Mr. Bond Music Archive

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[Verse 3]
Six four five was the time upon my Stowa
When me and my homies kicked off the fucking Shoah
Some communist rats try to hit us in a setup
(Die Fahne Hoch rings out as they're gettin' lit up)
Here we come taking our country back, and we're strapped
Turning reds into body stacks, as we bust caps
Kill, here's the deal
Resist or suicide either way your blood will spill
Right, so, what you motherfuckers gon come at me with?
Hope not appeals to be compassionate
'cause you can save that shit (Guess what they told me?)
"You'll lose your humanity if you kill us this coldly
Accept globalism, and we'll make your life plush
Oh yeah, but you have to breed out this evil white stuff"
Hmmm, let me think about it
Turned my back and grabbed my gat
And guess what I told 'em 'fore I shot it
Hundreds of damn times, yeah, we told you to take a hike, yeah
This was the last strike, now it's 7-6-2 in a hooknosed kike!

Yeah, start the 4th Reich
And it's 7-6-2 in a hooknosed kike
Yeah, start the 4th Reich
And it's 7-6-2 in a hooknosed kike
Yeah, start the 4th Reich
And it's 7-6-2 in a hooknosed kike
Yeah, start the 4th Reich
And it's 7-6-2 in a hooknosed kike
Yeah, start the 4th Reich
And it's 7-6-2 in a hooknosed kike

Mazmun berkitilgan

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Hans Landa ~ Mr. Bond

I Mean It Lyrics:


You know if I say something, I mean it. What? You thought I was being ironic?


If I ever said "Kill all the kikes.",
Just know, I mean it.
If I ever fly the Hakenkreuz,
Just know, I mean it.
And if I ever say, "Go make some kids.",
Just know, I mean it.
And oh Lord, oh Lord knows, He knows,
I mean it.

You know, I mean it.
You know, I mean it.
Just know, I mean it.
Just know, I mean it.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.

[Verse 1]
If I say that shit then I mean it,
My fucks-to-give are depleted,
I speak truth though it ain't convenient,
You chase pussy 'round, that's plebe shit,
We lock a pussy down, that's G shit,
Fuck hedonists and your NEET shit,
NatSoc lock it up, and then leash it.
Listen, despite what the jew told you, you can't just do whatever you wish to.
It's blood and soil, tribe matters, you are not just an individual.
I walk in, they all stare, like who the fuck is this dude?
Pure fascism I exude, I'm taking over now bitch move.
Will to power's how I get ahead,
Standing tall, I never fled,
That's why hebrews feel like I'm better dead,
But I'm quite alive and my genetics bred with a better girl, with a better face, make a better race, being better bred.
"I wanna serve Shlomo forever."
Yeah, that's that shit no one ever said.


[Verse 2]
Signed in blood, I'm sincere,
The Nazis are back in here,
I'll spell it out to make things clear,
Kikes, Masons, your end's near.
I've got a lane, and I'm in gear,
You people plotting White genocide,
That conversation really ends here.
Politicians just talk a bunch,
Then eat kosher cock for lunch.
No patience for those who betray their race, 'cause the red pills are too hard to munch.
Masculine, like whiskey neat,
You faggots are like vodka punch.
You will all go into the bar,
Quite soon, my friends, I've got a hunch.
On my side, it's authentic,
Anti-White shit gets all shredded.
"But not all X are like that, goy."
Yeah, cool Shmuley, we all get it.
"Don't gas us, friends, you can do without it."
You think that'll work again? I doubt it.
We are coming for your tribe, and there is nothing you can do about it.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Video when available

Supa Nazi Lyrics:

Super duper uber nazi
jews all run as soon they spot me
Spot me like I'm powerlifting
Showers so big thousands fit in
My chick got a stupid body
Aryan, I'm super cocky
Swazis flying put the fear of God
Into illuminati
Say your sorry, beg your pardon
It's too late I'll kick your door in
If you're foreign, shoot without a warning
Call me paparazzi
Mason lodges, kosher lobbies
Niggers, spics and jews and hajis
Kick em like I knew karate
I can't lie I'm super nazi

