there's a thing call "adab". Sorry to say but most of us pandang remeh about this including me but there's also a thing call "karma" . You know people always said that "karma is real" and it is. Kita as a human being at least have some common sense on respecting people especially to those yang ajar you . okay fine, you always datang kelas dia and so on but that doesn't mean you can talk so loudly while he/she is teaching even when he/ she is not giving any lecture you're still in his/her class so can you mind giving your teacher /lecturer some respect there ? We are all human being . We all have our own feelings. Don't you even think that your action will hurt them and don't you think you're bothering those who want to give their full focus during class? When you grow up and you are giving any lecture or maybe presentation or giving your opinion don't feel hurt or insult when people ignoring you because karma is always going be there . What goes around , comes around. I can tolerate with some annoying thing but adab is what I always hate when people treat like it's nothing. Same goes on how you treat your parents. Macam mana kau treat parents kau macam tu juga akan berlaku once kau dapat Anak nanti . Don't feel like your children doesn't respect you but think of what you've done before towards your parents. Senang cerita , let's all of us start implement adab dalam kehidupan seharian . selamat malam ❤️