If you use Google Chrome as your main browser, we have great news for you 🔥
Today we officially publish Netlas.io in browser extension format! Now users can explore the site they are on at any time with a couple of clicks. Find out potential vulnerabilities, host data, and much more.
👉🏻 Read more: https://netlas.medium.com/netlas-io-chrome-extension-65a8e3d03bc0?postPublishedType=initial
👉🏻 Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netlasio/pncoieihjcmpooceknjajojehmhdedii?utm_source=ext_app_menu
Today we officially publish Netlas.io in browser extension format! Now users can explore the site they are on at any time with a couple of clicks. Find out potential vulnerabilities, host data, and much more.
👉🏻 Read more: https://netlas.medium.com/netlas-io-chrome-extension-65a8e3d03bc0?postPublishedType=initial
👉🏻 Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netlasio/pncoieihjcmpooceknjajojehmhdedii?utm_source=ext_app_menu