[Verse 1]
I got Zyklon in every pocket in my uniform
Pull up at the jewish dorm
Climb up on the roof and form
A funnel with my hands and drop the pellets on the newly-born
Kill so many kikes I turn the hooknose to a unicorn
If I need a laugh I'm turning Schindler's List the movie on
Shooting more than 50 hebrews from my room I deserve to be getting my sushi comped
Shoes looking like Louboutins from stompin on a homo
What's my favorite gay joke?
Statistics on AIDS ho
Seen them commies making memes too but they lame tho
Your flag is a rainbow
A swastika's my logo
Rip the uterus
Out of jewesses
Stab a pedophile priest with his crucifix
Y'all know how I do this shit
Yelling back to the kitchen to a groupie bitch


[Verse 2]
jews exploit the goy for profit
But this nazi's here to stop it
Shove 'em in the oven, chimneys
Blow them high like bottle rockets
Bitches think I'm only LARPing
Till I pull my Luger on 'em
Blast their brains against the wall
It's looking like a Jackson Pollock
First they get a yellow star
Then they ride a cattle car
Shlomos embark like Noah's Ark
I ship 'em off like Bonaparte
Girls like me, I'm swole and smart
Allah Ackbar ain't up to par
It's gonna be a massacre
They're raping their own grandmama
Why niggers are a crummy bunch
They came out of a monkey's cunt
Smelling like a jumpy skunk
Hang 'em like a bungee jump
Whitey says safari's done
Diversity is hardly fun
Democracy won't stop the heebs
Let's do what the nazis want


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Supa Nazi ~ Mr. Bond

Fashout Lyrics:

Fash out

I bring them nineteen forties, the fuck back
Me and my nazis, you can't stop that
We rollin' on commies, take the block back
Democrats running, to the cuck shed

Bring those forties, the fuck back
Me and my nazis, you can't stop that
We rollin' on commies, take the block back
Shlomo's running, like a rocket

[Verse 1]
Now why d'you like a racist party with anti-semites in it?
They already lost the game why you still trying to win it?
What did they ever do to you, why do you hate those jews
Man don't you follow the news, they flood us with coons
Fuck up our schools, breaking rules, cause of you gullible fools
Tell me you're from a stable family, how do you find those views?
You could be a superstar, and this is the path you choose?
What in the world is with that frog, why are you posting that frog?
A couple memes and the normalfags will swallow red pills
Kill anti-Whites and gas the kikes


[Verse 2]
Man, he was only 2 percent kike
Why in the fuck did you kill him?
He only sucked a dick once
Why you throw him off of that building?
You'll only hurt the movement
If you keep stacking bodies to the ceilin'
And the bigger the camp, the bigger the grillin'
The better I'm feelin', the less there is shilling
Exonerate Dylann and killin' the villains
Now who are you to judge us for banging some cholas and gooks
We were just practicing for our future wives, hold up with that noose
What in the world's enough for you, man, what's enough purity for you?
A hundred percent straight, a hundred percent White
And explicitly NatSoc, the big tent is for kikes


[Verse 3]
Are you right-wing, left wing, or you just custom fitted?
You hate capitalists and commies, what in the hell else is it?
Aren't nazis and reds both collectivist, I heard it's the same shit
You take a pick, while I round up this clique
Dig a ditch, put a Glock to their six and then kick
Now, tell me who's your leader man
And how do you plan to get votes?
What if you frighten the normies
Aren't you sabotaging your growth?
What in the world's with you and race, your obsession with race?
Get up out my face, if can't relate
With not wanting your people replaced by these apes
Nigga shake, shake, shake


Get out my country my country
Stay the fuck up out my country
Cause these niggers all up in my shit
And it's my country, my country
Stay the fuck up out my country
Cause it's mine, oh, mine

My country, my country
Stay the fuck up out my country
Cause these heebs all up in my shit
And it's my country, my country
Stay the fuck up out my country
Cause it's mine, oh, mine

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Fashout ~ Mr. Bond

Mazmun berkitilgan

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Can't Tell Me Nothing ~ Mr. Bond

Mazmun berkitilgan

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Deliverance ~ Mr. Bond

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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