nonsense sentences

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

words wont bother you, right?
@napalmskies_bot @sadgasms
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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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if you start to miss me

i didnt walk away,
but you let me go.

every piece
of me
for you.

i hope when you open the door,
to find that im no longer there.
that for one second
you sit where i sat,
and contemplate.
whether you ever deserve,
someone like me.

you're beautiful because you know your own darkness and still, that alone doesn't stop you from finding your own light.

—r.m. drake

broken girls,
evolve into
unstoppable women.

—r.h. sin

if i lived
a million lives,
i would have felt
a million feelings
and i still
would have fallen
a million times
for you.

—r.m. drake

follow your heart my love
let it guide the way.
it will lead you beyond
the gates of mystery
and fear not
for fear is a lie
only love is real.
like the love i have for you

where are you now my love?
where do you now sleep?
or do you sleep?
you stand surrounded by golden light
white stars swirl around you.
i walk alone in a midnight garden.
i look into the eyes of a black cat
and see the life inside them.
like the life that was in you.

time will break
and it will be as if it never existed
like the moment i looked into your eyes.
doubt everything else,
but do not doubt that i love you.

a good friend:

is there for you no matter what.
doesnt judge you.
doesnt put you down.
doesnt hurt your feeling.
is kind and respectful to you.
is someone whose company you.
is loyal.
is trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth.
laughs with you.
sticks around when things get tough.
makes you smile.
is there to listen.
is there to cheer you up when you cry.

i think about us always.
i don't know
if this gonna be
the end
of the chapter,
or you'll
return later on
or it's the end
of the story.
but i cant help
but think of you.
i love you,
i miss you,
and im sorry
this is the way
why it became.

and so,
they asked me,
"does this song remind you of him?"
i laughed,
everything does.

what if i never forget you?

what if,
all my life,
when i meet someone new,
i can never fall for them,

because they aren't you?

Please Come Back

My whole world came to a painful and shocking halt.
The day you decided to give my heart a drop.
You are no more in my life, it is such a shame.
The love that I have for you is making me insane.
So please baby, please come back into my life.
For your absence is more painful than a knife.

l was raised to show respect. I was taught to knock before I open a door. Say hello when I enter a room Say please and thank you, and to have respect for my elders. I'd let another person have my seat if they need it. Say 'yes sir' and 'no sir', and help others when they need me to, not stand on the sidelines and watch, hold the door for the person behind me, say 'excuse me' when it's needed and to love people for who they are and not for what I can get from them and most importantly, I was also raised to treat people exactly how I would like to be treated by others. It's called respect.

and in the end,
i wasnt really sure,
what i was holding on to.

you never really gave me,
anything to go on.

i dont know why,
i couldnt let you go.


it hurts,
in such a way,

that it feels,
as if you hurt,

for everyone,
who has ever hurt this way.

—soul ache

she often felt lonely,
despite a crowded room.
she liked to stay up late,
and tell stories to the moon.
she danced in what little light,
the stars allowed to be seen,
and she often kept herself awake,
for the night time was but a dream.


even if we're not together,
you'll be loved forever.

my heart will always belong to you.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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