MUNTASHKENT- это синтез научной конференции и ролевой игры, в ходе которого студенты и учащиеся старших классов на нескольких официальных языках ООН воспроизводят работу органов этой Организации, приобретают дипломатические, лидерские, ораторские и языковые навыки и умение приходить к компромиссу.
MUNTASHKENT- Bu ilmiy konferentsiya va rolli o'yin sintezi bo'lib, unda talabalar va o'rta maktab o'quvchilari BMTning bir nechta rasmiy tillarida ushbu Tashkilot organlarining ishlarini takrorlaydilar, diplomatik, etakchilik, notiqlik va til ko'nikmalariga ega bo'lishadi. murosaga kelish.
MUNTASHKENT- it is a synthesis of scientific conference and role-play, during which students and high school students in several official languages of the UN reproduce the work of the bodies of this Organization, acquire diplomatic, leadership, oratory and language skills and the ability to come to a compromise.
#mun #unitednations #modelunitednations #tashkentmun #muntashkent #tashkent #uzbekistan #muntashkentmoments
MUNTASHKENT- Bu ilmiy konferentsiya va rolli o'yin sintezi bo'lib, unda talabalar va o'rta maktab o'quvchilari BMTning bir nechta rasmiy tillarida ushbu Tashkilot organlarining ishlarini takrorlaydilar, diplomatik, etakchilik, notiqlik va til ko'nikmalariga ega bo'lishadi. murosaga kelish.
MUNTASHKENT- it is a synthesis of scientific conference and role-play, during which students and high school students in several official languages of the UN reproduce the work of the bodies of this Organization, acquire diplomatic, leadership, oratory and language skills and the ability to come to a compromise.
#mun #unitednations #modelunitednations #tashkentmun #muntashkent #tashkent #uzbekistan #muntashkentmoments