'lamini qancha ko'p oshirsak, shunchalik yaxshi biz bunday tog'ri savollar bilan hayotga yondosha olamiz".
- Elon Musk

✔️Tip: Try to learn English through the speeches of people who inspire you, believe me it's more fun.


📕Very simple illustrations of prepositions

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