MyTonWallet · News

Kanal geosi va tili: AQSh, Inglizcha

🦄 The most feature-rich TON wallet – with support of staking, multi-accounts, tokens, Ledger, NFT, TON DNS, TON Sites, TON Proxy, and TON Magic.
Independet. Powerful. Open-source.
@MyTonWalletChat — Download for all platforms.

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AQSh, Inglizcha
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⚡️ Important info for $MY giveaway and airdrop winners

Kind reminder that for the successful claim of your tokens, you need to unfreeze them on time and regularly. Keep in mind that the withdrawal period is limited; any unwithdrawn tokens will return to the reserve and will no longer be available to you.

The first vesting period ends on June 30th — make sure to unfreeze your tokens through the MyTonWallet app. Don’t forget to link your address in our bot if you haven't done so already.

Keep an eye on your balances and remember, $MY tokens are like ice cream — they ‘melt’ if not enjoyed in time! 🍦

💎 Download MyTonWallet

📱 Follow

🥷 Don't Let Them Fool Ya

There are a lot of scammers that try to mimic official MyTonWallet resources and impersonate our support account and team members.

Make sure to only trust the 4 verified accounts:

✅️ @MyTonWalletEn
✅️ @MyTonWall
✅️ @MyTonWalletBot
👉 @MyTo
nWalletSupport (carefully verify the username).

And the 3
official websites:

🌐 mytonwallet.i
🌐 m>

• All other accounts and websites are most likely scammers.
• At the moment we do not hold any airdrops, giveaways or contests, even if someone else tells you so.
• Please, share this caution with your peers.

Stay safe! ❤️

Crypto Bot News dan repost
New Trading Pair: MY/USDT is now available on our 🐬 Exchange.

You can create limit and market orders to buy or sell within the MY/USDT trading pair on our platform.

🦋 Crypto Bot supports deposits and withdrawals of 🐠 MY via the 🐬 TON network and in four networks for 💲 USDT.

🐬 Trade on our Exchange:

💎 MY is now available on 🦋 Crypto Bot

We're excited to share some great news with you guys. Starting today, 💎 MyTonWallet Coin is available on Crypto Bot, making it easier than ever to top up and transfer $MY using @send.

🦋 Crypto Bot (@send) is the longest existing, remarkably user-friendly (we know you value that) and constantly evolving wallet on Telegram, offering the wide range of useful features.

Here's what you can do with 💎 MY in @send starting today:
Wallet deposits and withdrawals.
• Sending checks and invoices.
• Creating giveaways.
• Setting up subscriptions.
• Accepting payments via Crypto Pay.

Stay tuned for more updates — this is just the beginning!

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Telegram'da ko‘rish
💌 Introducing MyTonWallet v20: Huge Update Packed with New Features and Enhanced Security! 🌟

We're excited to launch MyTonWallet v20, an update that brings a suite of new features, major improvements, and stronger security enhancements. Check out what's new in this latest version:

👑 Feature Progress

· Gasless” Payments · No need for TON fees anymore for transfers and swaps—fees are now deducted directly from the sent tokens.

· NFT Enhancements · Filter by collections, use new options to mass send and burn (including NOT vouchers), configure your TON DNS domains and view descriptions for your favorite NFTs.

· $MY Coin Vesting · A new section for airdrop and giveaway winners to manage their mycoin vesting.

· Tonviewer Integration · We've switched our explorer to Tonviewer for enhanced functionality.

· Tech Support Section · Our dedicated team members are now ready to assist you with any issues.

· Restore NFTs from Ledger · Ledger users can now export their NFTs.

· Revamped ‘Add / Buy’ Menu on Android · Redesigned based on user feedback.

· Expanded Language Support · UI now available in Ukrainian, Polish, and Thai.

🔐 Security Updates

· Scam Protection · Scam NFTs are automatically hidden, and scam addresses are clearly marked with a ⛔ marker.

· Wallet Import by Private Key · Securely import wallets using a private key.

· Increased Awareness · Additional warnings added to the 24 secret words screen to enhance user awareness.

🏋️ Also included: Numerous bug fixes and performance improvements for a smoother MyTonWallet experience.

⬇️ Update MyTonWallet and get ready to explore these new features! Your feedback is vital to us—let us know how these new changes work for you.


Hi guys,

🎉 It’s been an amazing start for our $MY token! Here are some stats from the first 48 hours after launch:

⬆️ On launch day, we hit the TOP-1 spot on the DEX Screener for TON network, and now our pool is still holding strong in the TOP-4.

🎈 We now have 11,700 token holders in our community.

🔄 In the first 24 hours, our trading volume reached a whopping $4.163 million. Now, it has climbed to an impressive $6.049 million.

💰 Our market cap stands at a robust $23.46 million.

🔃 We’ve seen incredible growth, peaking at 619% from the launch price, and we’re currently holding at 469%.

🍷 Our liquidity is solid at $1.2 million.

Thank you all for your phenomenal support. This is just the beginning of our journey at MyTonWallet. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and let’s keep building this amazing community together!

And don't forget to 💎 Download MyTonWallet — the best place to hold your $MY coins.

🏴‍☠️ Information for participants of the MyTonWallet Early Giveaways

If you don't see $MY reward balance in MyTonWallet please make sure you have the latest app version installed. Then follow this link to link your address to @MyTonWalletBot.

❗️ We remind
u that the winners in the second round were those who scored 186 XP or more.

➕ Link the ad

✨ $MY is #1 in Trending on DEX Screener!

🚀 Dear friends, we warn you against using any other pairs other than this:

Otherwise, you risk losing money. At the moment there is no stable TON/MY pair. Use the link above for the USDT/MY pair.

early dan repost
MyTonWallet Early | Round 2 results

Rewards pool 1,000,000 $MY
All those who earned more than 186 points on the list of winners.

Some stats
Contributors: 492,399 people
Swap transactions: 45,152 +122%
Swap volume: $9,5М +131%
Staking TVL: 3,12M TON +41%

Claim: available in MyTonWallet App. If not, update your application 🔄

Stay early 🌄

Hi guys,

🎉 A little over a month ago, our users voted for the launch of the MyTonWallet utility token. Today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of $MY — MyTonWallet Coin.

$MY will link all our existing and future services. Holding the token unlocks premium features, better swap rates, and higher staking rewards.

We're also looking at creating a DAO in the future, allowing loyal users to directly influence the wallet's development, further strengthening our community.

Currently, over 40% of the total token supply has already been distributed to active users, and another 30% will be distributed over the next four years.

$MY was distributed for free; we didn't conduct any sales rounds. However, we've decided to allocate a portion of the tokens and our own funds to create a liquidity pool on decentralized exchanges.

Liquidity goes live on later today. We hope this will help establish a healthy market for all interested parties.

We'll publish the trading pair link in our channel (beware of scammers — they might try to create fake pairs).

This is just the beginning!

⬇️ Download MyTonWallet

Our audience growth has exceeded our wildest expectations

In less than six months, we’ve reached the impressive milestone of one million active users, all with zero advertising costs.

We’re committed to continuing our mission of creating a truly convenient and secure wallet for our users. Exciting plans are on the horizon.

Thank you for choosing MyTonWallet ❤️

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🎇 Swap and transfer USDT and NOT with empty TON balance

MyTonWallet now allows transactions with a zero TON balance across all platforms.

If you only have ☺️ USDT or ☺️ NOT on your balance, you no longer need to buy TON, use in-app purchases or take any additional actions to pay for transfers.

MyTonWallet will automatically deduct network fees from your token transfer 🤯

* The swap feature is already available. The transfer feature will become available within 24 hours.

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624.5k 7 696 15.5k

🥳 We have some great news, guys!

MyTonWallet has made it to #1 in CertiK's crypto-wallet ratings — Top TON Projects and Top Wallet Projects.

Back in April, we were #4 and #14, respectively.

We couldn't be more proud that our constant dedication to security is recognized by the leading blockchain project audit company.

More news and updates to come, stay tuned 😘

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💎 Voucher burning is live!

If you previously burned Notcoin vouchers and didn't receive $NOT, you can now fix this:

1. Go to @notcoin_bot.
2. Connect
your MyTonWallet account — the one you used to burn the vouchers.
3. Tap the ➕ in the top right corner and select 'Refresh Page'.

Shortly after, $NOT will be credited to your balance in the bot, and you will be able to withdraw it to your wallet. 🤘

👨‍💻 We're also preparing an important update that will enable transfers even if you don't have enough Toncoin to cover the transaction fee.

⬇️ Download MyTonWallet

MyTonWallet Developer Contests dan repost
💫 Fullstack JavaScript Developers Contest: Results

After days of code reviewing, testing, and thorough deliberations, we are happy to announce MyTonWallet JavaScript Contest winners!

The competition at the top of the winners’ list was really challenging — the top 4 participants came very close.

Nonetheless, we appreciate the contributions of all participants and decided to reward everyone.

Meet the winners (identified by their nicknames) 🏋️:

🥇 Pikachu — $3,000
🥇 Bulbasaur — $3,000
🥈 Charizard — $2,000
🥈 Greninja — $2,000

🥉 Snorlax — $750
🥉 Squirtle — $750
🥉 Gyarados — $750
🥉 Tyranitar — $750
🥉 Charmander — $750
🥉 Lucario — $750
🥉 Gardevoir — $750

🎖️ Eevee — $300
🎖️ Jigglypuff — $100
🎖️ Mewtwo — $100
🎖️ Gengar — $50
🎖️ Rayquaza — $50

Feel free to reach out to this table where we provided the detailed code review and testing results along with some comments from our reviewers.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the winners and our deepest appreciation to all participants for their hard work and dedication. Stay tuned for more exciting contests and opportunities to showcase your talents! 😍

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Here are a few more tips from our support

👉 If your question is related to Notcoin:

1) To burn a voucher update MyTonWallet to version 1.19.29 or higher.

2) If you made a Notcoin withdrawal but still don't see it in your wallet balance:
• Check that you have the correct wallet address linked in @notcoin_bot.
• Ensure that the withdrawal was completed and the funds have left the account;
• Deposits and withdrawals may take up to 48 hours.

3) You can also contact Notcoin support at
👉 @not_support_chat or use the guide on withdrawing Notcoin.

‼️ Due to high network traffic, deposits and withdrawals may take up to 48 hours.

👉 If you withdrew funds to an exchange and don't see them in your account:
• Make sure you entered the correct MEMO.
• Find your transaction in the blockchain.
• Contact the exchange's support, providing the hash of your transaction, which can be found at

👉 If you see a message about insufficient balance:
• This means you don't have enough TON in your account to cover the blockchain fee, which (according to network rules) can only be paid with this coin.
• You can top up your token balance by clicking the 'Top Up' button.

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About the MyTonWallet Support Team

💎 Over the past week, we've reached 800K subscribers in our Telegram RUS & ENG and X communities. With this growth, the workload on our support team, which is always ready to help with any questions, has also increased.

We try our best to respond as quickly as possible, but sometimes we need a bit more time than usual. We appreciate your understanding and patience 🫶

Here are the main tips that will help us quickly understand and resolve your problem.

🔷 Please provide details of your problem along with your MyTonWallet address. If possible, attach a few screenshots of the issue.
🔷 Support languages: ENG & RUS (in some cases ESP).
🔷 Make sure to check our FAQ section. You might find an answer there.

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